Page 46 of Love Me, Goaltender

We hadn’t even been in Sebastian’s brownstone for an hour, and the boys were already ready to throw controls and drop metaphoric gloves. It was a good thing they were separated on either side of the sectional.

I’d played a couple rounds but mostly left them to themselves, content to lay on Sebastian’s soft, black couch and watch their back-and-forth like a tennis match. But now I needed a new drink.Where was…

“Here you go,” Sebastian said.

“Thank you.” I grabbed the wine cooler he handed me and took a sip as he dropped off fresh beers to Masonand Jones.

Watermelon-flavored deliciousness flooded my tongue, and I was glad I dropped by my house to grab some palatable alcohol. Usually, I would have stopped at one. I couldn’t afford all the sugar, but the season was almost over. So I was on my second drink, with no intention of stopping soon. It seemed the boys were letting themselves go too. They had broken out the high-carb, alcoholic beer like true rebels.

“Fuck,” Jones cursed suddenly and took an angry sip from his bottle, glaring at Mason. “Tiebreaker, Frey. Winner takes all.”

With a harsh snort, Kingston settled onto the large couch beside me. “Don’t you get tired of always losing, Jones?”

“Don’t get comfy, King. After I get done wiping the floor with Frey here, I’m coming after you.”

“Big words,” I said.

“I can back it up.”

Oh. Cocky. “You know what? Hundred buckson Mason.”

“Hell yeah!” I slapped the hand Mason raised.

“Aw, man. I guess I’m stuck with Ethan,” Sebastian said, calling my bet.

“Now we’ve got some stakes. Let’s do this!” Jones took one last sip of beer then faced the screen with renewed determination.

As a voice announced the next fight on the screen, I popped off the couch, but I didn’t go far. It took a few slaps to Sebastian’s thighs for him to understand what I wanted. But with a raised eyebrow, he spread his legs, and I took my spot between them. His arm went around my waist, and I leaned back into his chest to watch the virtual battle.

He hummed, his chest vibrating, and took a pull fromhis beer.

After a lot of cursing from Mason and Jones and cheers from me and Sebastian, Mason came out with the W.

“Guess who owes me a hundred buck.” I wiggled againstSebastian.

“Do you want cash? Or can I pay you off a different way?” He growled into my ear, sending shivers through me. I was just about to reach up and pull him to my mouth when…

“Wait. You guys are together?” Jones asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “I thoughtyou knew.”

“I hadn’t told him yet,” Sebastian rumbledbehind me.

“Since when has this been going on?” Jones asked then turned to Mason. “Did you know about this?”

Mason shrugged. “Yeah”

Jones turned back to me. “But… I thoughtyou were…”

“Bisexual,” Ifilled in.

Jones’ mouth snapped shut, and he just stared at us, expression blank and controller forgotten in his hand. Dear God, we’d killed him.

“It’s pretty new,” I told Jones, hoping to bring him back to life.

“I knew it,” he shouted abruptly, and I jumped in Sebastian’s arms. He pointed over me at Sebastian. “I knew you were staring ather ass.”

“What?” I asked.