Page 25 of Sweetest Secret

“It is.” Molly plops down on her bed. “You first, then me.” I chew on my bottom lip.

Last night was supposed to be a one-night thing. Do I really want people to know? I have a level of guilt about it too. I’m still not sure about the whole thing about Chase being promised to some other woman. His mom's comment about him not having random girls at his condo aligned with that so it had me leaning toward that being the truth.

“I slept with Chase,” I blurt out. She only nods. “Seriously. A nod?”

“I mean, it’s not that shocking. Not with the way he can’t keep his eyes off you.”



“Because he’s a protective older brother type and he’s always watching out for me. That’s all.”

“Really, you and Asher think about banging it out?”

“Molly!” I shout. “You did not just say that.”

“Only proving a point. Who is he protecting you from in your own home?” I shrug.

“Whatever, I told you, now you tell me what all went down.” She’d given me the CliffsNotes over text, but I want details. “He called Chase freaking out this morning and not about the money stuff.”

“Still, we had a deal,” Molly hisses.

I raise my brows. “A deal?”

“I mean kind of.” Her cheeks start to turn pink. “I let him have his way with me, and he’d be nice to my mom.”

“This is some weird blackmail that I don’t think was blackmail at all.”

“It was blackmail,” she insists.

“As in blackmail he makes me do it so I don’t have to say I want it?” I smirk. Those cheeks turn even pinker. “Babe, we’ve shared some books. I think I know a bit of your taste.”

“Those are only books!”

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” She elbows me in the side. “Damn, when did you get all violent?”

“It was a nudge. Did I really hurt you?”

“I’m teasing you. Where is my brother?” I ask. She shrugs. “You know this isn't over, right? Whatever this is, he’ll figure it out and fix it. Then he’ll come for you. Asher is one of the most determined men I’ve ever known, and I’ve never known him to give up on something he cares about.” I sigh. “Love is more powerful than anything, it will make you do crazy things.”

I should know. I gave Chase my virginity last night, and now I’m going on a random trip with my birth mother I should hate. She’d sent me a text saying we’d be leaving tonight.

“Like try and give my mom millions to never leave your father.”

“What was that even? Like a reverse prenup?” I laugh. It’s not funny, but I can’t help myself. Molly at least smiles at my joke. “He got scared. Thought if your mom left, she’d take you with her. It’s fucked up but sweet in an Asher way. I mean, he’s got mommy issues.”

“He’s not the only one with issues,” she whispers. I grab her hand, knowing she’s right. She lost her father at a young age. Now she’s in a world she doesn’t think she belongs.

“Do you hear that?” I ask, swearing I heard a shout echoing down the hallway. Being the nosy person I am, I'm out of the bedroom following the sounds. Molly is hot on my heels. We both stop at the top of the stairs to see Asher and Chase about to brawl. They both are ready for a fight.

“You’re fucking my sister!” Asher shouts.

“Yo, man. You’re fucking your stepsister.”

“Ohhh burn!” I laugh, that is, until Asher lunges for Chase.

“Oh God! What do we do?” Molly grabs my arm.

“We let them fight it out. I once watched them fight over the fact that Glinda the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz was really the witch of the East and likely more evil than her sister the Wicked Witch of the West.”

“Are you serious?”

“I mean she let a house just drop on her own sister then stole her shoes. Then had this weird dancing army which I think was in a trance. I mean, you’re only my stepsister, and I’m not going to let someone drop a house on you and then steal your shoes.” I glance down at Molly’s feet. “Okay maybe those shoes, but that would be a favor really.”

“Emily! Focus!” She points down at Chase and Asher going at it still. Her brother got in a few good swings, but now they’re on the ground rolling around.

“Asher Score, you stop it right this second!” Molly shouts in a tone that even has me standing up straighter. Dad and Grace come rushing into the foyer. Asher actually stops at Molly’s command.

“Tell him to bark like a dog,” I whisper.

“Emily,” Molly hisses at me again.

“I just wanted to see what kind of trance-like powers you might have, Glinda.”

“Both of you into the kitchen. Now!” Grace orders them.