Children poured buckets of colored leaves the size of his hand from the rooftops as they walked, and beautiful autumn colors rained down on them as they made their way up the path. It reminded Dustin of a parade with the way the people cheered and jumped for their lord while Notalus waved with the evident love that he had for them. People hung out of the windows of tall buildings that were constructed of brick and vines that crawled up the sides and snaked across the rooftops. Small cottages were built within the trunks of trees so wide Dustin thought they were unreal.
He’d never been anywhere like Fhomhair before. For as far as his eyes could see, there were trees and orchards and hills with rows of crops being tended to by dozens of farmers. The sky Dustin soared through was saturated and frigid with billowy clouds and looked nothing like the calypso-orange sky that he was gazing up at now. The sun appeared like a pumpkin hanging low on the horizon while the almost full moon sat off to the most northern part of the sky, and they looked three times the size they did on earth. Towering statues of gods and goddesses were carved out of fine wood that stood as tall as skyscrapers and were adorned with lush greenery and canna lilies. Dustin inhaled the perfumed air that was thick with cinnamon and chrysanthemums, admitting to himself that this place felt good, right, like he should be here.
Dustin was dizzy with how much he was trying to process at one time as they slowly made their way toward Notalus’ palace. I had a feeling he lived in luxury. Dustin was a bit self-conscious when they’d first arrived, but the more they walked and the more praises and flowers that were hurled in their direction, the more at ease he became. Even Joldryn was soaking up the attention as a young boy who looked to be in his early teens held out a bright red apple and encouraged Joldryn to come get it. The stallion clomped in his direction and chomped the fruit in half, chewing noisily before he accepted the other piece.
“Was that an apple or some sort of melon?” Dustin grinned, his admiration growing for this place with each step he took.
“It was a regular apple. But everything grows bigger and stronger here,” Notalus told him, watching Dustin carefully as he took in this new world with fresh eyes and wonder.
“My gods.” Dustin gawked at the vendors with carts loaded up with assortments of fruits, nuts, figs, and cheeses. His eyes caught on a platter of purple and orange berries the size of tangerines that he’d never seen before. A young woman in a flowy white dress who’d been throwing canna lilies in their path stopped to approach him humbly with a generous sample of the fruit.
“With your blessing, my lord.” She bowed reverently to Notalus.
He gave her a thankful nod before she offered the fruit to Dustin. She spoke in a tone that was wistful and respectful. She was beautiful, with eyes a lighter shade of green than Notalus’.
“These are called heamquats, Lord Consort. We stopped allowing them to be grown in the earthly realm as they’re quite poisonous to most reptiles. But they’re very sweet and exhilarating on the immortal palate… Enjoy, please.”
Dustin took the offering and bit half of the fruit, the sugary juice running down his forearm. “Damn, that’s good.” He beamed.
“There’s plenty more where that came from.” Notalus took his hand and walked them faster toward the palace. “Come on. Someone waits impatiently to meet you.”
“Can I put on some clothes before I’m introduced to anyone else?” Dustin glanced down at his bare feet on the smooth stones. “You told me I didn’t even have to bring a toothbrush.”
“I have all you will ever need.”
Dustin gazed up at Notalus, his heart thudding at the conviction in his words.
Notalus reminded him to wave to the people, and Dustin did, albeit feeling a bit foolish until he noticed the mile-wide smiles and the cheers that grew to an octave that rattled his eardrums.
“Why are they applauding like this? Is it because I’m human?” Dustin smiled as he bent to accept a bouquet of safflower from an elderly woman in linen pants and a paisley top.
Notalus shook his head. “That is not why at all.”
Dustin’s next question was cut off as the horns blared again as a thirty-foot iron gate opened and revealed a courtyard that was a landscape design straight out of Dustin’s dreams. There was so much nature to marvel at that he had to stop walking and just stand there for a moment to take it all in. There were hands tending to the gardens with reverence and expressions of serenity on their faces. Past the grounds stood a formal gathering of men and women standing in wait. Some were dressed in fancy clothes with matching floral headpieces, but most of them were dressed in some sort of uniform, except for the dozens of men that were dressed as knights.