I blink stupidly, struggling to process. “Holy fucking shit.”

The trees that we targeted no longer appear to be only a few years old. I tip my head back, eyes squinting as I try to find the top, but fail with the thick canopy that’s been created. Not to mention the trunks. If Corin and I were to stand on either side of one and hug it, our hands wouldn’t touch. But that’s not all—the undergrowth, shrubs and pretty much all living plant matter have grown as well, making this section appear more like a rainforest. I swallow hard.Goddess, why can’t I ever just be normal. Being medium level just isn’t a thing anymore and it kind of sucks.As though summoned by my thoughts, magic starts to rise inside me in waves and I curse under my breath, trying to fight it. My lashes flutter and I sway on my feet as pain swims through me. Like a flame burning me from the inside out. Corin is by my side in an instant, leaving only a foot or so between us as he rumbles reassuringly, the sound almost like a purr. Unicorn joins us, her wings raised defensively as she stands by my side, shielding me.

“You need to do it now, Nessa,” Corin whispers and I groan. I can feel the entire class's eyes on me and even though I was expecting this to happen, it still has my limbs tightening with tension. I’m so vulnerable when I’m in this state. As if sensing my thoughts, Unicorn chitters and shifts so she’s covering me fully from everyone and I relax slightly. Corin growls and my attention wavers to him as he inches even closer. “Do it now. We’ve got you. Now do it before your magic tears you apart from the inside out.” His words are a low bark. A magical command again and I jolt into action, stumbling to the nearest tree and slamming my palms to the trunk. The bark is rough against my fingers, but the sensation is barely a blip in my mind as I force the excess of my power into it and subsequently into the Academy's barrier just like the last time I had a large excess of magic.

My body contorts, a scream catching in my throat as it drains from me. This is by far the largest amount I’ve sent into the Academy, and when it’s finished draining from me, I slump against the tree, breathing hard. I swear the barrier sends a gentle pulse of magic to me in thank you. Hands land on my shoulders, kneading the muscles gently and I relax even further, utter exhaustion weighing down my limbs. I just want to go back to my dorm and make a comfortable nest of blankets on the couch, eat a bunch of junk food, and watch a show. Just let my mind switch off.

I sigh, shoulders drooping. I have afternoon classes though, and I have to check in with Lexi. That isn’t a chore. My brows draw down and an unexpected feeling of helplessness rushes over me, making my eyes water. There’s been so much going on. Too much. My shoulders start to tremble, my chest constricting as it all becomes too much. Before I can descend into a full breakdown in front of everyone, Corin has me scooped up in his arms and his long strides are removing us from the situation altogether. So when the first tear slips free, I bury my face into his chest and for the first time in forever, I don’t hold back or try to force the emotion away, just let it roll through me. Crying silently as he takes us away from there. The only positive is that I didn’t pass out this time, thank the Goddess.

Corin walks through what used to be Lexi and I’s dorm with ease, seeming completely comfortable with where everything is, which is a little odd considering he’s only been here a few times. My eyes narrow in thought for a moment, before I let it go for now. That can be a problem for tomorrow Nessa, today Nessa just wants to curl up in a ball and relax.

I’ve cried myself out, and am a little spacy so I’m not fully paying attention to where he’s taking me until we’re under the fluorescent lights of my bathroom where he sets me on the counter. I blink at him, cocking my head to the side, my nose crinkled. Before I have a chance to ask though, he holds up his index finger and gently presses it to my lips in a gesture for me to shush. I huff, but do as he asks.

The Mountain Man turns so he’s facing my shower and holds out a hand to it, muttering under his breath. Soft waves of his magic roll off of him, making my skin tingle as he utters the spell and I sit up straighter. After a moment, my shower shimmers, before disappearing completely, a porcelain bathtub with a rain shower head above it, taking its place.

“Wow,” I whisper. My skin tingles for a whole new reason and a pulse starts between my thighs as Corin fiddles with the taps.Taking care of me. I swallow hard, and my eyes water, again.Goddess, Nessa, get yourself together.I blink the tears away.One cry-fest is enough for one day, thank you very much.When the bath is three quarters full, Corin dips his hand in and the water explodes into a kaleidoscope of colour, much like the eyes of the man beside me. The last thing he does is magic half a dozen lit candles around the room and flick off the light switch. I bite the inside of my cheek, heart pounding.

I slide off the counter and shuffle to Corin’s side, happy energy bursting through me. Launching at him, my arms wrapping around his waist, face smooshed into his ribs. I suck in a lungful of his bonfire scent. “Thank you.”

