His eyes light up, the corner of his mouth kicking up. “Do you think I’d tell you if I were?”

I shake my head and flop back a little. “No, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you for now. So this is the game plan…” I say, then fill him in.

With Dylan’s help, our tiny, but strong team is ready for battle in under five minutes and I have to purse my lips to keep from laughing whenever our plan pops into my head. It’s absolute gold.

We begin our attack with me diving over the couch and pretending to fall on my face—yeah, not my best moment, but we’re working with what we have. Of course, both Corin and Oscar jump to their feet revealing their hiding place.Bingo. Cackling, I roll over and pull up my shirt revealing a DIY pouch I tied together to hold a bunch of popcorn and start launching handfuls at them. Simultaneously, Dylan casts a spell that sends roughly two bathtubs worth of the fluffy kernels raining over the three of them, sending Lexi diving out from behind their couch barracks spluttering. Oscar and Corin follow suit, wiping their eyes and mouths, trying to get out of the storm of buttery goodness.

Dylan walks to my side, a wide grin stretching his lips as he joins me in watching the chaos. There is now a literal, nearly knee deep, pile of popcorn surrounding their couch and Oscar flops to the floor, laughing when he catches sight of it. Waving his hand, Dylan cuts off the popcorn rain and Lexi and Corin start laughing too. I move to her side, nudging her shoulder with mine playfully and she throws me a look, smiling as she wipes her eyes, the laughter making her eyes water.

I flop on the couch, breathless and Lex follows me down. Her cheeks are rosy as she sucks in deep breaths and I’m not quite sure what comes over me but I launch at her, wrapping her up in a bear hug. She lets out a short squeak before returning the embrace and I rest my chin on her head, content to snuggle for a little while. The guys have yet to see this side of me, but I’m too content to fret over what they think right now.

I may be strong, confident and sarcastic ninety percent of the time, but when I’m at home and around people I trust and care about, I tend to turn into a big teddy bear. Lex pets my arm in a soothing motion and I relax even further. She’s used to me displaying my affection like this so she doesn’t even question it. My gaze settles on a loose strand of fabric sticking out of the couch cushion as my focus drifts, throat constricting.Goddess, I’ve missed her. My first term was so hectic, and then since the incident withEthan,she’s chosen to stay close to her mates and new home with them on campus. I swallow past the lump in my throat and hold her tighter for a second before pulling back and flopping down beside her, leg thrown over hers. The contact is soothing after being away from her for so long.

Yep, I really needed this. My eyes dart to Corin who is already watching me.Thank you, I say in my head, shoving the thought at him as hard as I can, to try and convey what I’m thinking with my expression. He doesn’t have quite the reaction I was expecting though. His entire body jolts, eyes widening as he stares at me, cocking his head to the side and shaking it back and forth.What the hell?I lean forwards in my seat, feet landing on the floor with a greasy crunch. Pausing, I wrinkle my nose as I peer down at them. Squished popcorn is wedged between my toenails and the souls are slick with cold butter.

The aftermath of a popcorn war definitely isn’t as fun as the battle. Swallowing a laugh at the chaos of the room, my eyes return to Corin to check on him, but he shakes his head and mouths the wordlater. Nodding, I sit back, pursing my lips. “So, uh, did we have a clean-up plan in mind or am I just living in a popcorn land for the foreseeable future?” I say conversationally. I mean, I’m the one who started the food fight, but the cleaning spells and runes I know, cleaneverything. So they’re out of the question, unless I’m prepared to ask the guys to roll around on my blanket nest. Hmm, or my bed. Yeah, bed sounds even better. I don’t realise a quiet purr has started rumbling from my chest until Lexi elbows me in the tit, successfully cutting the sound off.

“Hey,” I mutter, rubbing it. “That was uncalled for.” I land a quick open palmed slap to her thigh and she shrieks, jumping away from me with a laugh. Shaking my head I get to my feet, hands reaching for the ceiling as I stretch.

