Page 10 of Lex

He jumps slightly but I keep my gaze forward. He probably wonders if I was the one who touched him so inappropriately, but he won’t ask. He’ll think he just imagined it. Imagine away, William. Let those thoughts soar.

“Middle name, William. I’m so very curious,” I say again when he doesn’t give me so much as a peep.


My eyebrows shoot up and I smirk. “Nice.”

“It couldn’t be helped,” he replies.

“What does it mean?” I ask. “Because a middle name like that has to have some kind of purpose.”

“I don’t know. It just is.”

Hmm, well some research will have to be done. So much research. Maybe I’ll ask Brenda and see what she can give me.

“Can I help you?” the woman behind the counter asks, interrupting my tangential thoughts.

“I’d like a cinnamon roll and…” William forces his gaze away from me and clears his throat. “Milk.”

Ah, so no brains or rotting corpses. Just milk. How fucking innocent. Like a baby. Well, looks can be deceiving. This man is anything but.

“And for you?” she asks.

“Hmm, that custard-filled maple bar, oh and that cheese Danish.” I eye the sweets on the rack and add, “And that pecan bun.” I glance over at William who looks at me like I’m insane. “Don’t judge. I’m a slut for sweets. This is me showing self-restraint.”

He holds out his credit card, but I swat his hand away.

“I got it,” I say and scan the card on my phone before he can protest. I’m not taking one thing from this guy. I can buy my own damn sweets and his motherfucking milk.

“Thank you.”

“My absolute pleasure,” I purr and then take the bag the woman is holding out to us.

I move outside and William follows. I still don’t have a clue where that phone of his is, and I think the only way I can get to it is to be extra sneaky.

I can set aside any qualms I have about this man. What I am about to do is for the greater good.

“Hold this,” I say, handing William the bag full of goodies. He takes it without hesitation and continues to follow me. I spot a small alley two stores down and it’s the perfect hiding spot. When we reach it, I grab onto William’s tie and drag him into the enclosed space.

“What—?” he asks, but his words are cut off by my lips pressing against his.

“Mmmph,” he murmurs as his entire body stiffens and slams into the brick wall behind him.

I probably should have pondered for a moment about consent and whether or not this guy is into men. He could be adamantly against it. But, then again, he isn’t immediately pushing me away like I’d expect him to do if he was affronted or grossed out. Which only makes my job of finding his phone easier. He won’t notice what my hands are doing.

I move my mouth against his and inhale deeply. He still smells like a donut. I want to slide my tongue into him for a taste. I press my body against his and feel a hard bulge in his nether regions that’s definitelynothis phone. My, William, what a big dick you have.

As I nibble my way across his lips, I realize that he isn’t moving. It’s like he’s frozen solid.

Why the hell is he just standing so awkwardly? I mean, I’ve kissed some weirdos before, but I’ve never kissed someone this stiff and unyielding. I might as well be making out with the brick wall behind him.

I wrench my mouth away from his and meet his wide-eyed stare.

“Why are you so bad at this?” I ask.

It really is an anomaly. This man exudes sex, he’s clearly hard, and yet, he kisses like a dead fish.

His eyes widen even more, his cheeks flaming. “I’ve never…I’m…”