Page 44 of Lex

“That apartment was shady, William, and I’m the motherfucking shade. I know these things.”

“Well, it works fine for what I need.”

It’s true, I really am simple. Why do you think I could just pick up and move across the country? It’s because I don’t have much and I’m okay with that. I’m a minimalist at heart. I packed a few boxes and was good to go. It was a harder move for Jason.

Lex eyes me for a moment and then moves them back to the road.

“We’ll see. I should set up some cameras there to make sure you’re safe. The guard at the front door was high as a fucking kite. He’s more likely to shoot you than an actual intruder.”

“I think you watch me enough,” I say, and Lex reaches over and sets his hand on my thigh.

“Oh, I could watch youall day. And don’t pretend like your dick isn’t hard right now just thinking about it.”

It is. There’s no hiding it.

It’s reaching up toward Lex, panting.

When he pulls up to his apartment building and we exit the car, he grabs my bag and then reaches over and links his hand with mine.

I’ve never held another man’s hand before. I like it. I think I want to do it all the time.

He pulls me into the elevator and before the doors even close, his mouth is on mine, and I just melt into him.

“You’re getting better at this,” he says as the bell dings and the doors open.

I blush red at his praise because it seems that’s all I can do around him these days. I just pant and flush crimson.

Lex tosses my bag onto his bed and then turns to me. “Well, before we do anything else, I have something for you,” he says, his brow furrowed.

He holds out his hand and opens his fingers, and on his palm lies a flash drive.

“For you,” he says.

I touch it gingerly and meet his gaze.

“On that is everything youneedto know about me,” he explains and my heart begins to gallop.

“You just have this lying around?” I ask, confused as to why someone would just have this compiled. Does he give this to everyone he sleeps with?

Or is it just me?

I don’t like thinking that it’s not just me.

“Of course. I’m always prepared.”

I take it from him and slide it into my pants pocket. I’ll look at it later. Maybe.

Right now, there are more urgent matters at hand, like the fact that Lex’s shirt is riding up his stomach as he pulls the whiskey down from the cabinet.

“Want some?” he asks me.

I nod and he pours me a glass.

I sip at it as he pours himself one and says, “Now before you get on your knees and I teach you how to suck my dick, we need to discuss Brenda.”

My eyebrows meet because I do not enjoy hearing those two issues squished together into the same sentence. Sucking dick and my grandma are two very separate subjects and thinking about them at the same time makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out.

“Please warn me before you decide to work my grandma into our sex conversations. But, what about her?” I ask.