Page 98 of Lex

Emery bounces his leg and runs a hand through his hair. “Who the hell is Skylar?”

“Some super-muscular bodyguard that has been following him around for days now.”

Emery stops wiggling for a moment and asks, “Is he hot?”

Lex shrugs. “If you’re into titans.”

I bite my lip to hold back a smile because I noticed Skylar too. How could you not? He’s massive…and kinda scary, honestly.

Emery eyes August and sighs. “Nah, I like my man just as he is.”

August looks over at that exact second and their eyes catch, a small smile lifting his lips before moving back toward the couch.

“Three scoops of sugar, just for you,” he tells Emery.

Emery winces as he sips at it but still eyes us with a twinkle in his eyes.

“See? I got him to budge. He said only two scoops, but he gave me three.”

August rolls his eyes but still pulls Emery back into his arms.

“So anyway, I got off track. And look, I know we just got here and you seem fucking tired, but I was thinking we could go out and do something. Take your mind off all this shit.”

Lex sighs. “I’m not sure… I’m exhausted. It’s been a long ass day.”

“Oh yeah, totally, I get that. But I made you an appointment with my tattoo guy at seven. He can squeeze you in. I tried for your girl, but she’s booked up. And I know you’d want to get something to remember Brenda. You texted me that font you like, remember? I think it would be perfect.”

“Can I see?” I ask and Lex pulls out his phone, showing me a cursive font.

“This one. I want to get her name. I’ve been thinking about it all day.”

I lean forward and press my lips to his temple. “That sounds amazing. If you’re up for it, you should go.”

Lex sniffles. “Yeah, it does. Okay, Eminem. Yeah. Let’s do it.”

When I meet Emery’s gaze he smiles softly. “You could get one too,” he tells me.

“I think I’m okay, thanks. As much as I love tattoos on Lex, they aren’t really my thing.”

“You’re perfect without them,” Lex says.

I press my lips to his, licking my way into his mouth, just enjoying the taste of him.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, this is making me anxious,” Emery mutters. “August, don’t look. It’s all very sexual. It’s not for your innocent eyes. Although, it is giving me some ideas. I’m taking mental notes for later…”

We pull apart and Lex stares at his best friend. “I have literally seen you two fucking. There was nothing innocent about any of that.”

Emery gasps. “You have not.”

Lex arches an eyebrow and Emery waggles a finger at him.

“You better erase it. August is not for your consumption. He’s mine. Do it now.”

Lex lets out a soft chuckle and leans back against me, the sound resonating so sweetly in my ears.

“He’s so fucking gullible.”

“Asshole,” Emery mutters, trying not to smile. “But I still love you. So, I’m not canceling this appointment with Hector. You’re welcome. You can thank me with sugary lollipops.”