“Your people are insane. Why would they wanna watch me kiss you?” Dustin asked, confused but unable to lessen his grin.

“They don’t.” Notalus gently cupped his chin and tilted his head up to meet his gaze. “They want me to kiss you.”

Dustin pfft’d. “Don’t you think that’s kinda silly?”

“Kissing is not common in most realms, only Earth. To immortals, Homo sapiens are quite a fascinating species, shifters even more so. And you, handsome one, are human, alpha wolf, and god. A divine combination.” Notalus used his wind to close the distance tighter between them, his emerald cap sailing around them and making the cheers grow louder.

Notalus lowered his head until their foreheads touched. “I have found that I very much enjoy tasting your mouth, Alpha. I understand the appeal of kissing now.” Notalus closed his light eyes and the last few inches between their mouths. He pressed his lips to Dustin’s and breathed him into himself before he swept his tongue inside. Dustin kissed back with vigor, all logical thought slipping away at the reality that they were putting on quite a show. The scent of Notalus’ arousal made his pants pull tighter below his belt.

The crowd threw daisies and sunflowers at them as the shouts rose to a deafening level until Dustin slowly bought the kiss to an end.

Vades, the head of Notalus’ court—a demigod from Mag an T-Eolas, the Plain of Knowledge—leaned in and murmured close to their sides, “Perhaps you have associated enough for today, my lords. Eventide approaches, and soon the cups will be pouring freely.”

“Agreed, Vades. Thank you. We will return to the palace grounds momentarily.” Notalus waited for his court to leave before he turned back to face Dustin. “Now seems like a good time to take you to your gift. Do you want to see what it is now?”

“If it gets us by ourselves, then absolutely,” Dustin took Notalus’ hand, but Notalus stopped him and pulled him back into his chest.

“Hold on to me,” Notalus whispered in his ear, grasping him firmly under his shoulders.

Dustin didn’t have a chance to say, “hell fucking no, I’d rather run,” before Notalus propelled them into the air, coasting them over the rowdy crowd. It was nothing like when they’d traveled from Earth to Fhomhair at Mach speeds. That had been entirely too high and too fast. This was like surfing on a smooth wave. Dustin wasn’t afraid as they drifted just above the houses and over orchids and blooming fields of crops. Notalus buried his face in his neck and breathed against his throat, speaking to his wolf. Calming him. Dustin kissed Notalus over his mark, making him sigh with pleasure as he slowly descended to the ground.

“Mmmm, my gods. You make me moan like a lavender in a pleasure house, my alpha.” Notalus set them down gently in a barren field that went on for miles. His mate made sure his feet were secure on the ground before he eased his arms from around him. Notalus’ gaze was adoring as he stroked Dustin’s beard with one hand, his other lightly cupping the back of his neck. Dustin’s heart choked in his throat at that expression. He’d never, ever seen that look directed at him before… that’s how he knew exactly what it was.

“I like being able to do that,” Notalus confessed. “To feel you gliding on my wind with me is like nothing I could’ve imagined. It accepts you.”

“I might can get used to traveling like that,” Dustin said, flirting with the edges of Notalus’ robe.

“I’d like that a lot. I can show you the rest of the realm from an aerial view. You’ll love it.”

Dustin nodded, staring and wondering how he’d become so blessed.

“But first…” Notalus turned Dustin in his arms so that he was facing the wide-open field.

“What am I looking at?” Dustin asked.

Notalus wrapped his arms around him from behind. “My son just acquired this land for me to do with what I wish.” Notalus kissed the side of Dustin’s neck. “And my wish is to give it to you.”

Dustin sucked in a surprised breath. That is acres upon acres upon acres. “What?”

“Yes. For you, my alpha.”

“But…” Dustin was at a complete loss for words.

Dustin knelt and touched his hand to the soil. His fingertips tingled, the sensation traveling up his arm and throughout his body as if the ground was fueling him with renewed energy… with life.

Dustin shot to his feet, scrubbing his palms together. “What was that?”

Notalus took a few steps backward and waved his arm across the field. “That was your power, Dustin. The full harvest moon is when you are at your strongest. You can not only grow anything you wish, but you can receive energy from this realm’s natural elements.”

Dustin could still feel the stimulating pulses racing through him and filling him with a sudden urge to let his beast out.