He lifted the mic to his mouth. “Why should you rush Sigma Phi Alpha? Because being a Sig prepares you to do great things. For example,” he tapped a key on the keyboard, “you could go on to become a congressman.”

The screen changed, filling with a picture of one of our state’s congressmen, including his name and the year he’d been elected.

“An astronaut.”

The image morphed to an old one from the eighties, showing a guy in a NASA suit holding his helmet.

“An Olympian.”

This picture was of a swimmer in a pool, mid butterfly stroke.

“Even a porn star.” A shit-eating grin grew on Riley’s face as he advanced to the next slide, which was a video marked with a large play arrow in the center. He tapped a key on keyboard, and his gaze focused in on Mads and me at the back of the room.

It was a clip from the beginning of our audition, where we stood apart and faced each other. On screen, I pulled off my shirt, tossed it aside, and glared defiantly at Mads.

“Your turn,” I told her.

The crowd in the room had only been half paying attention to the presentation, but once the video started, people got quiet fast.

“Hello there,” a girl up front said to the shirtless version of me on screen, and a few people snickered at her exaggerated lust.

In the video, Mads grabbed the sides of her sweater and pulled it off, revealing her gray bra as her hair cascaded down over her shoulders. Fuck, she looked amazing, and I wasn’t the only one who thought so. There were whistles from some guys in the audience.

We’d made it known we were here tonight for this moment. A lot of heads turned and strained to look at us at the back of the room and see what we thought about the video rolling up on the screen.

It was so easy to look shocked. I dropped my mouth open and blinked as if I were too stunned to do anything else, and I felt her stiffening beside me—even though I knew she was okay with this.

“It’s not any different than people seeing me in a bikini top,” she’d assured me.

We played our roles of unsuspecting victims so well, Riley bought it hook, line, and sinker. He crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at us on the other side of the room. He thought he owned us.

On screen, Mads twisted her arms behind herself and reached for the clasp of her bra. The crowd stirred. Some were excited, and others seemed hesitant that she was about to be topless.

Riley was too busy watching us and gloating, he didn’t realize the video had cut to a new scene right as her bra started to come off.

This new camera angle was fisheye and placed at waist level, distorting the three figures who stood on a stone front porch.

“You cheated, and then you lied to everyone about it,” Mads said on the video.

On screen, Riley looked annoyed. “So, I got in your way a little bit, but we were just having some fun.”

What was fun was watching the live version of Riley now. His arrogant expression froze, and then was replaced by confusion as he turned to look up at the doorbell camera footage Scott had spliced into the presentation.

“I mean, you looked hilarious,” Riley blabbed on screen, “when you were chasing after the baton, but then you had to go and make a big deal out of nothing.”

I was at an angle to the camera so viewers could only see the side of my face as I spoke. “You should have been disqualified. Do you get that? It is a big deal because it means the Lambdas actually won.”

While he whined on screen about how I’d taken her side, the live Riley at the front of the room finally figured out where the video had come from. His attention snapped to me, and rage seared across his face.

“Yeah, I cheated, but it was for a good cause.” His voice rang through the speakers as he reached out to close the laptop. “I wanted us to win so we could help Grady—”

The video changed again before he could do it, and as the new image filled the screen, he went wooden. He recognized himself sitting shirtless in a chair, talking to the camera.

“Yeah. You like that?” he cooed to the viewer.

It was the video Riley had texted me. Scott had edited it with the rest of the clips, zooming in and moving the frame up so Riley’s dick wasn’t visible, but the rest of him was in the shot. Because his chest was bare and the way his arm moved, it was obvious he was jerking off.

“I’m going to use all of this big dick to fuck you,” he told the audience.