Page 22 of Undeniable

“I know you don’t want to come, but I need you at the ball later,” Oberon tells his sister. “We need to make sure Elrod doesn’t try to cheat.”

“No worries, brother, I won’t let that happen. Have fun, you two.”

Iris walks out of the house, leaving Oberon and me alone.

I instantly feel uncomfortable.

“What did she mean by that?” I ask.

“By what?”

“The ‘have fun, you two’ remark,” I remind him. “Are we on a playdate or something?”

Oberon chuckles. It’s a deep, rich sound that helps lessen some of my anxiety.

“My sister believes we should get to know one another a little better before the wedding. I think she’s right, don’t you? We barely know one another.”

“We have plenty of years ahead of us for that. I don’t see any reason for the rush.”

“I have no intention of rushing anything with you. I like to take my time with things, and you are the one person in the universe who may be my perfect match in every way.”

“And what makes you believe that?”

“I already know you’re smart and stubborn. So am I.”

“Doesn’t that mean we’ll simply get in a lot of arguments if we don’t see eye to eye on a subject?”

“I don’t think so. You’re also logical, which means we’ll agree on things more often than not.” Oberon slides his hand across the couch toward mine. With his index finger, he traces a line from my wrist to a knuckle and back again. After he does this three times, I pull my hand away and stand from my seat.

“Would you like something to drink or eat? I’m starving.”

Without waiting for his reply, I start to make my way out of the room. Oberon follows my lead. Before I reach the kitchen, he grabs one of my arms.

“Emily,” he murmurs.

I face him. “What?”

“Why did you just run away from my touch?” He appears both amused and concerned. “You realize we’ll be man and wife soon, and that our kingdom will need an heir who can bring our people together. We can’t make one if you run off every time I try to touch you.”

“I’m not running,” I say stubbornly, even though I know he’s right.

His hand slides up my arm. “Yes. You are. Why?”

If we are going to live as a married couple, he’ll have to understand that there are some things I can’t change about myself.

“I’ve only given my heart to one man in my life and his death practically destroyed me,” I confess. “I’m not sure I’m strong enough to do that twice in one lifetime. If I let myself love you, I’ll be opening my heart up to the possibility of unbearable grief again.”

“But that kind of love can bring unimaginable happiness into your life too. Were you planning to deny yourself joy forever? Do you honestly believe that’s the future your first husband would have wanted for you? I don’t. I believe he would want you to enter the afterlife with a treasure trove of beautiful memories, not one spent mourning him.”

Sometimes, the truth is hard to hear.

I have been hiding behind Mark’s memory to keep myself from living and being hurt again. Whether that was out of survivor’s guilt or a sense of misplaced loyalty to someone who died hundreds of years ago, I’m not sure. Possibly a mixture of both. Oberon is the first person who has forced me to face that part of myself. It’s time for me to let go of my past so I can fully embrace my future.

Memories of Mark and our short, idyllic life together flash through my mind. Feeling weakened by the emotions being stirred up, I have to lean my back against the wall to steady myself. I wasn’t meant to fall in love with a human, but how could I not? Mark was everything my father wasn’t and that drew me to him like a bee to nectar. At that time in my life, I needed his love and gentleness. He showed me what it meant to be loved and how to return that love with no expectations.

Tears begin to burn my eyes. They slide down my cheeks, forming twin trails of love and loss. Of memories never to be forgotten, only pushed to the background so my life can begin again.

When Oberon pulls me into the folds of his arms, I don’t fight him. In fact, I greedily accept his desire to bring me comfort, whether it’s a sincere gesture or just a way to earn my favor. It’s been a long time since I let myself lean on someone else and allow them to share my troubles. I miss that feeling of opening not only my mind and body to another person but also my soul.