I shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t trust anyone associated with Roland, but I’ll hear him out.”
“Well, let’s keep an eye out and tread lightly, then,” Sarah said.
We scanned the bar, seeing only a few couples sitting beside each other and the bartender drying off the glasses. “Let’s get a drink,” I shouted over the music.
Sarah and I made a choice a year ago, once we reconnected after Tatyana rescued her from Maurice’s lair, to stop drinking and stay sober. Alcohol and drugs suppressed our powers; if we were going in with magic on our side, we couldn’t risk it. However, not having a drink would look suspicious in a bar, so we decided to each order a cocktail and pretend to sip it.
Over in the corner by the bar, leaning against green velvet curtains on the stage, I spotted a cute blond-haired guy staring right at us.
“Three o’clock,” I said.
She turned toward the stage. “Alright, he’s hot, though he looks human.” With a shrug of her shoulder, she added, “Though I’ve been wrong before. Maybe try talking to him. See what you can find out.”
I skipped in his direction just as the music changed to a song I didn’t recognize, and thankfully, it wasn’t as loud.
Looking over my shoulder before I reached him, I spotted Sarah moving closer so we could stay at least twenty feet from each other. She sat near the stage and pretended to drink her cocktail.
“Hey. I’m Cassy.” I held out my hand for him to shake. “You seem kind of bored over here by yourself.”
“Devon,” he said with a playful smile. “Nice to meet you, Cassy.” Devon shook my hand and looked down at my drink. “And what are you drinking?”
“Cranberry and vodka,” I replied.
“Did they not make the drink the way you like it?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” I asked in an uncertain tone.
“I’ve seen youpretendto drink that cocktail but not actually drink.”
If I didn’t drink now, and this guy was working with the vampire clan beneath us, he’d know something was up.
Slowly, I sipped my drink, careful not to take too much. After flashing Devon a fake smile, I added, “Honestly, I’m too much of a lightweight. I’ve been taking it slow.”
Devon smirked at me, then turned toward a pretty brunette walking by us. I used this opportunity to mouth the word “drink” to Sarah.
“Yeah.” His voice pulled my attention back to him. “Most girls can’t handle what we men can put down,” he said.
Yikes. This guy is a fucking tool.
Devon grabbed my glass. “Wow, you really pounded that down in the last few minutes, didn’t you?” he said. I looked at the drink he now held, and it was just as full as it had been moments ago. I glanced over at Sarah, and she smiled with a shrug.
Ah, she’s making itappearempty in his eyes.
Devon set my full glass on the counter, which he saw as empty, and walked toward the bar. A minute later, he returned with another cocktail and a beer.
We clinked our glasses and both sipped our drinks.
“How about we go downstairs and talk?” he suggested. “I mean, we can do other things if you’d like, but you look like the type of girl who needs a man to treat her like a queen first before she opens up to him.”
My nostrils flared, and I felt my cheeks warm. I was doing everything I could to not smack the shit out of him.
Another forced smile. “Sure,” I said. “Are you talking about the underground club?”
“Ah,” he hummed, “you know about the club?”
“My friend and I are on the list,” I said, tossing in a wink. “You have no idea how much we’ve been thinking about it tonight. To meet an actual vampire and—”