A mewl falls from my lips when his hand starts to move, fingers dipping down to slide through my slick before circling my clit. I’m so amped up that my thighs are trembling, body tense and on the cusp of falling over that cliff in under a minute. My toes curl, and I’m ready to fucking beg. “Please,” I whimper.So fucking close.

“I’ve got you, Love.” Dylan’s fingers speed up, his other hand shifting to cover my mouth before he dips two fingers into my core curling them to hit my G-spot, while grinding his palm against my clit and I detonate. My teeth clamp down hard on his palm, the sweet copper taste of his blood filling my mouth as I orgasm. I grind against his hand trying to wring out every ounce of pleasure I can, my body shaking with the pleasure offinallygetting my release. His movements slow, as the orgasm winds down and I go limp in his arms, body still trembling slightly. My mind too hazy to register much, or to panic over the fact that I just bit a vampire.

Breathing hard, I let my head flop back, lolling against his shoulder as he murmurs sweet words to me. Kissing up my neck, and nuzzling me intermittently. He lets his hand fall away from my mouth but my hands snap up, clutching his wrist as I lick his hand clean. He tenses under me for a moment before relaxing again, but I’m too lost in the urge to taste his blood again to fully register his reaction. That rich taste of his blood hits my tongue once more and I groan, not stopping until his hand is clean, and…healed? My brows furrow and I draw back, eyes intent on his palm.What the hell?In fact, what the heck was that whole drinking blood business? It was sogood. My tongue darts out to swipe over my lower lip, making sure to catch any drops that are painting my mouth.

My breathing speeds up as I draw back from Dylan, a new hunger springing up in my stomach. It has my stomach cramping painfully as an angry yowl comes from it.What the actual hell. I swallow hard again, panting, but this time with confusion as to what in this realm is happening to me. My jaw aches and I shake my head, hands pressing to my ears as new sounds assault me. Looking up, my eyes find Dylan’s and he jerks to his feet, face pinched with worry and panic.Great, he has no idea what’s happening either.I groan and snarl, backing up even more as my magic reacts, swirling through me.

The others seem to realise something’s wrong and jump to their feet, Lexi included. Suddenly a strange sensation fills my mouth before every odd sensation in my body stops. Everything except that new hunger.

Swallowing again, I bring my tongue up to press against my canines, already knowing what I’m going to find.Fangs.I have fuckingfangs. Goddess,as if I don’t have enough problems, let’s add another supernatural species and their powers to my body. It’s just so unexpected, vampires can be both born and made. I know for a fact that I haven’t been turned, because I definitely haven’t been bitten, or partially drained of my blood then injected with a vampire's venom. That would have knocked me out for at least two days where I’d basically be dead, and would stay dead unless the venom takes and I would then be a made vampire. So the only possibility is that this is something that’s only just awakening in me. The question iswhy? And what else do my mystery genetics have in store for me? I sit back with a huff, trying to blot out that hunger and ignore the way my eyes keep drifting to Dylan’s throat. The vein throbbing in his nec—no Nessa. Behave.

“I’m okay,” I croak. Reaching up to scratch my temple, I cringe a little when I find my nails have lengthened and sharpened to points as well. I have nothing against vampires, or part vampires, but I really didn’t need another surprise like this. Sighing, I get to my feet. I curl my fingers slightly to hide my big-ass nails, trying to hide my new vampire characteristics for now. I need a chance to absorb this on my own before I tell them about it. Relaxation time, over. Exhaustion weighs down my eyelids, but I force a close-mouthed grin, not meeting anyones eyes again. I need time to figure this out on my own. Plus I can practically feel all the guys' eyes drilling into me. I can’t deal with a bunch of questions right now.

“Thank you for this afternoon, it was really fun. I’m suddenly not feeling the best, sorry. So we’re going to have to finish this another day.” The guys step closer to me, faces all painted with concern, but I step back and shake my head, eyes focused on the floor. “Please, I need to speak with Lexi.”

