Oscar’s quick on his feet, I’ve got to give him that. After a few seconds of eyeing each other off, the giant gets fed up and takes a swing that Oscar manages to evade. He gets in tight and pops two punches to his kidney from behind him before darting back as the Giant turns around and aims for him again, but Oscar is too quick. I let out a breath, thinking maybe this will be alright, until Oscar’s pink eyes meet mine over the Giants shoulder and widen in shock. My entire body locks up at being the cause of his distraction, and being unfocused costs him. The Giant takes a swing at his head and Oscar’s too slow, only managing to move enough so it bounces off of him, rather than break his face, or pop his head off his shoulders. The Giants fists are the same size as Oscar’s fuckinghead.

I groan softly and bite my tongue. There is nothing I can do to help him and if he’s here then I can only assume he knows what he’s doing. Oscar stumbles back but rights himself like the blow is nothing, going back to dancing around him while leaping in to land little hits then darting back out again.Tauntingthe Giant. I close my eyes and shake my head. Maybe Oscar is more like me than I realised.

Lets just hope he really does know what he’s doing.


I continue to bounce around my opponent trying to keep my head on the fight, and not on thewhat the fuck, that keeps going through my head. Why is Nessa of all peoplehere?

I don’t get any time to think about it though, because the bastard takes a swing at my face again, like seriously dude, keep those gorilla hands to yourself. Shaking my head, I shove everything else away and focus solely on the matter at hand.Kicking this bastard’s ass.

“Soo, Giant man. Do you have a name? Or do you prefer to go by Mr. Giant?” I question, grinning as I continue to irritate the fuck out of him by evading his blows and landing little love taps all over him. If I can piss him off enough his brain should switch over to pissed off bull mode and he’ll try to charge me, then I can use that to my advantage by tiring the fucker out.

He snarls at my words and takes another swipe at me. “You’re a little slow there, mate. Once this is over I can give you some tips if you’d like?” I say innocently, hiding my smirk when smoke practically comes out of his nose. So predictable.

Dancing back from yet another attempted punch, I do a little spin to show him how unbothered of him I am and laugh when he looks like he wants to murder me.Almost there.

I narrow my eyes as I inspect him. “So are you on fae juicers or what? You totally are, aren’t you?” I tease, making my voice sound like I’m cooing to a baby. His face turns beet red with rage. “Naw, compensating for something are we?” I deliberately look down at his crotch before I meet his eyes and quirk an eyebrow at him.Bingo, we have reached bull level rage, I repeat, we have reached bull level rage.

Mr. Giant roars and drops his shoulder, before barreling at me. I make my eyes go wide and throw my hands up to cover my face like I wasn’t expecting this outcome at all as he thuds towards me. At the last second I spin out of the way—which of course pisses him off more—and he turns around to charge at me a second time. This time when I dart out of the way I use the momentum of my spin to add oomph to my hit and punch himhardright on the temple. He doesn’t go down, but it does stun him enough for me to advance on him and start wailing blows to his head and face. When he reaches up to cover his head, I dart around him rattling his fucking kidneys with all I got, and he spins, growling at me. It’s about this time when I know he’s exhausted and dazed so this move should work.

Using the cage to my advantage, I run at it and climb up it like a cat before launching off of it with enough air to allow me to land on Mr. Giants back and lock my arm around his throat in a solid choke hold. My legs lock around his chest, and I hold on for the ride. He manages to smack me into the cage once before dropping like a rock. I hold on like a leech though until the referee pulls me off with his magic. I snarl at him automatically, then let it go before getting my shit together and moving backwards a few steps so he can rile up the crowd about my win. My magic and more primal instincts are always closer to the surface in high stimulation situations like this, which can make it difficult to control myself. It can make it difficult to hold back knee-jerk reactions like automatically assuming that a stranger grabbing you is a threat.

My other senses kick back online as my mind clears, the sound of the crowd filtering back in, some are cheering and others are cursing—those who just lost bets most likely. Then I remember and wince.Nessa’s here. Goddess, what did I do to deserve this kind of timing? Tonight of all nights, it’s the first time I’ve been here since before the start of the term. I look like absolute hell too, because this is my third fight for the night, and last, so long as the pay is as good as I’m guessing it will be. I’ve brought quite a lot of entertainment tonight.

