I shook my head and pointed away from the table. “Apologize to the lady and scram.” My voice was low and deep.

“Right.” The guy seemed to have a moment of sobriety. “I’m sorry Henri. I’ll see you on set.” He backed up a couple of steps before turning and disappearing into the crowd.

“Scram?” Henri looked up at me. “What are you, your mom?”

I laughed. “I’ve never been in a bar fight before, and that’s the best word I could come up with. What would you have used, Miss Writer?”

Henri and I were facing each other and she took both of my hands in hers. “Scram is the perfect word. Thank you for standing up for my honor.” I knew that she was mocking me or making fun of me, but I didn’t care. And, against my better judgement, I released one of Henri’s hands, slipped my hand behind her back, and in the middle of the bar, in front of all our new friends, I kissed her.

And she kissed me back.

“Jack,” she whispered in my ear. “Would you like to get out of here?”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I took a deep breath. I couldn’t believe that I was shutting it down, especially since I was the one who started it all with that kiss.

Henri grinned. “I mean. I’m exhausted and you’re my ride. I should have phrased that better. Could you drive me home now?”

“Of course.”

Henri’s cheeks were pink and I wondered if she was embarrassed. We both knew what she meant when she asked me if I wanted to get out of there – and I had turned her down. I handed Charlotte two hundred dollars. “This should cover me and Henri. I’m going to drive her home now.”

Charlotte shook her head and pushed the cash away. “Don’t you dare. This was a business dinner, and I’m going to expense the entire thing.”

“Henri. It was so nice to chat with you. Good luck with your story.” Charlotte hugged Henri and then whispered to me, “She’s all yours.”

The crew from the table had dispersed, and only Charlotte and Logan remained. “Good night, Logan.” I waved.

“Night Jack, nice to meet you Henri.” Logan gave a friendly wave and then draped his arm around Charlotte.

After the steamy temperature inside the bar, the crisp night air felt refreshing. Our boots crunched on the snow as we walked to the Bronco in silence. But, before I could open the door, she turned to me. “I know that we shouldn’t have done that, back there.”

I was ninety percent sure that she was referring to the kiss.

“That was one of the best nights I’ve had in years, and I don’t regret a thing,” her smile had a hint of sadness to it. “I’m glad that I met you Jack Lumber.”

“I don’t regret it either.” I stepped a little closer to her and she leaned against the passenger door. “I only have one regret…”

“What’s that?” she sounded out of breath. The steam from our breath hung in the air between us. I pressed my body against hers and she let out a little moan.

“That I didn’t kiss you again.”

There, in the light of the streetlamp, I gave in and kissed Henri the way I’d wanted to since I’d met her. She pressed her hips into mine, and I thought my cock was going to bust through the zipper on my pants.

“Jack.” She held onto the back of my neck and looked me in the eyes. Shit. She sounded serious, but I didn’t let go of her hips.

“Yes, Henri.”

Then a wry smile spread across her face. “Want to get out of here?”

I wasn’t going to fuck this up again. “Hell yeah.” This time I kissed her hard, and pressed my body against hers, not caring that she would definitely feel my rock-hard cock. “Let’s get out of here.”



Jack downshiftedas we reached the stoplight. While we waited at the red light, Jack tuned the radio to a local station and then let his hand rest on my thigh while we waited for the light to change.

His coat had protected me from the weather all day long, and into the evening it had shielded me from unwanted advances from drunken green haired men. I wasn’t worried about Harrison, and totally could’ve told him to fuck off on my own. But, having Jack step in, it didn’t feel like he was posturing, it felt right. And, if he was actually my boyfriend, I would’ve wanted him to do the same thing.