I meet Dylan’s eyes and give him a tiny, but genuine smile. I also try to convey my apology for asking him to leave right after what we just did, but I know that if I don’t get some space, I’m going to lash out at the wrong person. And I don’t want that. Running a hand through my hair, I walk them to the door. Awkwardly, I squeeze Dylan’s hand when he passes me, and he smiles, letting me know he’s not upset. It makes my shoulders relax. Oscar gives me a gentle look and follows him, but Corin pauses. Leaning in he says quietly, “We need to talk tomorrow about what happened in the lounge room. Iheardyou.”

My brows furrow in confusion at his words, but I nod and agree to speak with him. I also notice the way he sucks in a deep breath, scenting me before he steps away from me. It has my cheeks flushing despite knowing that he literally watched Dylan get me off minutes ago. He leaves, giving me a tiny smile on his way out.

I suck in a full breath for the first time in the last ten minutes when they’ve all left. Then I let my shields drop, my shoulders curling forwards as I let my head hang forwards. Goddess give me fucking strength. A small hand comes to rest on my shoulders and I break down, eyes welling up as I wrap my arms around Lexi. Shame rolls through me for losing it over something so simple, but this means everything’s changed,again.

Again everything is up in the air. Ihatefeeling out of control like this. It’s driving me insane and there is no way to fix it.How the hell can I fix it when it’s my own body betraying me?I let out a growl and force myself to stop with the pity party. I suck in Lexi’s comforting scent, and hug her tighter. Gods, I’m a bad friend. I pull back a little and meet her eyes, scanning her expression. “How are you going?” I ask, brows drawn down. Anything is easier than discussing my own problems, so I’m happy to focus on her instead.

My bestie won’t put up with that though. Her eyebrows practically touch her hairline and some of that spunk that’s been missing recently, radiates from her expression. “Yeah, no. We’re not doing that, Nessa. You’re going to get your cute butt in that bathroom, wash your face, take a breath then sit down with me and we’re going to have a long chat. I’ll put the kettle on. Now get,” she says, giving me a little nudge towards said bathroom. Laughing a little, I rub my eyes and do as she says, shaking my head as I go.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Isettleonthecouch in my blanket nest, curling my legs beneath me as I blow on my hot chocolate. Sometimes situations call for something more sweet than coffee. It reminds me of morning’s with my dads’ when I was younger. Smiling softly, I let out a breath.

That is until a stern-faced Lexi pushes the coffee table back half a foot, before sitting on it. She sips her hot chocolate as she watches me, waiting me out. It doesn’t take long. “What?” I ask, eyes focused on my cup.

“You know what. I know it’s partially my fault I’m so out of the loop, but I’m doing a lot better now and am ready to be filled in. When did you get so close with the guys?” Her stern facade drops and she simply stares at me, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

“What are you talki—” I try to deny, but she cuts me off with a quirked eyebrow. “Fine, I’ve been getting to know them more.” It’s vague and I can tell she wants more information.

“Oh, I see. So that’s all you’re going to give me when Dylan just finger—”

“Oh Gods, stop,” I squeak, cutting her off while simultaneously almost spilling my hot chocolate all over myself as I throw my hands up, cheeks burning. I had no idea she knew what was happening. Groaning, I set my cup down so I can hide my face but she just laughs, shoving it back into my hands.

“Don’t stress about it, honestly. I remember those early days with my mates.” Lexi’s eyes turn far away for a second, a smile playing on her lips before she refocuses on me. “So, fill me in on what’s got you so out of sorts. I don’t think I have ever seen you like this, Nessa. What is going on?”

