Page 77 of Lex

“Delicious,” I mutter against him. “How about I put that plug in you….”

“Yes,” he moans.

“And make you wear it while I finish up some stuff.”

“You’re going to make me wait?” he asks, looking up at me, his cheeks red, his lips swollen from biting on them.

“Mhmm, I have a project that cannot wait. So come on. Chop, chop.”

My hand grabs onto his and I pull him into the room.

“Pants off.”

William tugs them down roughly and then bends over, completely, deliciously naked, while I grab the plug and the lube.

It goes in easier than I expect, and when it’s seated neatly inside of him, I run my hand over it.

“Good. Very nice,” I say and then take a step back, adjusting myself. Because I am very tempted right now.

But I have a deadline.

Diablo is not going to be happy. I put off this project, too consumed with William, and he’s going to come to collect.

“Now come sit near me while I work,” I tell him and pull out the chair I’d bought for him a few days ago.

He’s spent very little time sitting in it. Mostly he’s on my lap, but while I paint, I need space to move and focus. I can’t focus when he’s on me.

I watch as he sits down, a gasp escaping his mouth and I smirk.

Yes, William, that can’t be comfortable.

But still, I let him writhe a bit in his seat, enjoying the view as I take out my tools and begin painting the minis Diablo gave me.

“So, tell me, what got you into painting these?” William asks, his attempt to distract himself is so damn cute.

“Well, I’ve always liked gaming and a few years ago my friend Diablo brought me to a game store where we played a board game with these miniatures. I realized that while I like the game, I like the idea of painting the figurines more.”

“You seem very good at it,” he says.

“I am good at a lot of things, as you well know.”

He nods, biting down on his bottom lip, his eyes roving over me and for a moment. I smirk at him and then wrench my eyes away so I can focus.

I manage for quite a while until William starts whimpering.

“For god’s sake, what is going on?” I say, turning my head, my paintbrush in my hand.

“Shit. Sorry.”

I set my paintbrush down and swivel my chair toward him. “Do you need to go to the bed? If so, that’s fine.”

William nods and moves over to it, lying down on his stomach.

I make an honest effort to focus on my project, but I can see him out of the corner of my eye slowly humping the mattress.

Well, that’s no fair. The bed is having all the fun and I’m sitting over here doing something that pales in comparison.

I never was one for self-control.