I dance away before he really has a chance to react and when I meet his eyes I find him staring at me dazedly. Blinking rapidly, he turns on his heel and practically runs to the door, almost tripping as he ducks out. “Take your time, I’ll be out here.” His head pops back in the doorway, gaze finding mine. “If that’s okay with you, I mean?” he asks and I nod, something in my gut unclenching with the knowledge that I’m not going to be all alone here in the dorm. He ducks out, closing the door behind him and I shrug off my clothes.

I love Unicorn, but it’s just not the same as having another person living with you or spending downtime with you.

Shaking off my somewhat sombre thoughts, I dip a toe into the rainbow liquid and am pleasantly surprised to find it’s the perfect temperature. I sink into the bath with a sigh, all the tension in my body draining away and I let my head fall back against the headrest—yeah this bath has a head rest, Corin is a bloody god.

With a groan, I doze, letting my random daydreams flow through my head.

When I emerge from my bedroom, my head is clearer and my muscles more relaxed. I hightail it to my bedroom wrapped in a towel to get dressed and double check that none of Ethan’s presents are on display. I’ve sent off the body parts he left for me, but still have all the other stuff with me, plus the photographs I took of the hands and legs once I got them back to my dorm. As much as I want to fully trust these guys, it’s hard and I can handle it on my own. If they ask, I won’t lie, but I’m not going to bring it up if I can help it.

Returning fully dressed, I spy Corin in the kitchen and my eyebrows rise when I take in his position at the stove. He’s got a whole collection of ingredients strewn over the countertops and I tiptoe closer to peer over his shoulder. It’s enough stuff for the makings of a delicious brunch-ish type meal and my stomach gurgles in excitement. Corin lets out a chuckle and I smile, stepping back from him.

I clear my throat. “Thank you for this.” My voice comes out weak and thready, and I cringe at the weakness. Corin, the fucking saint that he is, doesn’t draw attention to it. He turns around and leans back against the bench, keeping an eye on the stuff he’s just thrown into a pan.

“So I had an idea, but it’s up to you whether you want to do it or not…” he trails off and my eyes snap away from the food to examine his face. He’s watching me intently, a calm presence in the room.

“Yeah?” I prompt.

“I was thinking you could call up Lexi and I could message the guys and we could all hang out here for the afternoon. Watch a movie and just relax. Forget about all the shit that’s been going on, for a bit.” He turns around again and fiddles with the stove for a moment as I let his words sink in.

That sounds freaking amazing. Fun, relaxing and no expectations. Now for me to coax Lexi into coming. Fingers crossed she’s up for it. When Corin glances at me over his shoulder I realise that I haven’t answered him out loud. I laugh under my breath. Goddess, I can be a dumbass sometimes. “That sounds great. I’ll go call Lexi now.” He gives me a small smile before refocusing on the food.

I duck into my room and dial Lexi, fidgeting while I wait for her to pick up. I hope she’s up for this. That familiar guilt rises in my gut, but I shove it away. Now isn’t the time.No, we’re going to have a good afternoon and relax, not stress out.

Just when I’m sure she isn’t going to answer, her voice comes through the line. “Hello?”

My shoulders relax and I flop down onto my bed. “Hey, how are you going?”

Lexi lets out a breathy laugh, and it’s such a familiar sound that I can mentally picture her wiping a hand over her face while she picks through all the stressful shit that’s going on in her head. “Everything is good here, so what’s up?”

My brows draw down as her words ring false, but I don’t press her. “I was wondering if you’d like to come over and watch a movie here this afternoon? The guys are coming over too, well if they’re all free.” I scratch my head, squirming a little. It’s never been awkward with Lexi before, but since she was taken I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around her or she’s going to blow up at me for what happened. Logically I realise that it’s unlikely to happen, but that anxious voice in the back of my head doesn’t care about logic. It has nothing to do with her, and everything to do with me and my guilt. I swallow hard, jumping back to the present when she speaks.

“Sure, sounds great. I need to get out of the house, I’m starting to get claustrophobic.” A relieved breath falls from my lips, and I smile.

I finish up the call with her and head back out to the lounge room. I plop down on the couch, and groan when the smell hits me. Turning around, I peak over the back of the couch to watch Corin. “Goddess, that smells amazing.”

“It’s almost ready.”

I go to get up, but he growls and I freeze in place, my skin heating instantly. It cuts off and Corin winces, glancing at me sheepishly. “Sorry,” he mumbles.