Page 28 of Lex

Because it could behim.

My finger punches the green button, and a familiar voice permeates the room.

“What are you doing, William?” Lex says, his voice much too sultry for an afternoon call. My dick twitches in my hand at the sound of his filthy voice. I remember it from last night. The things he said and the way he moaned when my fingers were wedged up his ass.

I stroke my dick faster because I can’t help myself. Bad habits and all that.

“Working. What do you need?” I say, proud that my voice comes out entirely even.

“I was just calling for a…friendly chat.”

I doubt that very much, but I don’t hang up on him. I can’t quite seem to push the end-call button.

“Chat about what?”

God, keep talking. I could come from just listening to you. Talk Lex-isms to me.

He hums over the phone and my fist continues to work itself over my straining shaft. I went from not being interested in sex to wanting to fuck at all hours. I feel like I’m going crazy. I have pondered making a doctor’s appointment to discuss it. What’s the opposite of erectile dysfunction? Because I’m pretty sure I have that.

“I wanted to talk to you about a custody agreement,” Lex says.

“You’re insane.” Oh, but in such a good way. I like how weird he is. I’m still concerned about his intentions with my grandma, but mostly I just want to kiss him again.

“And yet, you still want me,” he whispers, and my fist tightens on my dick. Because yes, I do. It’s obvious. You just need to look at my flushed, overheated skin to know I’m into this guy.

I wet my mouth. “I do not.”

He chuckles and then says, “I know what you do when no one else is around. I see and know all, William.”

Oh, fuck, the way he says my name. Precum dribbles out of my dick, and I close my eyes as I fuck my fist faster.

“You were such a bad boy last night. You left your clothes at my place when you ran away. You even left your shoes. So, being the good Samaritan I am, I thought I’d stop by later today, drop them off, and we can discuss things. Man to man.”

“Fine,” I say, my pulse accelerating because Iwantto see him.

“I’ll be at your office at three. Cancel clients for me, William. I want to do things to you in your office,” he says, and I bite back a groan as he hangs up.

I slam my phone down, lay my forehead on the desk, and pump myself relentlessly until I come all over the carpet. I need to leave a massive tip for the janitorial service. They don’t get paid enough to clean up my mess. It’s embarrassing. What they must think of me. I need to have Jason buy some Kleenex so I can come into tissues like a normal human being. Or maybe I’ll bring a sock to work and just use that instead.

I cannot continue to shoot my mess everywhere like a geyser.

This is not Yellowstone National Park.

After cleaning myself up and attempting to wipe up the rug, I force myself to focus, but it’s torturous. I slog through my workday, crunching numbers and reviewing paperwork. I even take a few phone calls, and it feels a little like a slow murder of my soul. Maybe Lex was right, this place is a morgue. I want to be back in his apartment, running my hands over his warm body, finding those hidden piercings, and running my tongue over his tattoos.

I count down the minutes until he appears and thank fuck he’s a little early because I was withering. As soon as I hear his voice in the hallway, my heart rate picks up and I sit straighter in my chair.

Lex strides in, looking sexy as hell with Jason trotting after him, flushed and irritated. So basically, business as usual. I didn’t hire Jason for his social skills.

Lex rolls his eyes as he swats the air around him. “Go away, Jason. You and your centipede fingers will never go near me again, or I’ll pluck them off one by one,” Lex bites out.

Jason looks to me, probably expecting me to take his side, but I just nod to the door and his eyes narrow.

“Seriously?” he asks, and I nod again. Because at this moment in time, I will always choose Lex, despite knowing I probably shouldn’t. Jason and his unwavering loyalty don’t stand a chance.

He huffs and puffs but still closes the door behind him without a fight, leaving me alone with Lex. Beautiful, sexy, intriguing Lex.

He looks particularly delicious today in grey Converse, purple skinny jeans, and a black tank top.