* * *
The sky was unusuallyblue when our carriage arrived at the back entrance to the Academy. To the side of the gates, waiting alone with a full bundle in her arms, was Cait. Her black maid’s dress was smooth, and her hair had been tamed into a thick braid, but her smile carried the same rebellious mystery.
The carriage stopped and I gestured for her to come over.
“Your maid’s here?” asked my father.
“I had her bring my coronation gown. I was afraid something might happen to it if I left it in the carriage while we were inside the Brennin’s house.”
He laughed. “Since when have you worried about dresses?”
“Since the whole city started watching me.”
He frowned. “Well, I guess that’s for the best.”
“You wanted me to be queen, didn’t you?” I asked, my voice tinged with bitterness. “You’ll have to deal with a few changes.”
The footman dismounted and opened the door for Cait. She climbed in and sat next to me, avoiding my father’s frown.
The carriage rolled forward again, taking us through the gates reserved for the most important people in the city.
I felt like nothing but an impostor.
We crossed the grounds and an Enforcer led us through the Academy’s doors and up a grand staircase. To the right. Down a hall. Left. Another hall. The building was huge and I couldn’t afford to get disoriented. Not when I’d need to take the quickest way out.
In a wide hallway, I saw Maeve Brennin dressed in black and escorted by two guards. The golden crown on her head lent a strange contrast to her shame. The Academy must’ve let her leave her house for the ceremony since the former ruler’s surviving family traditionally passed on the crown, but she clearly couldn’t have been less pleased. She was used to being revered and protected. Now she was seen as a criminal.
She looked over her shoulder as she passed, watching my every move until she turned a corner.
The Enforcer leading me stopped in front of a door and handed me a key. “Your dressing room, milady.”
“Thank you. My maid will assist me with the rest.”
He bowed and walked away.
“I’ll wait here,” said my father.
“No, no, no. I’m fine. Go take your seat.” I smiled. “Please.”
His forehead shone with sweat and his mouth was tight.
“Really, Father.”
He turned his back to Cait and lowered his voice. “You didn’ttellher—”
“Tell her what?”
“There’s just something in her expression that looks like she . . .” He leaned toward my ear. “Like sheknows.”
“Well, she doesn’t,” I said, “so you can stop glaring at her.”
He took a deep breath and stood tall again before walking down the hall and out of sight.
“Were you able to visit your family?” I asked Cait.
She sighed. “They weren’t home.”
I put the key in the lock and pushed the door open. I’d expected something small, but the dressing room was almost as big as my bedroom at home. A grand chandelier lit the windowless room. The walls were covered in a gold damask print, except the one opposite the door, which held one enormous mirror. Combs and ribbons spilled over the top of a marble vanity, along with all sorts of stuff I wouldn’t know what to do with.