Page 56 of New Law Shifters

Tasting her sweetness on my lips, I devour her until she’s coming on my lips, screaming my name. I’m ready to blow, my cock heavy between my legs, and I’m dying to be inside her, but I barely let her come down from her first orgasm before I’m licking her, pushing her for another one. When she’s come three times and I’ve lapped at her juices each time, I finally position myself between her legs and take her, burying myself to the hilt and shooting ropes of cum deep into her womb. Her cries of satisfaction are enough to keep me going. And when she’s had her fill, I grab a cloth from the bathroom and clean her gently between the legs.

When I lie back down beside her, I pull her into my arms, her naked body pressed against mine. I try to keep her mind off the necklace and everything with my family. I tell her about my mom and how I know she’ll love her. I can see the doubt in her face, but I know my mom. She will love Mona. I have no doubt about it. And if anyone can convince my father to accept Mona, it would be my mom.

We lie there for hours until she’s finally fallen into a deep sleep. Her arms and legs are wound around me, like even in her sleep she wants to be close to me. Knowing I have to do this, I kiss her lightly on the head and untangle myself from her, pulling myself out of the bed.

I look down at her, longing to just lie back down and forget everything else in the outside world. But I don’t. She’s bathed in my scent and I leave her lying there, hoping she’ll sleep until I get back.

I put my clothes on, check the front and back doors to make sure they’re locked, and then go outside. I push my bike away from the house and down the driveway before I start it. The whole way to New Law, I try to figure out what I’m going to say to them. But one way or another, I’m going to get Mona’s necklace back.

As soon as I walk in the door, Ronan stops me. “Please tell me you’re not doing what I think you’re doing.”

I stop beside him. My first instinct is to tell him to fuck off, but I don’t. I look at him, dead in the eye. “What would you do if it was Bree?”

“Mona’s a wolf shifter.” Ronan scoffs.

“She may be. But she’s also my mate. And I’m not letting Mandala get away with this. Not again,” I tell him point blank.

“Your mate?” he asks incredulously. “She can’t be your mate.”

“She is though, brother. And I’ll die for her before I’ll let anything happen to her,” I tell him and then walk away. I don’t wait for him to argue with me or try to talk me out of it. I don’t know why he can’t understand it. It’s obvious how he feels about Bree. He would die for her. How can he not expect the same from me for my mate?

A few of the crew is playing pool. I gather them around and explain what I’m going to do. Luckily, Deator’s not here and I can hopefully just take a few men with me. All of them, every last one of them are hesitant. They know what the Eaters are capable of and to them, it’s not their fight. I plead with them and try to explain to them that Mona is part of this club. She’s my mate and that makes her the responsibility of the club.

Ray steps forward. “I’ll go.”

I should have guessed that Ray would. He’s the secretary of the club, but he’s always up for a challenge, especially if it has anything to do with the Eaters.

When he steps forward, a few of the others volunteer too.

I finally start to feel at ease, that I can do this.

But it doesn’t last long because when we’re heading for the door, my father walks in. “She’s not a member of this club and she never will be.”

I still at his words, knowing there is a fight coming.

I turn to him, barely restraining myself. “Is this who we are now? We let men take women and rape them? All those years ago, you wanted me to step down and I didn’t. If I had listened to you, I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself. That’s not who we are. Who cares if she’s a wolf shifter? We’re bear shifters. Neither of us are better than the other.”

Deator raises his hands in the air, and there’s anger on his face. “Her own club was willing to leave her, son. What does that say about her?”