“You used the word scram. Do I need to remind you of that?” I laughed, thankful that he wasn’t offended that I’d snatched the hat off his head.

“I think scram would put me in the octogenarian bracket,” he laughed. “I’m thirty.” Jack put the hat back on his head. “How old are you?”

Then his eyes widened. “Oh God. Please tell me you’re not some really old looking teenager.”

I smacked his arm and laughed. “I feel like I should be offended. I’m twenty-seven.”

“Phew.” Jack put his hand on his chest and pretended to be overly relieved. “I mean, you were getting hit on by someone who looks like they play video games in their parent’s basement.”

“He told me he likes cougars.”

This time Jack’s subtle smile turned to a huge grin. “What an idiot.”

I laughed.

Jack continued. “If he likes cougars, he’s in the right place. There’s more than one or two that prowl the Last Chance.”

“Oh, I saw them. That’s what started the brawl.”

“I hope that’s not going to make it into your story.” Jack turned onto the laneway to his parent’s farm.

The cheating, the bar fight, the cougars, it was all going in the story. Instead of confirming or denying this fact, I took the cowardly way out – and changed the subject. “You called this…” I patted the dashboard of his car, “Cindy. Why?”

“Why do you think?” He pulled in the garage and shut off the engine, thankfully cuttingGrandma Got Runover by a Reindeeroff, mid chorus. “I’ll give you a hint. It’s got something to do with the color.”

The Bronco was the color of a pumpkin. “I think I’ve got it.”

Jack raised his eyebrows and shifted in his seat so he was facing me. “Let’s hear it. If you’re right, I’ll start the fire in the cabin for you.”

“And, if I’m wrong?” I had no idea how to start the woodstove.

“I’ll start the fire for you.” His smile was sweet. “Don’t worry. You’re not going to freeze tonight.” Jack was the kind of man I’d been waiting for my whole life. Rugged, handsome, thoughtful – and the way he kissed made me want to give up everything and live in the woods with him.

I rubbed my hands together and hoped that I was right, although it was a win-win scenario for me. “Cindy is short for Cinderella, because it’s the same color as a pumpkin.”

I rubbed my hands together and watched as Jack’s grin spread across his face. “I can’t believe you figured it out so quickly.”

“I can’t believe it took me that long,” I laughed. “Does that make me Cinderella?”

“Only if you lose one of those boots on the way to the cabin.” He joked. Then he held out his watch and tapped its face. “It is almost midnight after all, time to get you home.” He hopped out of the Bronco, and before I could open the door, he had done it, gesturing for me to get out of the truck with a flourish.

“But, if the truck is already a pumpkin, what happens at midnight?”

Jack grabbed my hand and scooped me up in his arms, honeymoon style. With a glint in his eye, he strode out of the garage and carried me into the starlit night. “Your clothes fall off.”

Jack was right.At the stroke of midnight, in the light of the moon and the crackling fire, my clothes were indeed in a pile on the floor. And, so were his.

My body wanted Jack’s. There was no doubt about it. More than that, I wanted all of Jack – and I knew that I didn’t just want him for one night. Instead of jumping into bed and immediately getting down to business, we laid on our sides, facing each other. He stared into my eyes and swept my hair behind my ear. “You’re a beautiful person Henri. I’ve only just met you, but I feel like I’ve known you for years.”

The pounding of my heart echoed in my ears and I rested my hand on Jack’s chest, feeling the thud of his beneath my fingertips. “I feel the same way too, Jack.” I wanted to tell him that the romantic in me wondered if we were destined to meet. It seemed like everything had conspired to put Jack in my path and keep him there.

I knew that would sound crazy, though, so I kept the star-crossed lovers thing to myself. “I want to get to know more about you. All of you.” I made the first move. I shimmied closer, so that my breasts were pressed against him and kissed him gently, letting my fingertip travel over his strong shoulder and down his muscular arm. He inhaled sharply as I continued exploring his body, running my hand over his hip and then letting it slip to lightly grip his round ass. His cock twitched against the front of my panties, the only piece of clothing that was left on me.

I knew that he would be big, I had felt it through his pants earlier, but I could barely fit my hand around his manhood. “You’re going to have to take your time with me.” I whispered in his ear.

“Henri.” Jack kissed me and cupped my breast in his rough palm. “This is going to sound crazy.”

“What?” My breath was raspy, my desire had my heart racing in anticipation for the moment when Jack would push into me.