“So, cleaning plan…”

The guys all share a look then Corin takes the lead, muttering something, before a vibrant purple rune appears in the middle of the room and all the popcorn vanishes, along with its mess. Like it was never there to begin with. Trying to be inconspicuous, I dive into my nest on the couch and take a quick whiff before straightening and acting all prim and proper. Oh my gods, it still smells like Dylan. My smile kicks up a notch and I settle in. “Thank you. So, another movie?”

Lexi snorts, but calls for a toilet break and Corin says he’s going to put together some more snacks. My bottomless pit of a stomach rumbles in agreement. I grab the TV remote and back out of the comedy we were watching. I didn’t even notice it playing as background noise, so definitely time to pick another movie.

Flicking through the multiple choices, I settle on an action flick that has good reviews, then wait for the guys and Lexi to come back. Oscar tries to settle back on the floor at my feet but I playfully push him towards Corin. “Nope you guys are traitors, you ditched me.” I grin, blowing him a kiss as he pouts. Dylan passes me and I once again tug him into my nest where he scoops me up into his lap again. Settling back against his chest, I steal a cracker, scooping it in some dip when Corin sets a tray down on the coffee table in front of me. Shoving it in my mouth, I give him a big thumbs up and he smiles, setting another tray down in front of Lexi. She curls up all comfy, and grabs a chunk of cheese from the platter in front of her, thanking Corin. I thank him as well before turning to the TV again. Action movie time. When looking through the films, I intentionally checked the main actors to find some eye candy. The slow motion, torn shirt, walking away from an explosion scene is half the reason I like action flicks.

Shaking off my thoughts, I press play on the movie. When the opening scene rolls, a wicked grin slants my lips as I take in the main male character.So fricking hot. I share a look with Lex and she laughs quietly, shaking her head at me. Leaning back, I shuffle a little on Dylan’s lap and his thumb strokes my knee. Sucking in a breath, my awareness zones in on that one touch.

Dylan’s hand shifts again, his fingers trailing from my knee to my upper thigh, before pausing there to curl around it. I jump when he brushes the sensitive skin, so close to my core. It has need curling through my lower stomach.

I hold my breath, cheeks flushed with anticipation, but thirty seconds go by and he doesn’t move. A tiny disappointed groan falls from my lips, the sound covered by an explosion on screen. The heat swirling through me turns into an unfulfilled ache. Accepting defeat—and that it’s probably a good thing I’m not getting an orgasm right now, due to the fact that my friend is sitting only a few feet away—I slump a little and refocus on the TV. The broad shouldered main character is currently sprinting through busy city streets as an armoured gunman chases him down. I cock my head to the side as I study the man.Hmm, those muscles have got nothing on what I’ve seen through Corin’s clothing. True to his nickname—Mountain Man .

I’m still busy comparing those two mental images when Dylan’s hand moves, fingers dipping down slightly to stroke the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. My thighs clamp together, and a pulse starts in my core. Forcing myself to relax, I let out a shaky breath. Once again I tense in anticipation, focused completely on that touch. On the way his fingertips trace featherlight circles, pointed fingernails making goosebumps prickle my skin. But after a minute of teasing his hand stills.

This time when I growl, it’s audible and everyone turns to look at me. I don’t bother explaining, just cross my arms and stare at the TV until they resume watching the show.At this rate, I’m going to need to go to the bathroom and finish myself off. The arousal coursing through me has my skin ultra sensitive. The couch’s fabric is rough against my arms and the back of my thighs. A faint sheen of sweat rests on my hairline and I dig my fingernails into Dylan’s thighs. His old book scent teases me, and irritation swarms me. I tense, ready to stand, but Dylan’s other hand snakes around my thigh, forcing me to stay on his lap. My lips draw back in a snarl and I toss my head back to see his expression, only to pause when his lips press to the ticklish spot beneath my ear. I stay frozen, neck bared to him, nails digging into his thighs as I wait for him to speak, my arousal like little knives skating over my skin.

