Page 129 of His Noble Ruin

Maeve’s bloodshot eyes widened.“I beg your pardon?”

Cait shook her head in warning, stopping when the queen glared at her through the mirror. If this went wrong, I’d ruin her chances too.

“He’s alive,” I said.

“How dare you?” She backed away. “Is this another Stroud lie? I’ve seen how your father manipulates.”

“It’s not a lie.” My heart fluttered in a wild beat. Why did people trust me the least when I actually told the truth?

The lines around her mouth softened, but the next moment, they hardened into anger once more. “Then the crown belongs to him!”

“I agree.”

“What? Why in Irvine’s name would you give up the throne for him?”

I didn’t know how to answer. I felt a blush warm my cheeks.

Her mouth rounded and she nodded slowly. “Oh. And all this time I thought the Strouds were heartless.” Her voice turned deep and threatening. “Tell me what you know.”

“We were both kidnapped and shot,” I said.

Her mouth pinched together. “By that criminal, Bryn Yarrow. I already knew that. But you claimed he was dead.”

“I said that to protect him. I might be able to help him, butonlyif you keep all of this a secret.”

“But I have a reputation to save!”

I thought carefully before I spoke. “The best way to save your reputation is to bring him home. But for now, you’ll have to swallow your pride and keep quiet. I made a deal with Yarrow, but I can’t fulfill it unless you listen to me.”

“Where is he? Where’s Yarrow? And how canyouhelp?”

“I’ll tell you,” I said, “if you do something for me first.”

“I knew it.” Her lip curled and her glare returned. “Youaretrying to manipulate me.

You have no proof Graham’s alive, or that you’ve ever spoken a word to him!”

I took a deep breath and hoped my next words wouldn’t betray Graham further. “He told me about Ewan and the roof.”

The queen reeled back. She stumbled and gripped the back of a gilded chair, her hands whitening. All traces of pride dissolved from her figure.

“Will you help me save him?” I asked.

Maeve’s face grew as pale as her hands. “How?”

“I need the city—and especially my father—to think I’ve been killed. If you could let them think that’s true, maybe even threaten me or—”

She slowly looked up and fixed her gaze on me, her eyes burning with hatred. “You want me to take the blame.”

“Just until Graham is home.”


“With all due respect,” I said, “it can’t make your situation much worse.”

Maeve shook her head, her fists clenched. “You must swear to tell me where he is and how to find Bryn Yarrow.”

My eyes flitted to the floor before landing on hers again. “I will. I swear.”