Page 49 of Love Me, Goaltender

I clamped my mouth shut. It was up to Mason if he wanted to come out to Sebastian, and I wasn’t going to pressure him. If he didn’t want to, I would find a way to defuseSebastian.

But, before Mason could choose, the decision was made for him.

“What, babe?” Drew asked as he came around the corner from the kitchen. I hadn’t realized he was in there. Unfortunately, he was only wearing sweatpants, his chest covered in hickeys identical to Mason’s. These boys really had the worst timing

We all froze. Sebastian’s face turned red, his face the epitome of “oh.” I snorted then quickly slapped a hand over my mouth. Looked like the cat was out of the bag.

“Shit,” Drew’s eyes flickered frantically between us all, obviously looking for a way to explain this situation. “Iwas just—”

I waved him off. It was too late now, and Sebastian wasn’t stupid.

“It’s okay, babe.” Mason comforted Drew, then, visibly steeling himself, turned to Sebastian.“We good?”

“Yeah. Sorry,” Sebastian mumbled sheepishly.

I cleared my throat. “Sebastian, this is my brother, Drew Warren. Drew, this is SebastianKingston.”

Sebastian stepped forward and thrust out his hand, his nails still spotted with the remains of white polish. “Nice to meetyou, man.”

Drew shook it and smiled wryly.“You too.”

“Well, this has been interesting, but I think we’re going to head out. See you guys later.” I gave the boys a little wave then quickly steered Sebastian out the door. The second it shut behind us, laughter tore from me.

Hours later, I collapsed onto the comfortable sectional, Sebastian following suit beside me. We just laid there for a minute, panting.

“I can’t tell what was better—the meal or thedessert.”

I snorted and shook my head at Sebastian’s silly grin. “Well, it was definitely the dessert.” I paused. “I mean, those cupcakes you made were delicious. Lemon is my favorite. And who would have thought you were a baker? Maybe I should get you an apron. I could even put your name and team number on it.”

“Damnit, Warren!”

“Oh, did you mean the sexual dessert?” I reached out and ran my nails down his abs innocently. “I guess that wasokay too.”

A laugh huffed out of Sebastian as he sat up on the sofa and crossed his legs under him. I stayed on my back in front of him, splayed out like a buffet. He poked me in the side, and I wiggled my nude body away from him,giggling.

“Who would have thought I would be getting chirped more in the bedroom than I do on the ice,” he said wryly.

I cheesed so hard up at him that my cheeks started to hurt. “But you make itso easy.”

“Or you’re just a smartass.” His head cocked to the side. “A smartass who looks like a sexed-up Joker.”


He swiped his finger over my chin, and when he pulled it back to show me, it was streaked with red. “I ended up ruining your lipstick after all.”

Aw, damn. My mascara was probably smeared around my eyes as well. But thankfully, I cameprepared.

“Could you grab my purse right there?”

While Sebastian reached out and grabbed the bag from the edge of the couch, I finally sat up, my sex-sore muscles stretching pleasantly.

“Thank you.” I dug out the makeup wipe from the purse and scrubbed my face. “Better?” I posed for Sebastian with another huge smile.

“Almost.” He took the wipe from me, wrapped it around his finger, then rubbed gently around my eyes. When he was done, he pinched my chin and tilted my head from side to side. “There’s the woman I know.”

“What? You didn’t like my makeup?”

His thumb swiped my cheek, his eyes tracing my face. “You looked beautiful tonight, Riley. That dress, like the woman inside it, was breathtaking.”