
Nessa is practically asleep on her feet when we step out of the portal in front of her home, so Corin scoops her up into his arms and Oscar grins at him. How the hell Corin is so calm, I don’t know. We’re about to meet Nessa’s fathers. Gods, I’m practically sweating buckets. Yet Corin is cool as a cucumber while he’s carrying Nessa. I swallow hard, and my eyes flick to Oscar. He’s met them and he’s still standing so obviously they can’t be too bad. Scanning Nessa’s face to make sure she’s asleep, I move so I’m closer to Oscar as we trek up to the house.

“Uh, so should we be worried?” I ask, stomach rolling with unease. I don’t have the best track record with male supernaturals that are in authoritative positions. Or just male supernatural’s in general.

Oscar’s silver eyes meet mine, corners crinkled in concern. Guess my nerves are obvious then. “They’re nice people, but I will forewarn you that they’ll probably hit you with like a hundred questions.” He grins at me and some of my unease fades.Yep, alright, everything is going to be fine. Completely fine.

I still hang back and let Oscar knock on the door when we reach the house, eyes flitting around. It’s a nice house and despite the eeriness of the forest surrounding it, it seems well taken care of. Nessa stirs in Corin’s arms when the front door opens and she peers up at the man who’s opened the door and owns it, grinning at him. He just shakes his head before focusing on us guys.

“Diarmuid,” Oscar greets, dipping his head before his eyes return to Nessa, sparkling with amusement.

Before Corin or I can offer a greeting, Diarmuid steps back and gestures for us to come in. Still carrying a now awake Nessa, Corin goes first, spying the lounge room and setting her down gently on the couch. Her other two fathers are waiting there and Nessa greets both of them with sheepish smiles. I stay beside Oscar, body stiff, and unsure how to proceed from here.


Once I set Nessa down on the couch, I take a moment to survey the room and catalogue how everyone is feeling. Nessa’s parents are calm, as are Oscar and Nessa, but Dylan’s scent is tinged with anxiety, though he appears outwardly calm. I take initiative for both of us and step up to Azure, offering my hand. “Good evening, I’m Corin. It’s nice to meet you all.” He is the head of the household, and I’m careful to keep my eyes on his nose rather than meeting his gaze. It is an old custom, but that’s how I was raised and my primal side understands those dominance rules. I made sure to read up on my limited file on Nessa and her family before coming today, and even without that information, the power Azure exudes makes it obvious that he’s the head of their family group.

Following my lead, Dylan steps up beside me and offers the same greeting. I don’t know much about his background, but his anxiety over a meeting like this hints at their possibly being something in his past that I’m unaware of, so I tread carefully. If they’re perceptive, then Nessa’s fathers—being A-class monsters, other than Morrigan who is a B-class—should pick up on it.

Azure takes a seat so we’re above him, Morrigan following suit and he offers us a smile. “It’s nice to meet you both, I’m Azure and this is Morrigan. In case you missed it at the door, the brute over there is Diarmuid.”

“Hey, I’m perfectly within average size for a monster, you ass,” Diarmuid complains and I smile, nudging Dylan in Nessa’s direction. He lets out a breath and takes a seat beside her, relaxing somewhat.Good.

We settle in and just like Oscar said would happen, they pepper us with questions. There are a few uncomfortable ones, but I think they can sense Dylan’s unease so they take it easier on us than they did with Oscar earlier today—if his account of what happened was accurate when we hung out while Nessa was spending time with Dylan today. They don’t keep us for too long though as Nessa crashes quickly, curled up next to Dylan. We nudge her awake to say a quick goodbye, then head out, a silly grin on my face. I’d say that the day went well. Not to mention that I got to know Nessa better—all three of us did. It also got her out of the house and we all had a ton of fun, minus a few parts of the carnival rides, ordeal. I shiver at the memory then shake it off, refocusing on the day as a whole.

I’m honestly not sure if Nessa has realised that we’ve started courting her or not, but it doesn’t matter at this point. With how high her emotional defences are—the guys and I discussed—that we’re going to give her time to come to the conclusion that we want to date her, on her own. Or at least let her adjust to our interest before we actually come out and ask her.

Not to mention the timing isn’t the greatest with Ethan still on the loose and the secrets I have to keep from her.

I shake my head and take a deep breath. That’s all problems for the future, for now I’m going to relish in the good memories from today.

Chapter Seven


Igrabmycarrybag, the only one I brought with me, and say one last goodbye to my room before heading downstairs. My dad’s are all loitering in the lounge room and I grin when I catch them. Diarmuid is striking his classic scary guy pose—at least that’s what he calls it—and leaning against the wall, cleaning his nails with his favourite dagger. Azure and Morrigan are a little more inconspicuous, sitting haphazardly on the couch, pretending to read books. They almost pull it off, but one is staring out the window and the other seems lost in his head. They’re the best dads ever for caring so much, honestly, and my grin shifts to a goofy smile.

I crash tackle Diarmuid with a hug and he lets out an almightyoof,dropping his blade as his arms loop around me. “Are you going to be alright, Ness? Truly?” he whispers, pulling back.

I lock eyes with him, letting my determination shine through to show him that I’m telling the truth. “Everything will be fine and I’m not on my own.” I step back so I can face all of them, Azure and Morrigan both on their feet now. “I have the guys and Lexi.” I stumble over her name, but keep going. “And of course you guys. Not to mention I’m amazing and can totally kick people’s asses, now.”

Azure cocks a brow at my language, but lets it slide and I grin. Goddess, I’m going to miss them. I suppose that’s one positive of being so busy throughout the term.

“We trust you, Nessa. I need to know that you’ll call us if something goes wrong though? That you trust us enough, to know that no matter what’s wrong, even if the hounds of hell are chasing you—we’ll come to your aid,” Azure intones gruffly.

“You’re our little girl, Nessa. We love you and you’ll always have a place here, even if you end up with a whole army of mates. We’ll be here,” Morrigan adds.

My chest goes all gooey, but then I sputter as my brain catches up. “An army full? Nuh-uh. There is no way. I have my hands full with the guys, and we’re just friends.”

Diarmuid smirks and I groan before he even starts speaking, dropping my face into my hands. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Ness.” I peek at him through my fingers and he cackles when my cheeks flush. Bastard.

I go to give him the finger then catch myself, eyes flicking to Azure to see if he caught my almost movement. He rolls his eyes, but both Morrigan and him are sporting grins.

“You guys are the worst,” I mutter, then do the rounds, giving the other two hugs before heading for the front door. Before they can say anything I call over my shoulder, “Love you guys, and no I won’t talk to strangers. Yes I will call you once I’m safe in my dorm. Talk soon, byeee.” Then I close the door behind me and let out a breath. When I look up I get the strangest sense ofdeja vuand I scan the street, chest clenching. Goddess, I miss Lexi. I bite my lip, swallowing roughly, before sucking in a deep breath and pushing my shoulders back. I can do this.

Then I set off down the street towards the carriage that is no doubt waiting at the edge of the forest for me. Academy of Magic here I come.

Being back at school is surreal. It’s only been a few days, but it feels like longer. It’s strange being here in my dorm without Lexi with me. I’m glad that I have Unicorn, otherwise I’d be completely alone with Lexi gone. It’s also a constant reminder that she and I aren’t really speaking, as well. I shake my head, biting my cheek as I re-centre my thoughts.