He looked back at the Enforcer and cleared his throat. “That’s even more reason for him to question her.”
I tried to suppress my smile.
“Very well, Sir Brennin,” said the Enforcer, though his frown suggested the opposite. “We will accompany you to the Brennin grounds.”
“That won’t be necessary, thank you. My own guards are waiting outside. If you could please remove her handcuffs, we’ll take her to the king now.”
“I’m sorry, sir, but we cannot,” he said. “She must be returned with the cuffs in place.”
“Yes, of course,” said Graham, smiling. “I understand.”
The guards released me, and I stumbled forward.
Graham gave me a knowing look. I couldn’t help but feel a little shame as he walked me out into the street. The bright afternoon sun seared my eyes, but I squinted at the surrounding buildings, memorizing the place so I’d be able to return one day to help the friends who remained there.
Unless my eyes hadn’t fully adjusted, the street was vacant.
“Where are your guards?” I asked.
“Well,” said Graham, “that wasn’t quite true, so we should hurry before they notice.” He placed a hand on the small of my back above my cuffed wrists.
My breath caught at his unexpected touch and I turned away to hide my flushed face.
He took me down the street and around a corner into an alleyway, where I stopped and faced him. “The king didn’t ask to question me, did he?” I asked.
“Not exactly.”
I smiled through my confusion, studying his eyes questioningly. “I know you don’t owe me anything after all you’ve done, but I’d love an explanation.”
He raised an eyebrow. “So would I. Although I’m beginning to put it together. We’ll talk when we get somewhere safe. For now, let’s enjoy one last hour of ignorance.”
I smiled. “Ignorance sounds good.”
We left the alleyway together, sticking to the quieter streets as much as possible. If it hadn’t been for the guilt that had reawakened inside me, and the handcuffs digging into my wrists, I would’ve felt almost happy. Every citizen we passed stopped and stared, their mouths falling open at the sight of the heir walking beside a dingy-looking handcuffed girl.
“We’ll have to get you something to wear,” he said, “or I won’t have much luck sneaking you into my house.”
I snorted out an awkward laugh. “Your house? You said we were going somewhere safe!”
“Trust me,” he said. “The Brennin grounds are the least likely place a criminal would hide.”
His use of the wordcriminalprickled. I knew I was one, but what did it make me in his eyes? “Wait, no! I’d have to dress like a noble to get in.”
“Exactly. We’ll stop at the nearest dress shop.”
I held back, shaking my head. “What about a rank card? And my hands are cuffed behind my back, remember?”
“You don’t have a very vivid imagination.” Graham smiled, repeating the words I’d used on him a few days earlier.
A tingle flowed over my skin. I couldn’t help but feel secretly glad that he remembered our conversations as well as I did.
“So you have a plan?” I asked.
He nodded. “It will take a few lies, but I think I can manage.”
* * *
Graham visiteda nearby dress shop while I hid alone in an alley. I fiddled with my handcuffs, but they obviously weren’t going anywhere.