Page 117 of His Noble Ruin

I shoved her hands away and stood up. “I’ll lose even more if you won’t help me.”

She shook her head before coming to my side. “You’re as stubborn as a Yarrow.”

I held onto her and we left the cottage.

In the sun, my vision blurred, and my ears grew hot. She probably wouldn’t have to make me lie down. I’d be on the ground soon enough. I looked down at the shore. Either my eyes were giving out or there was only one boat in front of me.

“Where are the boats?” I asked. Since I’d only gotten here just before they planned to launch, I expected the shore to be filled with them, but it was calm and quiet. “There should be boats.”

“Don’t worry,” said Elin. “Cael’s boat is here to take you home.”

“No, not Cael’s boat.” I faced her, grabbing her shoulders to steady myself. “Where are the boats?”

“Honey,” she said softly, “you’re feverish. We need to get you—”

“No.” I shook my head, looking back to the shore to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me, but there was still only one boat. “The attack! You’re attacking Cambria!”

“What on earth are you going on about?” asked Elin.

“Thewar,” I said firmly, trying to get it through her head.

“What war?” asked Elin.

The genuine confusion on her face silenced me. Then it terrified me. I took a few long breaths, trying to stave off the panic. I gathered my strength before I spoke again. “You don’t know about it.” The reality smashed into me and I felt my world fall out from under me. “It wasn’t real.”

Elin stood there, silently supporting me so my body wouldn’t collapse as everything inside of me had.

“My father lied.” I stared vacantly at the single boat on the shore. “None of it was real.”

“Honey . . .” Elin began.

My head whipped around at the sound of rising voices.

Cael and Oliver dragged Graham between them through the village. Graham’s head hung down and even more blood stained his clothing.

Elin and I started forward to meet them, but they turned, pulling Graham between two houses. We moved faster, following behind them. The space in front of us opened to a clearing at the edge of the village. In the center was a pit.

They took Graham to the edge and threw him in.

“No!” I screamed.

I yanked away from Elin and stumbled, then dove, to the ground. I crawled to the edge of the pit and looked down.

Graham lay at the bottom.

I screamed his name.

He moved, slowly rolling over, then got to his knees. He looked up at me, his face bruised and bleeding. One eye was swollen shut.

“Graham.” I breathed his name. “I’m so sorry.” I knew it was inadequate. I could say it a thousand times and it wouldn’t make the slightest difference. Not after all I’d done.

“Tell the truth,” he said, his voice low.

A wave of dizziness hit, making me grip the ground to keep from falling in. I didn’t know if it was the words themselves or the steel in his voice that hurt more. Even with the distance between us, his blue eyes bore through me, all the way to my shameful soul.

“Why are you still here?” he asked.

“To make sure you’re safe,” I whispered.