Page 3 of New Law Shifters

“But Ronan, I thought we could go to your room,” she whines.

I don’t even answer her. I walk over to Deator and stand next to him, crossing my arms across my chest.

Koda and Johnny both start talking a mile a minute, but before I can stop them, my dad does. Holding his hands up, he tells them, “Stop. What happened? And one at a time.”

Johnny tells us about the Eaters being in New Law territory and how they threatened Bruin’s cousin. “She stopped to gas up her ride and they jumped her, probably would have killed her if we hadn’t showed up. As soon as they saw us, they got out of there.”

Koda jumps in and says, “It was Solos. But I didn’t recognize the patch that was with him.”

The Eaters. They are our biggest rivals and our biggest headache. “Fuck. They know to stay out of our territory. We need to stop this and we need to stop it now.” I feel my heart racing just thinking about it. We’ve had plenty of run-ins with the Eaters before. They’re a crazy crew and any fight with them usually ends in blood shed and lives lost. It’s about time we took care of them and ended this.

We sit down at the nearest table. “Where’s Bruin?” I ask Johnny.

Lola sets a beer down in front of each of us. Johnny takes a drink and sets it down. “Bruin and Sayer went with Bruin’s cousin to her new cabin. She just moved here. Actually was rolling into town when she got jumped. He asked me to come tell you that we need to have church tonight.”

Kodak interrupts, smiling. “Yeah, but I reminded him about the party…”

The three of us look at him like he’s crazy. Surely he knows that anything with the Eaters is more important than him getting his dick wet.

Johnny rolls his eyes. “Boss, Bruin is pissed and liable to do something stupid on his own if the club doesn’t back him up and protect his cousin.”

Deator has been quiet through the whole conversation. He’s always been that way, but I’ve learned that he just takes it all in. He’s quiet but when he talks, people listen. It hits me that he’s starting to show his age. His white hair is thinning and his blue eyes are tired. He founded this club. He and Mom both put their heart and soul into it. They always said they wanted to build something for Klaus and me. I look over at Klaus and he’s staring at us. When I catch him looking, he turns his head away and takes another drink. “We’ll meet tonight and the members will vote on what stance we’ll take where Bruin’s cousin is concerned. We’ll wait on Bruin and Sayer. Let the boys know.” He gestures around the room with his hand.

Johnny and Koda get up, but something makes me stop them. “The cousin? Is she okay?”

Johnny nods his head. “Yeah, she’s okay. I think Bruin was more torn up then she was.”

Koda interrupts him. He runs his hands in a curvy motion in front of him. “The sexy cousin took a piece of Solos. She cut into him so hard it probably chipped a piece of bone. The Eater may not scar but even with his fast-healing blood, it will take him months to recover.”

The she-bear already seems to have a fan in Koda.

I nod my head, dismissing them. My heart’s pounding, knowing that a fight is about to happen. I can feel it in my bones. But in the same thought I think, A she-bear taking a piece out of an Eater? That’s a woman I’d like to meet.

Chapter 3


As soon as my cousin left, I took another tour of the small cabin. It’s prefurnished and while it’s not exactly my style, I can’t argue with how comfortable and sturdy the pieces of furniture are.

After taking a hot shower, I’d taken a nap in the buff. It’s something I had always told myself I would do when I was out on my own. I don’t know how much time has passed before I jolt awake and stretch against the sheets, loving the feel of the soft material against my skin. I jump up when I realize that the sound of motorcycles is what had wakened me. I pad over to the window and pull the blind to the side to see who’s coming up the driveway. When I spot Bruin, I release the breath that I didn’t know I was holding. For a second, I thought the Eaters had found me.

I step away from the window, unlock the front door and reluctantly start pulling out my v-neck top and cutoff jean shorts I planned to wear tonight. I am unhappy that I have to put clothes on and even more upset that I haven’t had time to let my bear run. She’s itching to get out.