“I’m not the one risking the world’s welfare on the off chance of making someone fall in love with me.”
I breathed deeply and gripped the books in my hands to keep from throwing them at his face. “I never planned to make himfall in lovewith me.” My voice strained to break through my whisper. “He only needs tobelieve me. That’s it!”
“It’s a shame you’re too soft to use your knives on him,” he muttered, facing me with smug anger in his face. “Because your personality won’t get you anywhere.”
“I’m notsoft. I’m cautious.” I shoved the rest of my books onto the shelf and met his gaze with equal anger. “If he gets murdered, all of Cambria will be looking for someone to blame. You know that.”
Mrs. Whitting appeared at the end of the aisle.
I backed away from Cael.
“Oh, good evening, Enforcer,” she said, her voice dripping with so much politeness that she almost didn’t sound like herself. “Is there a problem?”
“Not at all,” said Cael, his tone taking on the same transformation. “I was merely inquiring about a book.”
“Oh, please allow me to help you! My new employee is not nearly as familiar with this library as I am, but I am honored to help you. Come this way, please.” She smiled, beckoning Cael over.
“Wonderful,” he said, his brow twitching.
I tried to keep the smile off my face.
Mrs. Whitting turned back to me. “You’re dismissed, Miss Yarrow, but make sure to arrive promptly tomorrow morning.”
I gave Cael one last amused look before grabbing my things and heading through the doors into the colorless evening light. I took the stairs and went into the street, glad I’d soon be safe and secure in the Lenoxes’ home.
Citizens pushed through the busy streets, making their way home. The bustling crowd disrupted my desire for peace and solitude, but at least I was less likely to stand out. Windows lit up with firelight one by one. The last rays of sunlight peeked from behind the clouds. If only I could reach it and be free from the bricks, the stones, the dust, and the stifling blanket between me and the sky. Getting out of this lifeless city would be freedom itself.
As I passed a church, I heard footsteps behind me. I sighed. Probably just Cael.
I continued forward, my ears telling me something wasn’t right. The steps were quick and eager, not at all like the saunter I’d become used to. I gathered my courage and peeked over my shoulder.
As expected, the man behind me wore an Enforcer’s uniform. But he wasn’t Cael. He was short, with shaggy brown hair and a boyish face.
“Stop!” he shouted.
That was my cue to run.
I took off, confident that my long stride would help me outrun this man. I darted into an alley, determined to lose him. Not only was prison unappealing, but I didn’t dare lead this Enforcer to the Lenoxes’ home. I’d have to take a circuitous route. I ran through the streets, turning at random intervals until I’d lost myself as well as I’d lost him.
I stopped to catch my breath when I came to a brick wall covered in ivy. I wasn’t certain, but judging by the crumbling brick and overgrown vines, this seemed to be the border of Quarter D. I started along the wall, the shadows growing longer. The direction of the setting sun was the only hint of which direction to go.
As the light faded, something tugged on my bag. I spun around, my hand darting toward the knives inside.
A small figure stood in the dark. A child.
My heart slowed and I let my hand fall to my side.
A boy no taller than my waist stepped forward. His eyes were pained and pleading, and his wrists looked as skinny as a rope. He took another cautious step and the light reflected off something metallic on his face.
The silver bridle extended from both sides of his mouth and wrapped around his head. His chin was crusted with old blood. A surge of pity flowed through me at the same time my stomach sickened. I didn’t think a child could be punished like this, not even in Cambria.
Thiswas the world the Brennins ruled.Thiswas the reason I was here.
My teeth clenched. It was safer for me to just move along; I’d be an idiot to interfere. But how could I possibly walk away?
I knelt on the ground and spoke softly. “Come here.”