Dylan:At home with my family. Not doing much.

Oscar:So what I’m hearing is that we should meet up to hang out, since we’re all really bored.

I snort, shaking my head.

Nessa:Technically it’d be what you’re *seeing* not hearing.

Oscar:Whatever *pouty face emoji*

Laughter rumbles in my chest as a mental image of Oscar sending me a mock scowl before saying that sassily.

Oscar:None of y’all have answered, so hang out? Yes. No?



Corin:Sounds good, so where is this meeting going to take place?

Oscar:I vote, Nessa’s place.

I sputter, eyes narrowing.

Dylan:Works for me.

Corin:Alright, what’s your address?

I scowl, fingers moving over the letters quickly.

Nessa:Now wait a minute. Do I get a say in this?




I bite the inside of my cheek, amusement rolling through me, followed closely by foreboding. Goddess, a hundred bucks says that at some point during this little get-together my dads are going to break out the photo album.

Nessa:You guys know I live with my parents right?

Oscar: …

Dylan:*shrugging emoji* I assumed that was so, unless they’ll have a problem with it? Then I don’t mind.

Always so logical, but it has my lips pursing again. I’m a grown ass woman, I don’t need to ask permission.

Nessa:No problem. Just wanted to make sure you knew.

I can’t help but notice that the other two haven’t answered and it has me smirking. Does the idea of meeting my parents scare them off? I mean, if it were the other way around then I’d be backing up with my hands up like I had a loaded gun in my face, but that’s just me.

My phone buzzes again and I laugh at their answers.



We talk a little more and organise it for in a few days time, then I get up with a groan. Now to tell my dads.This should be fun.