Page 32 of Lex

And the pictures.

I shudder.

He hums knowingly as he walks into the kitchen, and my eyes follow his lush, lace-clad ass all the way.

Lex reaches up into that cabinet, his ass cheeks flexing as he does so, and then pours me a drink. Our fingers slide together as I grab it and I bite down on my bottom lip to keep a gasp inside.

I want to be near him, pressed against his body, but I can’t. Not yet. I have to behave with some kind of decorum. So, instead of draping myself across him, I press my lips to the glass he’s handed me and sip at the amber liquid. At this rate, I’m going to be an alcoholic and a sex addict by the time he’s done with me. I’ll need a stint in rehab to recover from this man.

“Now tell me about this stalker. Who is it?” Lex says, pouring himself a glass and leaning his sexy hip against the lip of the counter.

He runs his tongue across the rim of his glass for no apparent reason other than to torment me. I wrench my eyes away.

Must. Not. Look.

“A woman from work. She was one of my assistants. She did payroll, amongst other things.”

He arches his hips a little and my eyes are drawn to his dick.

“Tell me more, William. Eyes up here.”

My eyes slash to his and god, his face iseverything. How is he so masculine and yet soprettyat the same time? It almost hurts to look at him.

“Uh…she became slightly obsessed with me,” I manage to say.

“Ah, I can see that. You have an odd way of endearing yourself to people. I can see someone taking it too far.”

Wow, was that an actual compliment he just gave me? And isn’ttaking it too farexactly what we’re doing right now?

“I fired her when she became inappropriate, and I thought I had rid myself of her. I changed my number a few times, but she managed to find it again somehow. She was the reason I took the job in Florida. I was trying to get some space.”

“You can’t escape crazy,” he says.

“Seems like it,” I mutter.

Lex examines me for a moment, and then asks, “So that’s why you left Brenda?”

“Yes. It was a hard decision, but this woman was showing up at my office, constantly coming onto me, and then when I got a restraining order, she just started sending me things and calling all the time. I had to change the restraining order to include texts and messages because it was too much. But it didn’t help. She kept breaking the order, but the cops didn’t do anything because they couldn’t find her. So, I took that contract job for six months hoping that when I came back she would have given up and I could start fresh.”

My grandma was the best thing in my life and I hated leaving her, but I was overwhelmed by anxiety and the stress. I’d discussed it with her beforehand, and she told me to go. She practically pushed me onto the plane.

So I left.

Lex’s eye twitches slightly as he takes it all in and then he’s striding to his laptop on the kitchen counter.

“Alright fine. I need her name, any identifying info, and that number she was calling and texting you from.”

I sip on the whiskey some more. “Why?”

“Oh, sweet William, you don’t want to know,” he says, and I swallow.

“Are you going to hurt her?”

Lex eyes me. “Maybe. If need be.”

My god, I shouldn’t even be entertaining this, but I end up telling him everything I know. “Susana Beech, age thirty-four, not married, has a pet gerbil.”

“A gerbil, really?” Lex asks with a wry laugh.