Page 38 of Lex

I want to be a team…of sorts.

Yes, a team would be nice.

I tuck a blanket around Brenda’s slumbering body and then quietly make my way out of the room. As I’m walking out of the automatic doors, I hear a familiar voice.


I turn to see a handsome man, leaning against the front desk.

Ah, I vaguely remember him. I met him the other day with his son.

His name, not so much.

I think it starts with an M?

“Hello there,” I say, making my way over to him. Behind the counter, Ben watches me approach with wide eyes, his cheeks flushing the closer I get.

I need to nip that little crush in the bud. Just chop it right off.

I have William now.

For the moment, at least.

Well, not at all at the moment actually because I stubbornly cut him off.

I need to fix thatimmediately.

Two days without touching him has proven harder for me than expected. I blame the way he tastes. No one has any right to smell and taste that sweet. I told you he’s dangerous—like a Venus flytrap, I’m ensnared.

“You checking in?” I ask the man whose name I can’t remember as I send Ben a wink.

Ah, yes, nipping the buds. I need torememberto stop flirting with him. Flirting is a bit habitual at this point. I flirt like I breathe.

I don’t even realize I’m doing it.

“I am,” the man says, smiling widely. “Ben has been so helpful.”

I glance over at Ben and smirk when I see his face flame again. Ah, maybe the two of them can get together and have a little fun.

They’d have nice, boring sex.

It would be nothing like what William and I have.

“Well, have fun,” I say, wagging my fingers at him.

But before I can leave, the man stops me. “I’m Colin, by the way, just in case you forgot.”

“I wouldneverforget,” I lie and then throw him a saucy smile. “Colin, I believe I have your number.”

“And you’ve yet to use it.”

“I have been a bit…preoccupied,” I say and peek over at Ben who is watching me carefully. Hopefully, he gets the hint. I don’t want to hurt his precious soul. He’s too innocent for someone like me.

In fact, so is William. But the difference is, I can tell William wants to be corrupted. I see how his eyes light up when I say and do naughty and depraved things. My dick twitches in my pants just thinking about my sexy cum-filled donut. I need to see him, soon. Now, preferably.

“Well, it was nice to see you,” Colin says. “I have to take my grandma to the doctor.”

“Well, isn’t that exciting. I’ll try to remember to text.”