“Will you let us leave now that you’ve told us about Tripp?” he asks.
“You would not exactly leave with the cure, but I can help you,” Agatha says. “In order to isolate the cure from Tripp’s blood, I will need to take all the blood he possesses and concentrate the protein that can cure your other pups.”
“That would kill him,” Margaret protests.
“You are not going to do that to my son,” Simon shouts so fiercely, spit shoots out of his mouth.
“Then you would doom the human race on this planet to save one life?” Agatha asks. She tilts her head as she waits for Simon’s answer.
Simon looks down at Tripp, and Tripp looks up at his dad.
“Yes,” Simon says softly. “I would doom us all to hell if it saved him.”
“I see,” Agatha says.
The ship begins to shake, causing us all to become unbalanced.
“What’s happening?” Boris asks Agatha.
“Earth 104 has failed this trial.” Agatha looks Simon directly in the eyes. “You have chosen poorly. Logic dictates that you should be willing to sacrifice one life if it means you can save a whole species from annihilation.”
“Love isn’t logical,” I argue. “Simon is willing to sacrifice everything to protect his son. Isn’t that worth something?”
“No,” she says succinctly. “A single life is not worth much in the grand scheme of the universe. This proves that humanity cannot see the larger picture and make rational decisions without letting their emotions dictate their actions. Thus, this world is forfeit.”
“Wait,” I say urgently, holding up my hands to stop her. “There has to be something else we can do. Give us one more chance to prove we’re worth saving.”
“You are half-fae,” Agatha reminds me. “You are not supposed to be involved in the trials.”
“But I’m also half-human,” I remind her. “Please, Agatha, put me on trial to save humanity.”
“Why should I do that?”
“What happens to you if you destroy this world?”
“I am simply the caretaker of Earth 104. Once it’s destroyed, I will cease to exist.”
“Do you really want to die? Are you sure you’re ready to give up the life you have here?”
The ship stops trembling, giving me hope that I’ve reached her.
“You raise a good point,” she says. “I am not ready to die, but it’s my responsibility to bring judgment upon this world.”
“Then bend the rules a little,” I urge her. “Put me on trial. I promise you I won’t fail your test.”
Agatha lowers her eyelids. I can see her eyeballs moving back and forth underneath the skin. When she opens her eyes again, she stares straight into mine.
“In order to save this world, would you be willing to give anything?” she asks me.
I take a step forward. “Yes.”
“Then I ask you to give up everything,” she says.
“How exactly?” I ask. “Do you want me to move somewhere no one can find me?”
Now I’m really confused.