Page 83 of Lex

I bite my bottom lip because he’s just so damn precious right now. I want to tuck him away and keep him safe from any heartbreak.

I pull his hand up to my lips and press a gentle kiss to his knuckles as I pull onto the freeway.

When we arrive at Hoag Hospital twenty minutes later, Lex power walks through the parking lot and I have to jog to keep up with him.

“What if they don’t let me in?” he asks, his eyes frenzied, his hand sweating in mine. “I’m not family.”

“You are,” I say, as we step in line at the reception desk. “You’re her grandson.”

Lex’s breath wooshes out of him as he runs a hand across his cheek, his eyes meeting mine, glassy and wide.

“Stop it,” he whispers to me, pulling me into him and pressing a kiss to my mouth. “Stop being so fucking wonderful.”

I grin and I wrap my arms around him. Because no, I won’t stop. I’m going to keep being wonderful because he deserves it, and above all, I hope we can keep doing what we’re doing. I like waking up next to him, falling asleep in his arms, and just spending time with him.

I crave the feel of him, the taste of him, the smell of him. He is everywhere—in my body, my heart, and my fucking soul.

I don’t know how it happened so fast, but it did. And I have no desire to go back to the way things were. To do so would be devastating.

When we finally make our way into my grandma’s room, Lex visibly sags in relief. I told him she would be fine, but he didn’t believe me. He needed to see it with his own eyes.

“Bren,” he says in irritation, pulling her gaze to him. “What in the fuck did you manage to do?”

My grandma smiles at him widely, her eyes twinkling as she glances at her arm resting limply on the bed.

“They say it’s just sprained.”

Lex rolls his eyes and moves toward her.

“Jesus Christ. Were you running around like I told you not to? Where was your walker, huh? And what is this on your neck?”

He points to the brace around her neck, and she lets out a small, pained laugh.

“Broke my neck a little.”

Lex’s eyes widen and he turns to look at me, shocked. Then his head swivels back to my grandma. “How can you break it a little? That is not a thing, Bren.”

“Apparently it is. I must have a superpower.”

“Do not joke about this. It’s not funny,” he mutters, and I know he’s about to lose it. I move toward him, wrapping him up in my arms. He melts into me, his hands moving up my back.

“You and William are both awful. Laughing about bad, scary shit,” Lex mutters.

“I didn’t laugh,” I explain, but Lex just ignores me, his eyes moving around the small room.

“Where is the doctor? The service here is awful.”

“I just got here a bit ago,” my grandma says, moving her good arm and turning her palm up.

Lex pulls away from me and lowers himself onto the edge of the bed, his hand slipping into hers.

“Well, they should place more value on care. This is ridiculous. People could be meeting Jesus right and left in here without anyone monitoring them.”

“I’m not meeting Jesus today,” she says. “Not yet, at least.”

He frowns deeply, his whole body stiffening.

“I’m just so happy to see you and William together. I’m glad that you have each other. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for both of you. So when the time comes, I can die a happy woman.”