Page 38 of Alien Soldier

“And I know that’s normal on Logos, but here in…well, the rest of the galaxy, you need to learn not to put your foot in your mouth,” I say. “So are you in? At this point, you’ve gotta prove you can back up that swagger.”

Malix’s lips curl in a wicked smile. “I was ranked top in my class for hand-to-hand at the Academy,” he says. “I’ve downed combatants with twice your skill.”

I take a step closer. “You don’t evenknowwhat skills I’ve got.”

He cocks his head and leans in. “I fear that losing will damage your morale before the operation.”

I snicker. “You’re going to regret saying that when you’re staring up at me from the floor in about fifteen minutes.”

I feel like I’ve suddenly woken something up in him—or maybe it’s the booze. Either way, he reaches out to take my hand, startling me when he pulls me in close.

“You’re on,” he murmurs, his drone rattling in my bones.

“Great,” I say. “Let’s fucking go.”




If this is what it feels like to be drunk, I could get used to it.

My confidence surges as Frankie leads me over to a cleared out area in the hull, Taraven on our heels. She’s small, compact—probably tougher than I think. I’ll be ready when we actually fight. I glance over my shoulder to see Taraven leaning against the leaf-covered wall, his smirk clear.

He thinks I’m going to lose.

I’m ready to prove him wrong.

“Alright,” Frankie says, rolling her head from side to side and cracking her neck as she shakes out her shoulders. “Ground rules. I won’t go for your fringe or yourjunk, you can’t hit me in the…well, I don’t really have weak spots, do I?”

“You’re human,” I scoff. “Your whole body is a weak spot.”

Taraven hisses out a breath as Frankie throws back her hair and laughs.

“Are you trying to piss me off?” she asks.

“I’m speaking honestly,” I say. “And I do not know what thisjunkis.”

“Your phallus,” Taraven cuts in. “Males tend to be vulnerable there.”

“Ah—noted,” I say. “In that case…fine. Any other rules?”

“Don’t go for the eyes or throat,” Frankie says. “Three taps on the ground means you surrender.”

“And what if you’re the one who surrenders?”

She bites her lip, putting up her fists in a defensive stance. “I never do.”

My gaze slides over to Taraven, who stays well away from us both. “You won’t be joining us?”

Taraven snorts. “She’s knocked me out enough to last a lifetime.”

“Hey Malix!” she says. “Eyes on me. Feeling scared?”

I roll my eyes at her, mimicking something I’ve only seen her do, and she barks out a laugh.

“Not scared at all.”