Shaking my head, I leave the cage, ignoring Mr. Giant who is groaning on the ground as he wakes up. Fingers crossed he doesn’t try to come after me outside the club tonight, he seems like one of those types. Letting out a sigh, I don’t look up when I exit the cage, praying that I just imagined seeing Nessa tonight.Or maybe I’ll get lucky and she’s already left?A pair of callused hands land on my cheeks and Nessa’s candy sweet scent wraps around me.No such luck. I look up and meet her golden eyes.

“Why the hell did you let me distract you like that? You could have gotten your head torn off!” she growls at me. Her words are so unexpected I just blink at her stupidly.What?I must say as much out loud because she shakes her head at me and grabs my hand lightly, careful not to put pressure on my split knuckles. “What are you doing here anyways?”

My hackles immediately rise, even though her voice is neutral, not angry or accusing. “I could ask the same about you.” My words come out sharp as a whip and I grimace again. Gods, this really isn’t the time for me to hang out with her, I don’t have enough energy to force my happy go lucky facade at the moment.

Unlike the tongue lashing I’m expecting from her, Nessa throws me a narrow eyed look over her shoulder but otherwise doesn’t mention my tone. “That’s fair,” she says with a shrug and leaves it at that, still leading me through the club.

“You don’t have any of your stuff here do you?”

“No,” I say in a gruff voice, exhaustion sweeping through me. I’m not really sure about her angle. Is she playing it cool now just so she can go crazy about it once we’re alone? Or is she genuinely going to leave it alone? I clear my throat. “I do have to collect my winnings though.”

She nods, but doesn’t say anything. When we reach the stairs to the office, I realise that she was already leading me there. She already knew. Just another piece to add to the puzzle that is Nessa. She gestures for me to go ahead of her and I do, expecting her to wait for me, but she doesn’t. She pauses for a moment and digs an amulet-looking thing out of her pocket to slip over her head, then whispers a spell. Suddenly I’m looking at a tall, blue-haired man with black eyes, and a swimmers' build. “What the hell?” I blurt out, eyes wide.

“Hush,” Nessa says, but rather than her husky, feminine voice, a males low baritone reaches my ears and all I can do is blink at her. I know it’s because of the amulet, but I’ve never seen one in action before and it’s tripping me out. Not to mention I’m confused as to why the hell she has it, why she’s here in the first place, and the fact that she hasn’t run away screaming yet.What the fuck is going on?

My nostrils flare as I suck in a calming breath before going to question her, but she—he—shakes his head. “No time now, if you still insist on knowing I’ll explain later. Go do what you have to do, Oscar. Oh, and don’t mention my name.”

My lips part, but I snap my mouth shut and shake my head, deciding to go along with it. “Alright,” I mumble, drawing the word out before spinning on my heel and climbing the stairs. She follows me up, her new form making me twitchy and throwing me off completely.

The only reason I can think of is that she doesn’t want to get on Hill’s radar, but I don’t understand how she could be aware of him in the first place. I bite my bottom lip as I reach the top of the stairs and knock on the door.

Nessa hangs back and I let out a breath of relief for it.Yay, we might just make it out of this alive.

As the door opens, my body stiffens and I can feel Nessa’s eyes on me while my gaze meets that of the bars owner.


“Hill,” Oscar greets, and the bar owner nods at him before Hill’s eyes find me over Oscar's shoulder.

“And who might you be?” Hill asks, a calculating glint in his eyes as he catalogues the broad shoulders and sinewy muscle of my enchantments illusion. I’m sure he thinks I could be new meat. I have to suppress a scoff. I’ve used a different alias when I have come here to let off steam in the rings a few times in the past, so I’m going to look like a complete stranger to him. I offer the man a lazy blink but otherwise don’t respond. I’m not going to offer him any information—not even my name—until he gives me a valid reason to.

Oscar clears his throat and shifts uncomfortably. “I’ve just come to collect my winnings,” he says, bypassing the question completely.