Page 13 of Lex

I will find dirt on William and use it to my advantage.

He needs to be taught a lesson on how to treat his precious family members.

I’m petty like that.

“See you later, Eminem,” I call over my shoulder, but receive no response because he’s hyper-focusing on some shit on his phone—probably naked pictures of August.

I lock the door behind me, jog down to my car, and make my way over to the senior living facility.

“Hi Ben,” I say, waggling my fingers at him.

He blushes as I sign in and walk down the hallway to Brenda’s room. I don’t stop to flirt though like I normally do. I have plans and I don’t want Brenda to think I’ve stood her up.

I push her door open, and skid to a stop. Because thereheis, looking fresh and fucking sexy.

What a surprise.

“Well, look who it is,” I say dramatically, dropping my satchel near the door and striding through the small room where Brenda sits with her grandson, William.

“Shit,” he mutters so softly I almost miss it. But oh, I don’t miss it. I hear it clear as day.

I turn to Brenda, “Were you ever going to tell me he was home?”

She just smiles coyly. “I am old and forgetful, Lex.”

“Sure, sure. Well, hello there, Mr. Walker. What anicesurprise,” I declare, beaming at him. His freckled cheeks turn positively cherry red and it’s delightful. He’s like a jelly donut.

He flexes his hands and glances everywhere but at me. I want to worm my way into that brain of his and take a good look at what he’s thinking.

“Lex,” Brenda says, grinning. “I’m so glad you’re here! This is my grandson, William. William, this is Lex, the one I told you all about.”

He looks stunned. “Thisis Lex?”

“Ah, don’t be such a spoilsport, William,” I say. “You must have heardallabout me. Or were you not really listening when Brenda called you all those times to tell you about her day?”

He clears his throat and pops his knuckles. I’m not sure if he’s just nervous or wants to crack his fist across my cheek. God, he’s so full of surprises. I have no idea what he’ll do next.

It’s intriguing and I hate it.

“Can I speak to you, please?” he says, standing up and gesturing toward the door.

I cock my head and run the tip of my tongue across my upper lip.

“I think that can be arranged,” I say, and Brenda looks almost giddy.

Oh, she can zip that right back up. I may have kissed this man, but that is a far cry from a relationship.

I don’t do relationships. For obvious reasons. Brenda knows this. We’ve had long discussions about it. She always pats my knee and tells methere is someone out there for you, Lex, and I just bob my head because I don’t want to hurt her feelings.

But, no Brenda, there is no one out there for me. That’s not a thing that happens in real life. At least not for people like me.

“We’ll be back, Bren. Your grandson has something important to say, I’m sure.” I follow William out of her room and down the hallway.

When we reach the restroom, William opens the door and gestures for me to enter.

“Oh dear. You’ve read me all wrong. I’m not in the mood to suck cock at the moment,” I say as I step inside, and he shakes his head.

“I’m not…that’s not what this is,” he says, flustered.