The man has the nerve to tut at me like I’m a misbehaving child, and a growl rumbles in my chest, but his words have me pausing. “I really thought you’d last longer. A little teasing and you’re running away?”

My body goes limp at the seductive purr his voice melds into, but my head stays frustrated at the bastard. I’ve never been patient and I’m not starting now. I mutter as much to him and he chuckles under his breath.

“Hold out until Lexi’s gone and I’ll reward you, or I can let you go now…?”

“Fine,” I say, just to prove how stubborn I can be, despite my lack of patience. “I’ll stay.” Why use my fingers to get an unsatisfying orgasm, when I can hold out and get at least one, great orgasm?

An hour and a half later and I’m seriously regretting my decision. I wiggle against Dylan’s leg, his thigh trapped between mine as I try to be inconspicuous about my movements.Five more minutes, then this hell will be over. I’m panting, and my tongue darts out to wet my dry lips. Being edged for an hour and a half will do that to a person. Dylan graduated from stroking my thigh to teasing my pussy. Stroking my bundle of nerves through my pants until I’m on the cusp of coming, then pulling away.

I shoved his hand away minutes ago.I’m done. I can’t hold out any longer.I try to keep my grinding from being obvious as I glance at Lexi out of the corner of my eye. It’s a good thing the couch she’s on puts her off to the right but still in front of us, so unless she turns on her side, she can’t see what’s going on. I have no idea how she hasn’t noticed my scent though. It’s thick and cloying around Dylan and I, his clean laundry and old books scent intermingling with my sweet scent. My eyes dart between Oscar and Corin to see if they’ve noticed and I suck in a quick breath when I find them both watching us. Corin’s nostrils are flared, and both their pupils are huge, lust burning in their eyes. Oddly-enough their attention doesn’t bother me, just drives my arousal to new heights.

With a groan I roll my hips again, my clit hitting his thigh in a way that makes me gasp. Dylan promptly grabs me by the nape and tugs me back so I’m resting against his chest, stopping the friction I was getting from his thigh. A high pitched but quiet whine falls from my lips. This graduated from frustrating to painful about half an hour ago, my core empty and stomach aching with unfulfilled arousal. At the sound Dylan’s grip tightens and all of the sudden I’m on the move again. He releases my throat to grab my waist, hauling me back so I’m perched more comfortably on his lap before he shifts my legs so they’re on either side of his thighs, splayed open. I freeze, heart hammering, body too hot. With the way we’re now positioned, the sides of my blanket nest hide my lower half from view, so when Dylan spreads his thighs, baring my legs wide open, I relax into him.

The fact that my body is mostly hidden from view doesn’t seem to matter to the guys though, they watch on, bodies subtly leaning in my direction. Oscar's lips part, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip and I copy the movement. Corin’s sucking in deep breaths of my scent, jaw clenched as he restrains himself.

My attention is drawn back to Dylan when he dips his hand into my leggings and under my panties, zeroing in on my clit. My hips cant up at the first unobstructed brush of his fingers and a low moan falls from my lips. It has both Oscar and Corin’s scents flaring, the room filling with a peppermint, chocolate and bonfire cloud that I breathe in eagerly. Dylan’s fingers halt again, and my fists clench, ready to tell him off when his lips touch my ear. “You’ve been very good, Nessa. I’m going to make you come, but you need to keep quiet alright? You don’t want Lexi to hear you, do you?”

Swallowing hard, I shake my head and agree quickly. “I—I’ll be quiet. Please, it hurts,” I whine, writhing in place, a bead of sweat rolling down my spine. I canfeelhow wet I am. I’m too far gone to really care that Lexi’s in the room or that the other guys are too. Their hot gazes fade into the background as my focus condenses, until only Dylan is all I can feel.

Dylan’s free hand returns to my throat, his thumb stroking the skin. “Shh, Love. I’m going to help you.”