“Who?” Dylan asks, his voice coming from somewhere in the room.

“Who do we need to fuck up?” Oscar chimes in, and I jolt.

How the hell did I miss the fact that they were here? I shake my head to myself and decide to just blurt it out, then explain afterwards. “Hedidn’t do anything. I lost control this morning because I left it too long between feedings. Foster helped me and somehow isn’t pissed at me for… biting him… or crossing a line.” I keep my head lowered slightly and wiggle out of Corin’s grasp, then plop my ass onto the kitchen island. Hopefully he isn’t a neat freak.

Finally rolling my eyes up, I get my first proper look at his dorm room and find the three of the guys having a silent conversation between them.Gods, I wish they wouldn’t do shit like that,I grumble in my head. It’s irritating, like, I’m right here. I’m about to go check out a particularly interesting looking knife perched on a cloth across the kitchen counter when I realise that the guys are all watching me. “What?” I snap. I’ll admit it, I may be just a tad touchy at the moment. It’s been an emotional morning, alright.

Dylan’s the one who speaks up first. “Nessa, you just spoke in my head.”

Shit. My eyes dart between them all before landing on Corin. Since the incident with him, I haven’t had a recurring incident so I assumed that it was a fluke. “Are you sure?”

Oscar hums, lips twitching and cocks his head. “You said, ‘Gods, I wish they wouldn’t do shit like that.’ I’m pretty sure that was you.”

I press my lips together and groan. Could this day get any worse?

Dylan leans back against the lounge room wall, his face scrunched up in adorable confusion. “May I ask what you were referring to?”

I brace an elbow on my knee and rest my chin in my palm. “That silent speaking thing you guys have started to do recently without me. It’s annoying.”

Corin snorts, a smile playing on his lips and the other two chuckle quietly. Bunch of children, all of them. I scoff and get up. It turns out that hard countertops aren’t very comfortable for you to sit on. Rubbing my semi-numb ass, I plop down onto one of the two, three seater couches and gently elbow Oscar in the side as he drops into the seat beside me. He lets out a yelp and gives me a dirty look. I laugh, my mood lightening substantially.

“I can’t help but feel like you two don’t seem to be surprised about this new power,” Dylan states, eyes bouncing between Corin and I. He walks over to the couch across from us and takes a seat.

Corin settles onto the arm of the couch beside Dylan and scrubs a hand over his face. When his claws almost poke his eye out he jolts, seeming to realise that he’s still in his Lycan form and he shifts back, much to my disappointment. I was enjoying getting a proper look at his Lycan form. He’s hot as fuck in both forms, but the primal edge he has when in his Lycan form is just… different. Different and intriguing.

I purposely don’t outwardly react though, he seems to be not quite shy about his Lycan form but… uncomfortable with people seeing it, maybe? I don’t quite know, but it’s enough for me to have picked up on it. My eyes narrow on him ever so slightly and I bite my bottom lip. I’m going to have to make it extra clear to him when I sleep with him next—in his Lycan form—how much I like it.

I’m drawn out of my dirty little fantasy when Oscar knocks his knee into mine. My eyes jump to his and I take in his dilated pupils and flared nostrils.Damn scent. It’s so fucking annoying. Can’t a gal have a dirty thought without announcing how turned on she is to the whole damn room?

Oscar barks a laugh with the others echoing it, and I grab a throw pillow and shove my face into it. “This whole projecting my thoughts by accident thing is going to get old, fast,” I grumble, the words distorted by the pillow. The guys must get the gist of it though.

“Don’t worry, Love. I can help you with your mental barriers and help teach you how to control it. If you’d like?,” Dylan offers.

It draws a reluctant smile from me and I drop the pillow to my lap, fiddling with the frilly accents along its edges. “Thank you, I’d love that.” It has another thing that’s been weighing on my shoulders, lifting.

The offer reminds me though of everything we have to talk about, and the fact that I should have gone to Dylan sooner about my new vampire powers and needs. I bite my lip, eyes lingering on his face as I organise my thoughts. “So…?” I inquire tentatively, drawing out the word.

Dylan quirks an eyebrow at me. “Is that your attempt at requesting some lessons about vampires? If so, I don’t think I’m inclined to accept.” He shakes his head and I laugh, shoulders relaxing a little.

“It was a pretty shitty way to ask, wasn’t it?” I say, voice soft.

“Yes,” Oscar chimes in, before Corin elbows him in the side, making me laugh again. But I force my face to relax into a helpless expression.

“Dylan, Oh great vampire God, will you tutor me on all things vamp-ish?” I ask, clasping my fingers together and holding them out in front of me, begging. I even hunch over a little towards him to make it seem more real.

Dylan laughs, the sound deep and throaty, while the corners of his eyes crinkle with humour. “Alright, I accept.”

Grinning, I straighten up, only to pause as a new glint enters Dylan’s eyes. His expression turns thoughtful as everyone's eyes return to me again. “Circling back to what happened with Foster, I suppose my main question is why did you decide to feed on Foster? What made you go to him?” Dylan asks, his tone that of his tutor slash teacher voice. As it did last term, it has my full focus on his question and I let my mind drift back to the moment I caught Foster’s scent. The moment I lost control.The heady vanilla scent hit my nose and had my mouth watering. Every thought vanished other than getting to him. To that scent.

“It was his scent,” I say slowly, blinking out of the memory. “I remember walking through the school on my way to Lexi.” My eyes dart between the men. “I was going to feed off of her.” My gaze drops to the floor, eyebrows furrowing. “But I’d left it too long. I caught his scent and it’s like my brain just switched off and the only thing I could think about was finding the source of that scent to feed from them.” I swallow, noting that my teeth have lengthened into fangs at the memory of Foster's blood. That sweet scent.

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts of the haze that’s trying to pull me under.Goddess, Nessa, get your shit together.

“Hmm.” Dylan makes the sound low in his throat, lips pursed. My focus jumps to his hand as he drums them against his thigh. I cock my head to the side, eyes fixed on the veins roping the back of his hand and up his forearm. “Curious.” My eyes jerk up to meet his, only to find those startlingly blue eyes already fixed on me.

“What is?” I ask, confused.

Dylan blinks. “Do you know what hybrid you are?” he blurts, and I flinch slightly at the abrupt subject change.