Page 52 of Undeniable

After returning to Oberon, I watch and wait as the people in the room who know what they’re doing scurry around to start the procedure.

They slide Harold into the glass cylinder. When they close it, a woosh of air expels from the interior. Several spindly tubes emerge from below the platform and snake their way up until they find their assigned needle ports on Harold’s body. A milky white solution begins to flow up the tubes and into the injection sites. Harold jerks when the serum enters his body.

“It’s quite all right, Harold.” Justin places his hands on top of the glass. “I told you it would sting at first, but you’ll soon be asleep. I promise you won’t feel a thing in about ten seconds.”

Justin ends up being right. Harold is fast asleep and snoring slightly within just a few seconds.

“Now the real test begins.” Justin turns to a control panel and does something I can’t see. “Administering serum C24. Healers, please take your position around the encasement. As soon as he starts to move, continue to use your healing powers until the procedure is complete.”

Justin faces us. “As I said, this will take at least an hour. Perhaps you would like to go somewhere and come back?”

“Do you have an office on this floor where we can wait?” Oberon asks, taking one of my hands with his. “We should probably talk about the wedding.”

“Yes.” I turn to Justin. “Come and get us if things take a turn for the worse.”

He bows his head in my direction. “You have my word.”

I lead Oberon out of the room and down the hallway to my office. When I open the door, he pulls me inside the room, closes the door, and leans his back against it while enveloping me in his arms. In an instant, his mouth is covering mine. His kiss is rough and demanding, but I can’t completely commit to it. Not until he answers some questions.

“Wait,” I say breathlessly after I pull my head away. “We need to talk.”

“Do we though?” he says teasingly. “I would much rather pick up where we left off in the alleyway.”

“I’m serious.” I force myself to take a few steps back. “You told me not to worry about the bedding ceremony tomorrow. Why?”

“Oh,” he pushes himself off the door, “that.”

“Yes that.” I cross my arms over my chest. “What do you have planned?”

“Just rest assured that you and I will not be making love in front of a bunch of randy onlookers. They’ll get their show, but it won’t be at our expense.”

“And how exactly do you plan to work that miracle?”

Oberon saunters in my direction, taking both my hands with his when he reaches me.

“I would rather not say until it’s done. The more naturally disgusted you act about the whole affair, the better. When the time comes, all will be revealed, and you and I will enjoy a quiet night alone as husband and wife. I will not fail you in this, Emily. You have my word.”

I pull him closer until our bodies are pressed together.

“And can the word of the dark fae king be trusted?” I tease, watching his expression as his eyes smolder with desire for me.

“The word of the fae king can be,” he murmurs. “After tomorrow, there will no longer be a division between us. We will simply be fae, no dark or light. We’ve all made mistakes and paid for them dearly. It’s time for a new beginning and our union will give that to our people. You and I will bring a new sense of harmony to this world and make good our debt to humanity.”

“You make everything sound so simple and good. Most things don’t come that easily.”

“I’m not delusional. Change is never easy. We’ll have people who fight us on both sides, but as long as you and I stand united, we can make a better world for our children.”

A slow smile spreads my lips. “Already talk about children? Are you sure you’re up for the challenge, King Oberon?”

Oberon takes one of my hands and proves to me that he’s more than up for the challenge of planting his seed and bringing a plethora of children into the world we make.

“Is that enough proof for you, my queen?” He leans in and begins to tease the sensitive flesh between my neck and shoulders with his lips.

I tilt my head to the side, inviting him to keep pleasuring me. “More than enough, I should say.”

Oberon’s lips tremble against my neck as he chuckles. When his mouth finds mine again, thoughts of interrupting him are nonexistent. I want him, and it’s obvious he wants me too. It’s been so long since I felt desired by a man, and Oberon is the strongest man I’ve met in what seems like forever.

“This outfit doesn’t allow for easy access to certain parts of you like the dress,” he complains, sliding his hands up the back of my shirt. “I much prefer the dress.”