Two lackey’s come in to grab the bloodied supe that’s still unconscious in the corner of the ring and my opponents eyes flick to them to watch. I block it out, still ignoring it when he’s dragged out by his ankles and instead stare blankly at my opponent. I don’t have to imagine what it’s like to be on the receiving end of my dead eyed stare as I’ve seen it whenever I look in the mirror after a fight. It seems to have an effect on this guy though; he pales slightly and puffs up his chest, trying to appear threatening, but I merely crack a smile. His facade crumbles, he looks genuinely worried now.Good.

I let my features fall back into a blank mask and focus straight ahead as the announcer dribbles on about us, the rules and hyping up of the crowd. He’s mostly spinning some epic tale about a rivalry or something to get them more blood thirsty, but I don’t bother paying attention.No.I shift to stare at the guy who’s the reason I’m here tonight. Well, one of the reasons. The bastard watching me outside of the cage. He flashes me a smarmy grin, that slowly fades into annoyance when I don’t allow my expression to change.

It actually reminds me of my first night here, which has me swallowing hard, jaw twitching. I was young, stupid and desperate.

I squeezed past the bouncer as I moved through the entrance of the club, shoving my hands deep into my black hoodie’s pockets. My mind was still spinning from my mothers frantic words the night before, and the urgency to her words sat in my gut like a rock. “Oscar, baby, I’m in trouble. So much trouble. He’s going to come after us. Gods, I need money and I need money fast.” That rambling went on for a while, as did the sporadic pacing and hand movements. It was enough to terrify me, and have me agreeing immediately when she told me that I needed to help her earn the money back before directing me here.

The moment my eyes adjusted to the red ambience, crowded room, and fight cages, I knew that I was in over my head and went to take a step back, but a hand on my arm stopped me. “Now what do we have here?” He looked me up and down with interest.

Blinking, I rushed out, “A job.” I cleared my throat, eyes wide. “I mean, I’m looking for a job, Sir.” His dark eyes lit up, a smile curling his lips, but it didn't instil much confidence in me.

“I think I have the perfect one for you, my boy. Have you ever fought someone before?” Keeping his grip on me he led me further into the club, the scent of blood and sweat assaulting me.

Hill—as he told me his name was—dragged me to the bar, and poured himself a drink before showing me a handful of cash. The cash I needed for my mother, then he threw me in a cage with a guy a few years older than me and said,“Win and you get this, no questions asked.”

That’s how I got drawn into the underbelly of the supe world, and with me using all my spare time to study, it seemed like the best option for work. Get knocked around once or twice a month for a big payout and spend the rest of my time at school or studying, it was a win-win. But the older I got the dirtier it felt and now I don’t know how to climb out of the pit I’ve dug myself, that is basically enabling my mother. I’m too weak to cut her off myself and too ashamed to tell anyone. When we were younger I could tell myself that I didn’t cut her off because it would be bad for my little sister, but she’s moved out now. Safe living at the Academy so I really have no excuse other than being weak.

I shake my head, snapping back to the present when the announcer starts a verbal countdown, not bothering to shake off the shame coating my insides. I don’t bother sizing up my opponent as the bell rings, signalling the start of the fight. Nor do I react at the first punch to land on my cheek. I let him land another, this one glancing off my cheekbone, creating a pleasant sting of pain while maintaining eye contact with Hill before turning my full attention to the fight. Sidestepping another punch, I trip him and dance away. We trade blows for a few seconds before my mind starts to wander.

I wonder what Nessa is doing right now? Is she hanging out with Dylan? How would she react if she knew about this side of my life? Would she be disgusted? Would she turn me in? I’m jolted out of my thoughts when my opponent's knuckles crack against my left eyebrow, splitting the skin so blood blocks out my sight.Asshole.Can’t he see I’ve been taking it easy on him?

Shedding the ruse, I land a swift combination of blows on his body, drawing out the win by toying with him longer than I need before finally knocking him out and winning the match. The screams of the crowd finally start to penetrate the barrier I’ve wrapped around me and I stalk back to my things, ignoring the uproar.

I ignore everything and everyone, the crowd parting to create a path as I move through the room. The owner of this place has his office setup on a raised platform on the far side of the building. When I reach the bottom of the steps, the same uneasy feeling I always get when I see him hits me in the gut, but I shake it off, climbing the stairs. Hill is waiting for me when I knock and he opens the door immediately. The weaselly suit throws me a duffel bag full of cash, five grand. I leaf through it to double check and he scoffs at me, but I ignore him.

