“Good morning, Nessa. Sorry I’m a little early, I let myself in,” Dylan calls, his deep voice clear—jarringly so—like he’s in the room with me and I almost swallow my tongue. The fact that he’s a few feet away with only a door and a spell between us only stokes my desire higher.

My fantasy and reality clash together and it’s too much, toes curling, thighs clenching, I bite down hard on my free hand to muffle my moan as the orgasm sweeps through me. A metallic taste floods through my mouth, but it barely registers as pleasure buzzes through my body.

After riding through the aftershocks, I switch off the toy and flop back with a breathless grunt, letting my hand fall away from my mouth.Holy shit, did I really just do that?Chuckling nervously, I pull myself together, and realise I still haven’t answered Dylan. Whispering a cleaning spell, I sanitise Harry and shove it back in my bedside table before deactivating the runes quickly. “No problem,” I call out, my voice breaking as butterflies swarm my stomach and my nose crinkles as I roll my eyes at myself.Get it the fuck together, Nessa!

There’s a moment of silence before Dylan shuffles on his feet. “Okay, still, sorry.” He clears his throat.

I scramble out of bed, throwing on what I was wearing before and grab my uniform and some clean undergarments before reaching for the door, only to pause. My eyes flicker all over my room as indecision fills me and I give myself a little pep talk.You got yourself into this mess, now you’re going to get yourself out of it.

Taking a deep breath, I harden my resolve before straightening my appearance up the best I can before throwing the door open. I pause, midstep when I find Dylan less than three feet away from me, frozen, his expression that of a deer in headlights, his nose flaring. I duck my head like a coward before I have the chance to meet his wide eyes, and scramble past him to the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I lean against it, hanging my head.Dammit, I’m an idiot. Of course the moment I opened my door he was able to smell what I’d been up to.Fucking supernaturals.

Throwing my clothes down on the bathroom vanity, I focus on the mirror and look my reflection in the eye—something that I’ll never be able to do with Dylan ever again—and resolve to have more self restraint. After a few seconds of that, I let my shoulders droop, all my bravado vanishing. “Yeah, like that’s ever going to happen,” I mutter under my breath.


Holy shit. I stare at the closed bathroom door in a fucking daze. All I can focus on is that scent. Nessa. Her clear arousal and satisfaction.

The moment she opened her door, all rational thought left me and all the blood in my body rushed to my cock. Leaving me lightheaded and dazed as hell. It’s a good thing she practically ran to the bathroom; my self control right now is balanced on a knife’s edge and if she’d gazed up at me with those huge golden eyes, there’s no telling what the hell I would have done.

I blink and shake my head, and holding my breath, I move to the doorway of her bedroom and close the door. My attempt at trying to contain some of the scent there. It’s so strong in there that it’s practically embedded in the walls. With that task done, I move to the opposite side of the room and throw open a window, sticking my head out to gulp down lungfuls of fresh air.

It helps enough and some of the tension in my shoulders releases. I flop down onto the couch, rubbing the bridge of my nose. I don’t know how I’m going to keep my eyes off Nessa today. Not after knowing what she was getting up to in there this morning.Did she use her hands or a toy? Who was she thinking about? Was she naked? All that silky skin on display…My fangs lengthen and I gnash my teeth, snarling under my breath.

How close was she when I knocked on her door? Did it give her a thrill, working herself to orgasm with only a door between us?I groan, hands flexing. I can practically see it.Nessa sprawled out in her bed naked, thighs trembling and head thrown back in pleasure as she comes. Little whimpers falling from her lips or better yet, crying out someone's name…I jump up from the couch, jerking my hand away from where it had been headed to my jeans.Focus, Dylan.Get your fucking shit together.

Dropping my head onto the back of the couch I sigh. My fingers tap a quick rhythm on the arm of the couch as I run through everything that happened over the academy break and some of the lust cools. I’m still really glad I got to show her the marketplace. It was like my second home. I push to my feet, straightening my shoulders as the water shuts off in the bathroom.

I shift so I’m more comfortable and try to look casual. I’ll let Nessa take the lead and decide how she wants to deal with it.


I nudge the door open with my chin held high and my usual swagger, having come to the conclusion whilst in the shower that the best route to take is to own that shit. With that resolve firmly in the forefront of my mind, I meet Dylan’s eyes and hold his gaze as I walk towards the kitchen. “So what brings you to my humble abode this early?”

When I reach the stove top kettle I light the burner before reaching to grab a mug, the corner of my lip quirking up when Dylan snorts at my choice of cup. “In my defence, I was left unsupervised” the writing printed on the side reads. I dump a cappuccino sachet in, then my sugar, waiting impatiently for the kettle to boil. I gesture to the cup in silent question, to see if he wants something, but he just smiles and shakes his head.

“I discovered that we have a new class together this term, so I figured we could walk together,” Dylan announces, a smile on his face, but it looks slightly forced. Awkward. Sometimes I wish I could read peoples minds, but then other times I’m really, really glad I can’t. This is one of the times where knowing his thoughts would be helpful.

I set down my teaspoon and cock my head to the side, scanning the guy from head to toe. His blue eyes and dilated pupils catch my attention and I swallow hard. Leaning back, I ignore the clear giveaway to his lust and cross my ankles. “And how, pray tell, do you know I’m in this class?” My eyes narrow on him.

A flush creeps onto his cheeks and he rubs the back of his neck, glancing away from me. “I may have glanced at your timetable last time we hung out.”

I drop my mock annoyed expression and flash him a smile. He drops his hand and for the first time this morning I get agenuine—albeit, small—smile. The kettle whistles, announcing it’s boiling and I spin around, turning off the burner and making up my coffee. The damn sachet coffees always take so long to stir, but boy is it worth it for the taste.

“So, what is this class together? I can’t remember what we have up first today.” I squint, wracking my brain only to come up blank.Herbology maybe?

“Potions.” I pause my manic stirring for a moment and throw Dylan a look over my shoulder, eyebrows drawing together.

“Are you sure?” I ask, rubbing my cheek with my free hand.

Shoving his hair out of his face he nods, before digging out a crinkled piece of paper from his pocket, offering it to me. “Yeah, it’s definitely potions.”

I drop my spoon and hustle over to Dylan, grabbing the page and reading over it carefully. He wouldn’t lie to me, so I must be in the same class as him. I blink rapidly as I try to figure out how I ended up in potions. It was the one thing I didn’t want to study more of.

Reading my expression, Dylan’s lips purse. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s just odd, I didn’t sign up for potions,” I murmur. Clearing my throat, I shake my head. “It’s fine though. Some of the other classes I chose might have been full so they placed me in potions instead.” I shrug my shoulders and hand back the schedule to him, then turn to my coffee.

I keep my posture casual and outward energy serene while internally I’m having a minor freakout. I’m a tiny, itty bit of a control freak when it comes to certain things. Things that I thought were set in stone are certainly one of the things that if changed can trigger me slightly. I breathe through it and paste a small smile on my face as I take a sip of my coffee. Utilising the extra moment of privacy it gives me, I face the bench and pop a travel lid on my cup then grab my bag.