Page 59 of Lex

Her eyes meet mine and she nods but before she can say another word, Diablo is pushing into her apartment.

“Let’s kill this bitch,” he says with an evil cackle.

Her mouth falls open in shock as Skylar follows him in, jostling her slightly.

I sigh loudly, shaking my head, as I enter the apartment, because could we not do this a little more covertly? I don’t know why I thought we could. Quickly, I close the door behind me and lock it.

“Excuse them. They’re so rude.”

Skylar drops the bag to the ground and Diablo crouches down.

“Get the fucking rope, Skylar. Tie this cunt up.”

Her eyes are wide and I think at this moment, she’s starting to panic. Because the duffle bag is zipped open and, Jesus fucking Christ…

“Diablo, did you seriously bring the saws? I told you we’re not doing this shit,” I grumble. This guy is ridiculous. I mean, how many does he even have in there? Ten? Who needs that many saws?

I could do a lot of things with just one good, sturdy one.

Diablo rolls his eyes at me as a high-pitched scream begins to bubble out of the woman’s throat. Ah yes, now it is sinking in.

Skylar moves quicker than I expect. He reaches over and slaps a massive hand over her mouth, stifling her voice. He then lifts her up, tying her to a chair and stuffing a rag in her mouth.

Oh my god, I am going to jail for this.

Crazy bastards.

“We could do this without the theatrics,” I mutter as I watch Skylar move to the kitchen to wash his hands.

“Yes, well this is more fun,” Diablo says, pulling an electric saw out of his bag and searching for an outlet to plug it in.

“They make those cordless now, you know,” I say. “Really, that is so inefficient. What if you had to dismember someone outdoors?”

Diablo sighs. “I know, but this is what they had in stock, Lex.Skylar,” he calls out. “Find a plug for me. Chop, chop.”

Skylar obeys without even so much as a grumble, and I wonder where Diablo’s dad found this guy. He’s good. Very, very good.

“Ignore them,” I tell a now-crying Susana. There is a literal snot bubble coming out of her nose and I cringe, backing away. Don’t want that popping and getting on me. I don’t do hazardous waste.

“Keep it together. No one is chopping you up,” I tell her.

“You don’t know that,” Diablo says, moving around the small space, waving the saw around dramatically.

“Well, not yet, at least.” I crouch down before her. “Now,” I say, holding out the file in front of me. “Do you know William?”

Her eyes widen and I smile at her.

“Ah, yes, I know you do because I’ve seen the messages you’ve been sending him. Very inappropriate, if I may say so.”

She shakes her head frantically and I sigh. “Look, I’m going to lay it out for you. William is mine, not yours. Your interfering is really making him uncomfortable, so here I am…solving this…problem.”

She nods, aiming to please, but I’m not done. I need to explain this so she can understand how serious I am.

Suddenly, the saw motor starts up in the background and I roll my eyes. My god, Diablo is a crazy person. Crazier than me.

I blame his family. They did this. This is all nurture right here.

“Susana, here is the deal. You are going to leave William alone. And by alone, I mean that you’re not going to call him, text him, or show up within two miles of him, ever again.”