Page 99 of Lex



The tattoo gun whirls in the background as Hector bends over my wrist, inking Brenda’s name into my skin.

William watches it all, his eyes wide, his fingers wrapped around my free hand.

I was fine driving over here, but now watching her name slowly appear on my skin is making my eyes sting. I worry if I start crying again, Hector will never let me live it down.

“Why you sniffling?” he asks, his eyes narrowed on me. “You sick? Because there is some bad shit going around and I’ll be real mad if you infect me.”

I roll my eyes and glower at him. It’s better than sobbing.

“I’m emotional. It’s a thing humans do.”

Hector snorts. “You’re just as sassy as Emery. That little shit.”

“Yes, well we grew up together. We have similar tendencies.”

Hector grunts and gets back to work. He wipes at the tattoo and I shift on the seat, the pain so familiar to me that it doesn’t even bother me anymore. William leans toward me, whispering in my ear, “I love your tendencies.”

And that L-word, it just pierces my heart and I suddenly remember him saying he’d love me now that Brenda is gone. I hadn’t put much thought into it at the time. I was too lost in my grief. But now…

“Do you love me, William?” I blurt.

His forehead scrunches with confusion. “Have I not made that clear already?”

“Did you hear that, H? He can’t even come out and say it,” I say playfully.

“Yeah, that’s a fucking red flag, my man,” Hector says with a snort. “Where’d you find this one anyways?”

William rolls his eyes, muttering, “This isn’t really the time or place.”

“He’s Brenda’s grandson.” I eye William and smile, feeling myself start to tear up again. “She gave him to me before she left so I wouldn’t be alone. Told us to take care of each other.”

Hector sighs uncomfortably and works a little faster because he’s an emotionless asshole who doesn’t want to hear my sob story.

A few minutes later, my new ink is done and William and I are walking outside. My chest feels uncomfortably tight and my eyes are on fire as I stare at my new tattoo, my forever reminder of Brenda.

Emery scampers over to us, his hair a little mussed, his cheeks flushed. Hmm, I have a feeling I know exactly what he was doing moments before. Actually, I know exactly what they were doing. I’m sure I’ll hear all the details later. He can’t help but brag about his sexy Mr. Rogers.

“Fuck, I almost missed you,” Emery says, running a hand through his hair and then zipping up his fly. “Sorry. Got a little bored waiting around.”

“Yes, well, I can tell,” I say, eyeing him and Emery bounces from foot to foot. “Where is August?”

Emery waves his hand in front of his face. “He’s getting situated. Enough about him. Let me see. I wanna see.”

I bare my wrist to him and he bobs his head. “Looks super good. I mean, H is like the best at what he does. I keep trying to convert you…” His eyes meet mine and he nods. “Yeah, okay, I’m picking up on some cues here. I think you’re telling me with your eyes that you want to go home.”

“Finally learning how to read the room?”

“Yes, well, I never much liked reading, but I’m trying, okay,” he says with a laugh. “August is teaching me things. And not just in the bedroom. He’s very smart and emotionally intelligent.”

“That he is,” I say, and William tugs on my arm, trying to pull me away from this conversation. I’m glad because we’re both exhausted and now that I don’t have a distraction anymore, I’m feeling it.

The weight of our sadness.

I ache from it.