“He didn’t tell you.” Muriel didn’t wait for me to respond. “I didn’t think much of the girl, or her writing, to tell you the truth. When Jack had to come back to Chance Rapids, he asked her to come here with him. Truthfully, I think it was the best thing that ever happened to him, but he took it hard. She didn’t want to live in a small town. She wanted to gallivant all over the world, writing stories and rubbing elbows with celebrities. He wasn’t enough for her, but he thought that it was the town that broke them up.” She gestured to the colorful clapboard mining houses as the country roads turned into the quaint side streets of the downtown core. “But nAo town, or location can break up true love.” Muriel drove over the curb and into the rear parking lot of the diner. “Remember that, Henrietta.”
I was lost for words. No wonder Jack turned cold when he found out I was a writer. It was all starting to make sense.
Muriel was already out of the truck and speed walking towards the main street. I had to jog to catch up to her. “We’ve only just met.” It was the thought that had been running through my mind ever since Jack and I had kissed at the Beardog.
“Time.” Muriel shook her head. “That’s what’s stopping you two?”
It was. And place. Muriel would never understand. I fell into stride next to her and she didn’t flinch when we ducked under the ropes and onto the movie set. The snow machines were running and the same crowd of extras was milling around, waiting for instruction for the next take.
“Where are the stars?” Muriel whispered. I looked around the set, but I didn’t see Bradley and Jennifer anywhere.
“Maybe in their trailer?” I shrugged. “Or maybe in jail? There was a big brawl at the bar last night.”
Muriel shook her head. “Let me guess, someone was sleeping with someone’s wife and the husband came in and busted up some noses.”
“How did you know?” I was beginning to wonder if Muriel was psychic.
“It happens all the time. Too much booze, not enough to do.”
“I don’t think that’s just a small town thing.” I was surprised that I was standing up for Chance Rapids. “It happens in the city too.”
Muriel stopped and put her hands on her hips. “It’s just a little more obvious in a town where everyone knows everyone.”
While I was contemplating the rather sad state of literal affairs in Chance Rapids, I caught a glimpse of the man with the giant beard. “There he is.” I pointed. This time it was my turn to rush ahead.
“Shawn!” I shouted.
He turned. “Miss Henrietta. Are you looking for a place to make a phone call?” His grin was wide and his laugh, a booming baritone, rang out across the set.
Muriel grabbed my arm. “He’s perfect,” she whispered.
“I know. Now, play it cool.” I hissed out of the corner of my mouth. “And let me do the talking.”
Jack’s mom could be a little too blunt, I’d learned over the past couple of days, and the conversation with Shawn, it was going to take a little finessing. “Hi Shawn. I was hoping to run into you. This is Muriel, she’s a bit of a local celebrity.”
“You’re the lady from the diner.” Shawn grinned. “The best coffee in town.” He winked, and I knew that he’d had some of Muriel’s local’s brew.
“Thank you.” Muriel gave me an elbow. “Tell the man why we are here.”
Shawn raised his eyebrows. “Is there something I can help you with?” he asked.
“Yes. As a matter of fact, there’s a bit of a town emergency.”
“Oh.” Shawn pulled out a radio. “Do we need a medic?”
I put my hand on his arm. “It’s nothing like that.” I took a deep breath. “The Santa Claus Parade is tonight and Santa and Mrs. Claus are stranded on the other side of the avalanche.”
Shawn furrowed his brow. “That’s too bad. But, what does that have to do with…” his eyes lit up as he realized what we were asking. “Wait, you want me to play Santa in the town’s parade.”
“You look just like him.” Muriel offered and I wished that I could slap a piece of tape across her mouth.
Instead of looking offended, Shawn patted his stomach. “I’ve had a few too many of your cinnamon and sugar deep fried pastry things, haven’t I.” Then the same belly shaking full laugh erupted from his mouth again. “Ladies. I’m flattered by the offer, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to do it.”
Muriel crossed her arms. “All you’ve gotta do is stand on the float and throw candy canes.”
“And there’s no one else who can do it?” Shawn looked at his watch. “After a long day of work, the last thing I want to do is put on a costume and freeze my balls off on a flatbed.”
“You could walk with the alpaca.” Muriel offered. That will keep your feet warm.