Page 14 of Lex

We step inside the bathroom and the door swings shut.

“It’s not? Oh, well then Mr. Walker, you have me all confused.”

“It’s William.”

I lean my back against the tile wall and purse my lips in thought. “Of course it is. I can do all sorts of things with your name. Bill, Billy, Will, Wilhelm.”

His cheeks darken once more and it’s intoxicating. I could get drunk off of those blushes.


I smirk, taking in his vibrant eyes. They’re like a haze rolling in over the ocean—so full of mystery.

“Willy,” I can’t help but add.

He narrows his gaze slightly. “You can call me William.”

“I think Willy is more suitable. It’s…” I slide my eyes across his broad chest. “Fitting.”

His eyes are mere slits now. “Why are you here with my grandmother?”

“I’m here withBrendabecause she’s my friend. I’ve spent every day with her for the past six months, which you’d know if you listened to her when she calls. But we all know how verybusyyou were…on the other side of the country.”

His jaw grinds, but those blue eyes betray him, because he’s sneaking peeks at my mouth.

I don’t blame him. It’s fabulous. I can do things with my tongue that would make him pass out. What we did in that alley was child’s play.

“I was away on business. It couldn’t be helped.”

“Oh, men like you…” I say, leaning into him, suddenly angry. “You have everything, thefucking world,and you squander it.”

A knuckle pops again and I dare him with my eyes to punch me. I’d like that very much. He may be bulkier than me, but I can fight dirty. I’ve had so much practice.

“Lexington,” he whispers, and for some reason, my arms break out in goosebumps. How does he know my full name? And why does that make my dick hard? Bad dick. “I’ll call security.”

“Oh, please call away. They won’t mess with me. Bruce, the big man out there, he and I are friends. Very good friends.”

He takes a step closer, so close that I can feel his breath across my mouth and, my god, my entire body thrums with energy. He’s like lightning on a summer night—all heat and electricity.

So fucking beautiful, and so very, very dangerous.

“Lexington,” he says again softly, his eyes tracing my mouth.

I refuse to look away, despite my entire body nearly trembling.

“I’m not leaving,” I mutter and his eyes snap up to mine. “I refuse.”

I run a finger up his arm, trying to control this wayward situation. I gently grasp his chin, his breath stilted against my fingertips. “I finally found something I want. And like hell I’ll give Brenda up. You don’t know the things I’ve gone through. I don’t crumple so easily, William. I rise to the occasion. Don’t test me.Youshould leave.”

His pupils dilate and fuck, I could lean in and kiss him again. Just bite down on those angry, scowling lips, and make him fucking bleed.

“You’re a hard one to read, Willy. Especially because you barely say a word…”

He blinks as if pulled from a trance and wrenches his chin from my hand, taking a step back.

“Are you after her money?”

“Oh Willy-Billy,” I taunt. “You know nothing. I don’t want her money, nor do I need it.”