Swallowing hard, I focus on my drink again, taking a sip. “Everything is just so crazy at the moment. My magic has never been normal, but now that it’s unlocked, it’s been going a little haywire and everytime I think I have a solid grasp on it, it changes and then I’m back to square one. It is one hit after another and I’m losing the battle to keep it together,” I confess, hanging my head with guilt. I couldn’t even kill or capture Ethan. I still haven’t been able to and it’s been weeks since the attack with Lexi. Him taking a break from his murder spree—well taking a break from killing anyone on campus—has my freaking anxiety dancing on a tightrope and the control I usually have over my emotions slipping. It doesn’t help that he’s been leaving me gifts. The hair, the photos and severed body parts stuff. With those ‘gifts’ he’s been leaving me, unless he has a deep freezer somewhere full of questionable items, he must be able to leave the Academy grounds to find his victims. Even with my decent list of contacts it’s hard to keep track of everyone who goes missing or is killed. The Supernatural Realm is a harsh place. I’m antsy as hell about it all. I don’t tell her all of that though, because no matter how well she’s doing, I don’t want to bring that up for her. To shove my failure in her face.She could have died.

Pushing the thoughts away, I paste on a smile and look at her. “But I’m fine. So back to you?”

Snorting, she shakes her head. “No way.”

I growl, setting my half empty cup down on the table beside her. “What else do you want me to say? That I’m slowly going insane because of everything? That being unable to catch or even locate Ethan makes me feel like I’m failing you? That I’m terrified that if these guys find out everything, they’re going to leave me? Well then, fine. All of that and a hundred thousand other little things.” I thread my fingers through my hair, tugging on it as my wild eyes fly around the room before meeting Lexi’s. “You know it feels good when I draw someone’s worst fear out? That I crave it. It gives me a boost of energy that’s indescribable and I’m trying my hardest not to feel like a freak because of that. It’s like I feed off of their terror and pain. I’m not equipped to handle how that makes me feel.” I swallow roughly, my voice lowering to a croak. “And now I’m craving blood as well. My stomach is aching with it. Dylan’s blood was sweet and appealing. I wanted to take more,so badly. Now I have these,” I say, ramping up again as I flash my fangs at her and show her my sharp nails again, my hands visibly trembling.

Her eyes grow wide, eyebrows drawing down as she watches me lose my shit, but she doesn’t flinch at my new extra long claws and fangs. She leans forward, concern practically radiating from her pores. I can tell that she just wants to wrap me up in a hug, pat me on the head and solve all of my problems, but life doesn’t work like that. Life sucks.

That exhaustion from earlier bare’s down on my shoulders after getting it off my chest, and I can no longer meet her eyes. Unicorn flies in through the window and lands in my lap, nuzzling her nose into my stomach. I instantly start stroking her back, her scales smooth against my palm while I count the movements as I go.

Once again, hands brace my shoulders and I look up to meet Lexi’s eyes. “No matter what happens, you have me. I can’t speak for the guys and I’m not even going to pretend that you’ve told me everything that’s going on, or how far your reach goes into shady dealings.” I look away for a moment, guilt rolling through me again, but she grabs my chin and forces me to look at her again. “Don’t do that, shithead. I’m not daft; you keep me out of it to protect me.” She rolls her eyes and I laugh softly. Her face turns serious again. “Like I said, I can’t speak for the guys, but I’m going to be here for you whether they stick around or not. I could die tomorrow and you’d still be stuck with me cause I’d haunt your ass,” she says with a smirk. “Don’t forget your dads, they would literally walk through hell for you. You are not alone, you’re stuck with me. And don’t you dare try to keep me out of the loop when it comes to Ethan and the Drákon group. It’s personal for me now, and I want to catch that bastard just as much, if not more than you do. I have a feeling the two are connected.”

I nod and let determination steal through me. I’m not alone. I never will be, if Lex has anything to say about it. I snort again and quip, “I love you Lex, but I really don’t need another ghost haunting me.” She knows I’m just playing, but she questions me of course so I fill her in on what’s been happening with Aurora. I catch her up on nearly everything, but for now I leave out that Ethan has been leaving me ‘gifts’. I don’t want to stress her out with it after what he did to her. If he ramps up again, or she asks directly then I’ll fill her in, but until then I’m going to keep it to myself.