Page 37 of Lex

Hmm, I should probably not be having all these filthy thoughts in the presence of his grandmother.

I take her hand and squeeze it gently. Her skin is so wrinkly and soft and it reminds me once more how old she is.

“There’s nothing between William and me.”

“That’s not what he said.”

My eyebrows shoot up and I lean a little closer, intrigued.

“Do tell, Bren. Don’t keep secrets from me.”

She smirks and pretends to zip her lips. Oh, what a monster. She’s liking this a little too much.

“Bren,” I warn, but she just waggles her eyebrows.

“I’ll tell you one thing,” she says, holding up an arthritic finger. “He blushed a lot when he talked about you. I’ve never seen him like that.”

Why, yes, he does blush a lot. I love watching all that fair, freckled skin turning the most delicious color pink.

I’m regretting my decision to withhold sex until he’s given me what I want because he is so very tempting.

If I concentrate hard enough, I can still taste him on my tongue.

You know, now that I’ve had some time apart from him and really put some thought into it, I wonder why I can’t have both BrendaandWilliam. The custody agreement was a little unreasonable, I admit. We can share her, like he said.

I don’t like keeping myself from things I want, and Iwanthim.

Maybe I’ll make a stop by his work on the way out of here, just to check on the state of things. He does have a stalker, after all, which could possibly harm Brenda. It’s within the realm of possibility. Yes, it’s Brenda that I’m protecting, not William. Not really. This has nothing to do with me seeing those nasty text messages she sent him and feeling the sudden urge to claw her eyes out.

Brenda is my priority and that’s why I have to take certain preventative measures.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to check the screen.

Diablo:That bitch was hard to find. Now you owe me double for working miracles. You know what I want.

I smirk down at my phone. I knew he’d come through, and the price was a total steal.

Me:Don’t worry, you’ll get it.

Diablo:Should only take you about three hours.

Me:Oh, I can do it in an hour and a half. You know how good I am.

Diablo:Don’t brag. We know your skills are unmatched. Just hurry up. I need it.

Jesus, Diablo is a greedy, impatient fucker. He needs someone to spank him into submission, make him beg a little, and help him shut that smart mouth of his.

I snort at the image.

It would have to be a very special man to accomplish that.

Diablo may be small, but he’s terrifying. And so is his family.

All sociopaths, if you ask me.

I shudder at the thought and then peek over and at Brenda. She’s asleep—just snoozing all the fucking time.

I’ll talk to William about her health when I stop by. We need to come up with a plan. And to be honest, I’d much rather do this with him than fight him on it.