Page 4 of New Law Shifters

There’s a pounding on the door just as I’m sweeping mascara on my eyes. I holler, “Come in” as I step out of the bathroom and go in search of my boots. Sayer, Bruin and a woman that is hanging on him walks into the cabin. Bruin starts in on me right away, “You don’t tell people just to come in. And your door was unlocked.”

I just laugh and joke with him, “And I thought I left my parents back in So Cal!”

After sliding my shoes on, I stand up and walk over to the woman. “Since he’s not going to introduce us, I will. I’m Bree, Bruin’s cousin.”

“Hey, honey. I’m Lisa,” she says with her hands glued to Bruin. She smiles at me, but it rubs me the wrong way. I’ll have to make sure I stay away from this one, I tell myself.

Sayer runs his hand across the back of the couch. “So you feeling better since earlier?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” I tell them. Even if I wasn’t I would still go. I know it’s important for me to meet the New Law MC and to make a decent impression. If I plan on staying here in Eden, I definitely want to be on their good side. “Any word on my bike?”

Sayer just shakes his head and smiles. “It’s all checked out. They ordered a part for the broken mirror and some new tires. It will be ready soon.”

Bruin’s walking around, checking all the windows and making sure they’re locked, then turns back to us. “Let’s roll.”

Since Lisa is with Bruin on his bike, I agree to ride with Sayer. He’s nice enough and I can tell he’s interested by the way he slides his hand across my upper thigh. He could be fun, but he’s not really my type of guy. He’s no alpha.

The ride to the clubhouse is short. I roll my eyes when Sayer speeds up to make me tighten my hold on him. When we do arrive, it’s dark and there’s a fire and a cookout going on. I can smell the food from here and my stomach rumbles. I follow them to the party. I’m hungry, but more than that, I’m interested to see what these bad boys are like.


I hear the motorcycles pull in over the music and all the commotion. I stand apart from the crowd, watching Bruin, Lisa, Sayer and the cousin roll in. When she gets off the back of Sayer’s bike, I feel an uncontrollable jolt of anger toward my patched brother. He’s acting too familiar with Bruin’s cousin and the only thing that saves him is when she walks over to the other side of Bruin, distancing herself from Sayer.

I watch her walk into the party and she’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. She’s beautiful. Somehow, her black hair is shimmering in the moonlight. Her curves make my mouth water. She’s curvier than most of the chicks here and the first thing I think of is wanting to grab on to her wide hips and hold her against me.

Lust builds inside me and I don’t know what to do with it. I’ve made a point of staying away from any females that make me want to consider settling down. I don’t want any part of that. She laughs then and it lights up her whole face. My bear jolts inside of me, fighting to get out, to go to her. But I rein him in barely. I feel my veins expanding and my muscles stretching, but I bear down, holding him inside. I kick the gravel with my boot and watch it spray across the lot. Pissed at Sayer, pissed at myself for not being able to stop myself from staring at Bree, I decide right now that I need to stay as far away as possible from her.

I walk across the lawn to the other side and join my brother. But my eyes keep straying over to her. Bruin introduces her to everyone and she has a smile for them all. I barely hold it together when Sayer walks up and throws his arm around her. Fuck. Me.

She turns then and out of all the people here, her gaze goes directly to mine. When she sees me and notices I’m staring back at her, her eyes widen. She looks away and lifts Sayer’s arm off her shoulder and steps away from him.

“Good girl,” I whisper and her eyes jolt back to me. It’s almost like she heard me, but I shake my head. There’s no way.

We stare at each other for I don’t know how long before Lola slides up next to me, cupping my hard dick in my pants. “You miss me, Ronan?”

I jerk away from her, but when I look back at the cousin, her back is turned to me, making me wonder if she saw. But immediately I want to kick myself. Why should I care if she saw? I’m not hers and I never will be.