When I’m sure it’s all there I give him a nod and hustle out of the place. One more stop before I can go back to the Academy, to my real home—for now at least.

Using the portal I have set up in the forestry surrounding the club, I travel to the park down the street from my mothers house. Shoulders drooping, I tug my hood over my head, low so it covers most of my face and hike the duffel up more comfortably on my shoulder. I placed a rune on it so it’s not visible, so I don’t draw attention to myself.

The street is quiet, with only the occasional dog bark in the distance as I make my way through the dark into our backyard. The back porch gate is never locked so I push it open and remove my winnings from the bag, leaving it on my mothers doorstep.

I don’t stick around, instead walking away from her place at a clipped pace. When I reach the portal and go through, it’s a relief and I let out a huge breath, shoulders relaxing. Safe at the Academy. Away from the hell that is my birth town and my mother.Thank the Goddess.

Chapter Eleven


Iletoutaragged breath, staring out the windows to my left as I wait for Nessa to turn up. It’s our first day attending classes since the incident with Ethan and over the extended break I wasn’t able to see her as much as I’d have liked to. Even though we’re mates and the bond has been straining in my chest, I missed Nessa in general. Her quirkiness, sass and sweet side that she’s only really given me hints of. Oscar and Dylan have tried to be there for her too. Any jealousy I thought I’d feel over them is absent, the same going for my other half. Which in itself is strange. She’s our mate, yet he hasn’t killed or attempted to kill the two other males that are hanging around her. I’m glad we were able to go to the Travelling Marketplace with her, it gave me the chance to get to know her better and get some more insight into her past.

I’m jolted out of my thoughts when the classroom door opens with a bang and Nessa scrambles in with a sheepish expression. The bell rings as she mumbles an apology to our professor and heads my way. I cock my head as I take in her, cataloguing her rumpled clothing and her unbrushed hair. She looks all sleep mussed and adorable. As she reaches down to grab out her notebook her candy sweet scent washes over me and I suppress a groan, scrubbing a hand over my face.

When she straightens up her eyes dart to me for a moment before she mumbles, “Hello,” then focuses on the professor.

His voice drones through the room but I tune it out as I stare at the woman beside me. My gut clenches in concern—she doesn’t seem like the same firecracker that I was getting to know and that doesn’t sit well with me. My eyes narrow and before I can overthink the action, I find myself leaning in so my lips hover beside her ear. “Are you okay?”

When I pull back a smug grin quirks my lips as a visible shiver rolls over her from our proximity, only for it to fall away when her features tighten.“Goddess, I’m getting sick of people asking me that,” she hisses under her breath before turning to level a glare in my direction. “I’m fine.”

I shift so I’m gripping her wrist that’s closest to me and stroke it with my thumb in a soothing pattern. I smile crookedly and flick my eyes from hers to where Unicorn is seated on her shoulder, swishing her tail lazily. “That’s good to hear, but I was actually speaking to Unicorn. She’s looking rather floppy today.” I purse my lips and tip my head as I look her over. The said familiar, hisses at me and flicks me with her tail before crawling over to Nessa’s other shoulder. “So testy,” I grunt, while rubbing my cheek.

Nessa’s shoulders start to shake and my eyes jerk away from Unicorn to study her face only to freeze when I see she’s laughing silently, one hand covering her mouth as she watches me. Her eyes dance with amusement and I feel mine swirl with magic in response. Goddess, she’s beautiful, those big gold eyes and silky black hair that I crave to run my fingers through, draw me in all over again. I swallow hard and some of her amusement fades, interest sparking in her expression as she scans my features. My cheeks flush at the attention and I duck my head, my shaggy hair shifting to cover my face as I force my mind back to the professor. I feel Nessa’s eyes on me more than once as we make it through the theory side of class, and give her arm a reassuring squeeze every time I do.

When it’s finally time to do the practical side of things, I have a crick in my neck and my chest is thrumming with the faint bond between Nessa and I. So in other words I’m ready todosomething.

I push up from the desk and grab the papers I was working on, setting them on Nessa’s so Mr James doesn’t get the wrong idea and see through my dumb facade. I don’t need the questions it would bring, especially with all the heat on the school since the incident with Ethan. So far there haven’t been any more murders on the Academy grounds, but I doubt it’s the last we’ve seen of him.

While organising my bag I have to break contact with Nessa and a pang hits me as the bond riots, but I ignore it. I’m not going to rush her, she has to come to her own conclusions. At least until I can tell her. My eyes slide to her face, studying her.

“Where do you want to practice?” Nessa’s voice breaks through my chaotic thoughts.