It seems all they needed was someone to give them direction though, because they immediately bolt for the Academy. Cocking my head to the side, I watch everyone run. “Well that sort of worked,” I say.

Foster snorts and lets out a ragged breath. “Yeah.”

I smile and shake my head. The crazy weather has nothing on our combined barrier and it’s then that I realise I still have my phone in my hand that’s at my side. Whoops, Corin is probably freaking out right now. I never hung up.

I quickly bring it back to my ear and catch the tail end of what he’s saying. “—Swear to the gods Nessa if you don’t answer me right now I’m going to put you over my fucking kne—” I squeak and quickly answer him, cheeks flushing bright red.

“I’m here.” I can feel Foster’s eyes on me but I don’t risk a look in his direction. Dear Goddess, I really hope he didn’t overhear that.

“Finally. Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Are you alright?”

I let out a breath. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m with Foster.”

There is a pause and then. “Good.”

I finally peer at Foster and find him grinning at me, eyes heated. I’m going to kill Corin. I mentally groan when my lower stomach tightens at the look Foster’s giving me. Thankfully the universe has fabulous timing and a voice rings across the campus making both of us jerk our heads in the direction it’s coming from.

“Everyone back out here, now,” she snarls. With her appearance, the clouds seem to swell even more, though the dangerous lightning calms a little. The woman standing at the front of the field is Aurora, but not like I usually see her. Her body is illuminated by an ethereal glow that seems to emanate from her and her usually wavering, almost translucent form is nowhere to be seen. Instead, her form appears to be almost solid, as though she is closer to the living plane than the undead side. Her eyes are also glowing bright red as she throws her arms up, bright blue magic flaring from her fingertips. Her form grows until she’s as tall as a two story house and towering over the field.

I’m trying to figure out what she’s doing when dozens of portals open up a few feet above the ground and students start appearing on the field. “Holy shit, she’s portalling everyone here,” I whisper. Foster nods, stepping closer to me so his arm is pressed against my shoulder. It’s chaotic, the flashes of portals and the mass of confused students being dumped onto the campus. I lean forwards, eyes scanning the dark area, attempting to spot Lexi or Corin. I hold up the phone to my ear, but all I get is static, so with a growl I hang up and slide it back in my pocket. Even with my vampire eyesight, between the flashes of lightning, glowing portal magic and darkness, it’s impossible to see the features of anyone that’s not right next to our platform. So far all I can make out are students though, I haven’t seen a single professor or the Headmaster.

In under five minutes the entire campus is packed with people, the only sound is the rolling thunder as everyone stays silent, fear wriggling through the lot of them. Foster and I on my platform are practically smack bang in the middle of everyone, with some people ducked half under us to avoid—what I’m assuming is—the freezing cold rain. I have to keep pinching myself to keep away the euphoria as their fear is absorbed into me. I have to stay present to figure out what the fuck is going on.

“Students of the Academy of Magic, first off, I welcome you to my school,” Aurora calls out over the silent crowd. The thunder seems to calm, only low rumbles remaining so Aurora’s voice can be heard. “Second, I would like to introduce myself. I am Aurora, the Academy’s new, and rightful Headmaster. I apologise for the way I called you all here, but I do have a few things to go over, if you all don’t mind?” She phrases it as a question, but it’s pretty obvious that she’ll keep us here even if we disagree.

My eyebrows are practically touching my hairline, surprise radiating through me. This is such a different side to Aurora than the one she usually shows me. Frankly, I’m not quite sure how I feel about it.

Everyone murmurs their ascent to her words and she smiles, calming some. “With me being in charge there will be a few things changing around here. All of the portals are locked until further notice and the barrier will no longer allow people through it for the foreseeable future. Any other changes have been sent to each of your dorms. You will find an envelope on the end of your bed. I advise that all of you read them very carefully and adjust your behaviour as such,” Aurora says, a serene if slightly cheshire smile on her face.

Then she claps her hands. “Oh, and I almost forgot.” Roughly two dozen portals open up in front of her and the professors I’d thought were missing from the fray earlier, appear. As does the ex-Headmaster. Once they’re all through, Aurora conjures a large platform beneath them and lifts them up, lighting up the sky with constant flickering lightning so we see them all clearly. She then snaps her fingers and shackles appear on their wrists, each set connected to its own chain that’s attached to the floor of the platform. Now grinning like the cat that got the canary, Aurora’s eyes fix on the Headmaster. “As I’m sure you were all wondering, your previous Headmaster is unable to continue his job, as he has been arrested by the SFBI.”

She gives it a moment for the information to sink in and a wave of murmurs rises up in the crowd, then with another snap of her fingers a portal opens up under the shackled ex-Headmaster and he’s sucked into it. I can’t help but grin. I don’t know how the fuck she’s managed to do it, but I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Aurora’s shoulders draw back, and she clasps her hands in front of her as she stares down each one of the professors. “Let this be a warning to you all.” That's all she says on the matter, probably confusing the shit out of innocent parties, but terrifying others who are now trapped on Academy grounds like sitting ducks. Excitement buzzes in my veins and I bite my cheek.

With that serene smile back in place she addresses the crowd. “Thank you all for listening. You are all dismissed.” She releases her hold on the group, including the professors, before turning her sights directly on me. “Except for; Nessa, you and your mates, Lexi and Foster, to my office, please.” She then abruptly disappears.

With that it’s like all the fear in the group abruptly falls away and it’s like being pulled away from a livewire. I suck in a quick breath before half falling onto Foster, laughing hysterically. Good fucking God. I scrub my hands over my face, the high from feeding on fear still buzzing in my veins. Goddess, this is probably the worst timing to have a partial breakdown, but then again, when have I ever had good timing?

Chapter Thirty-Four


Iloopanarmaround Nessa’s waist, worried she’s going to fall off of the platform we’re on with the amount of semi-hysterical laughing she’s doing. I’m honestly quite confused. There are a few very obvious reasons in my mind that I could have been summoned to the new headmaster’s office, one of which is in my arms. Still, Nessa’s reaction to the magical fuck around that was the last thirty minutes, is more than a little out there. Also, if I’m not mistaken the new headmaster is aghost.

Anxiety is a tight knot in my chest, but I learnt how to dissociate myself from it a long time ago. In my line of work you really can’t have crippling anxiety when things get stressful. I’m also a little confused about getting lumped in with Nessa, her mates and Lexi. I don’t understand how Aurora could possibly be aware of my budding…somethingwith Nessa, and I’ve hardly interacted with her guys or Lexi. Then again, I’m pretty sure I caught a flash of her before Nessa touched the barrier. I caught a flash of her, then I was too focused on Nessa.

I shake my head to myself, arm tightening around Nessa’s waist as she leans against me and wipes at her eyes. She seems to have mostly gotten control of her laughter and when I look down at her, I find her already peering up at me, eyes shining slightly. “Sorry about that,” she whispers.

Unsure what comes over me, a smile curls my lips and I pat her on the head gently. “Don’t worry about it, giggles. Everyone needs to laugh every now and then.”

Just like I thought it would, her nose scrunches up at the nickname and she elbows me, before ducking out of my grip. “You are not calling me that,” she says adamantly, pointing a finger at me.

“And if I do,giggles? What are you gonna do about it?” I like giving her shit, I admit it. She gets this adorable crinkle in her forehead when she’s angry. Like a—tall—angry, dark fairy.

Her eyes narrow as she searches for something. Those golden eyes visibly light up when she thinks of something and it has my smile growing. “I’ll call you mister glitter pickle, forever.”

A bark of laughter escapes me at the utter randomness of it. “Please do, giggles. I absolutely adore the name.”