His partner spoke up. “She doesn’t have the book.”
“No matter.” He examined the knife in his hand. “She has the tools of an assassin. Arrest her, men.”
The first Enforcer unlucky enough to get close was the short one. I grabbed him by the hair and pressed my knife to his throat, backing away from the others. I tried not to falter when I felt him swallow against the blade.
“Pistols down or he’s dead!” I shouted.
One Enforcer dropped his weapon, but the bearded one lifted his and pointed it at me.
The man in my grip whimpered. I looked down the end of the barrel, but I didn’t let go of my knife. I couldn’t. Even if I didn’t stand a chance, I’d fight for my freedom.
“Gentlemen,” said a calm voice behind me, “is this our criminal?”
“Without a doubt,” said the bearded man, still aiming his gun at me.
“And what exactly—” Cael stepped forward and saw my knife against the man’s throat. “Oh. I see.”
Come on, help me!I screamed inside my head.
“It’s best not to shoot, sir. The Academy will want to interrogate her. I’m sure she’ll come peacefully if we ask.” He shot me a warning glare.
“Ask?” The bearded man laughed. “She’s unhinged. She won’t listen—”
“She will,” said Cael, talking over the man. He turned to me, his voice low and threatening. “Won’t you?”
I hesitated, wondering if his strategy would actually help me. His mouth was set in a smug line as usual and his voice sent a chill through me, but I wanted to trust my father. If he chose Cael for his loyalty, I’d try to do the same.
I lowered the knife. Cael wrenched it from my hand.
The other men grabbed my arms, slapping handcuffs on my wrists. The short man backed away from me with fear and fury in his eyes. He rubbed his throat, then checked his fingers for blood. He suddenly looked so young that I had to bite my tongue to keep from apologizing.
“Slap some branks on her,” he said.
I narrowed my eyes, losing my pity.
“Good idea,” said Cael.
My blood grew hot under my skin.
The bearded Enforcer pulled out the contraption, the metal clinking together menacingly. The others held my arms, but I didn’t dare fight as they slipped the spiked piece over my tongue and attached it around my head. It would only hurt more if I did. It took just one swallow for my eyes to squeeze shut in pain.
“That’s better,” said the short Enforcer. “You don’t seem so high and mighty now, do you?”
The sharp metal on my tongue kept me from even thinking up a retort. When they pushed me forward, it took all my strength not to whimper.
Cael walked with the bearded man, speaking with him as the other two pushed me through the streets. His voice sounded uncharacteristically friendly, a tone I’d never heard directed at me, and it made me like him less than ever. Maybe I should’ve trusted my instincts and fought. I kept my head down as they marched me through the streets. In case this wasn’t over, I couldn’t let my face be known to the whole city.
But the taste of blood and metal told me I’d been beaten.
* * *
The Enforcers draggedme down the prison steps. The afternoon light faded and the stench of mildew, sweat, and rotten fish assaulted my nose. I breathed through my mouth on instinct, but the branks dug into my tongue again.
At the bottom of the stairs was a stone hallway. I squinted into the darkness. The men pushed me through an aisle of cells with faces watching from behind bars on both sides. My gaze locked on a woman’s dejected brown eyes peering out from a mess of auburn tangles before they shoved me past her.
The Enforcers roughly unlatched my handcuffs and led me to an empty cell, slamming the barred door behind me.
The bearded man spoke to a prison guard. “Keep those branks on until tomorrow at the very least.” Then he turned to Cael and handed him my bag. “Deliver this to the Academy and take the prison report with you. I intend to get credit for her capture.”