“No. You’re in fucking pain, and that strap is clearly hurting you, so you’re going to give me your bag.”

I stare, somewhat bewildered and turned on. I almost give in to him, his demand perfectly reasonable, but I decide to push instead. Maintaining eye contact I wet my bottom lip and tip my head to the side. “No.”

A delicious little growl comes from his chest before he stalks closer to me, only stopping when our chests are brushing. He leans down, bright blue eyes darting between mine and smiles. “You know, I forgot to mention it earlier, but you smelt fucking delectable this morning,” he murmurs, his smile growing when all I can do is stare at him, mouth parted in surprise.

In my shock I don’t react when he plucks the bag from my shoulder and gently settles his hand on my lower back, guiding me down the hall.

It’s the sound of fluttering wings that breaks me out of my trance and I turn around, eyes searching for Unicorn. I told her that she didn’t have to come with me to classes today because I assumed potions wouldn’t go well and didn’t want to worry her. So much for that. She makes a distressed noise and hovers above me, going to land on me only to change her mind when she notices the red state of my arms. That’s probably a good thing because the stinging seems to be steadily getting worse. She settles on Dylan’s shoulder instead and I reach over to scratch her head, reassuring her that I’m okay.

Dylan doesn’t protest having my familiar on his shoulder, merely sending me a small smile, to which I give him an inquiring look. His mention of my scent confirms that he knows exactly what I was doing in my room this morning and I’m not quite sure how to feel about that. I do know that it’s hot as fuck that he liked my scent. And his words—used as a distraction to get my bag or not—will be featured in some of my fantasy’s for fucking sure.

When we reach the infirmary I knock on the doorframe and poke my head into the large room and a smiling nurse steps out of their back room. It flattens into a frown when she sees the state of me and ushers me in, unbothered by Unicorn. Last time I was here I didn’t get much of a chance to get a proper look at the place so I take a moment to do that now. The room is similar to a gymnasium in size and style, but filled with privacy curtains to create private rooms. And for some strange reason, everything is a bright in-your-face yellow. Maybe they like torturing people? I cock my head. I could get behind that.

The nurse—Haley, if her ID badge is anything to go off—directs Dylan and I into one of the curtained rooms, and motions for me to get on the bed. I do as she says, and Dylan awkwardly wedges himself into a plastic chair on my other side, setting my backpack on the floor beside him. Unicorn chirps, sitting up a little, eyes darting between the nurse and me. My lips twitch at his tall, broad shouldered form perched on the small chair and I smother a snort. It’s almost comical. I’d outright laugh, but the stinging has devolved into more of a burn and the skin on my arms and legs has tightened uncomfortably. With that going on, I don’t want to see what tears if I test my skin’s malleability right now.

Nurse Haley dips out after I assure her that I have no life threatening injuries and leaves Dylan, Unicorn and me in silence.

“So,” I say, drawing out the word, just to fill in the silence. It’s uncomfortable in such a sterile environment. It seems pretty empty in here at the moment. “You stole my backpack,” I eventually land on then purse my lips to hide my smile.

“Don’t know if stolen is the right word to describe what happened. Removed it for your comfort? Sure. Was an upstanding gentleman and carried your bag? Sums it up pretty great if you ask me. Either of those would work,” he says, face mock serious.

I laugh, making my skin pinch uncomfortably, but unable to hold it in. “You’re a real charmer, you know? And what you said earlier about my scent—”

“Was true.Istrue. You smelt fucking amazing. You do smell amazing,” he says, all humour gone. Gaze intent on mine, completely serious, his eyes dipping from my face to my body. I’m sure I don’t look very attractive right now, skin pinkish and scent tinged with burnt potion, but the lust that flare’s in his eyes says that he doesn’t care. It has me sucking in a breath, a pulse starting up at the apex of my thighs.

I’m about ready to get up out of this bed—despite the pain I’m in—and say fuck it and drag Dylan into the nearest closet to have my fucking way with him. Then Unicorn does the funniest shit ever and successfully breaks up the mood. Letting out an especially squeaky-roar, she dives off of Dylan’s shoulder into his lap, effectively getting his attention. He curls in on himself with a groan, shoving her off of him gently as he cups himself.

Unicorn jumps onto the end of the hospital bed chuffing, quite happy with herself. My eyes grow wide as saucers, a shocked bark of laughter falling from my lips. Dylan gives me a dirty look before glaring at my naughty familiar.

Haley comes into the room with a worried expression, probably wondering what the hell is going on before relaxing when she sees that none of us are hurt. Well, not fatally so. She sends us a scolding look that has me grimacing and offering her an apologetic smile. She’s holding a vial of dark green liquid in her hand and moves up to the side of my bed to ask me a few questions that I answer the best I can.

“Okay, this should fix you right up.” I take the vile from her and pop off the cap. She sets down a shot glass full of orange juice on the table beside me and my brows furrow. “To chase it.” My eyes slide to hers and I lean in and take a whiff of the mixture. My nose wrinkles and I jerk back from the concoction, thoroughly regretting putting my nose anywhere near that. Rotten eggs smell more appetising. Haley grimaces at my reaction. “It tastes pretty awful, so I suggest you take it all in one go if you can.”

Lips pursed, I take a deep breath—away from the vile—then set it at my lips and tip my head back, gulping down the wretched mixture.

The thick mixture clings to my throat, and I hold back a gag when the rancid fish and sour milk taste assaults me. I force myself to swallow, my lip curling, body rigid. As soon as it’s down, I lunge for the orange juice and scull it. The zingy taste, mercifully, is refreshing and smooth after whatever fresh hell that vile was.It better fucking work.

As I think about it, I realise that it already is. Tingles roll over me, almost like when you’re ill and have hot and cold flushes, but it quickly turns to a pleasant tickling sensation before stopping altogether. I sit up and admire my freshly healed skin. Flexing my fingers and relishing that the action doesn’t hurt anymore. If it weren’t for the potion I’d’ve been on bed rest for at least a week for those burns. I glance at Dylan and he offers me a small smile.

Haley sends me a grin. “Looking a lot better, Nessa.” She checks over a chart and asks me another set of questions before stepping back again. “It seems like the potion has worked fully. You are free to go, but stay out of trouble. I’m sure you don’t want to drink that potion again?”

I shudder and shake my head. “Thank you, Haley, you’ve been truly amazing.” Like it was waiting for me to finish up, the sound signalling our next class chimes and I get to my feet and head for Dylan who seems to have recovered from Unicorn hurting him.

She cocks a brow at me, then ushers us out. Back at full strength, I shrug my backpack onto my shoulder and hurry to the hall, Unicorn perching on my newly-healed shoulder. “Thank you, Dylan. Talk later, okay? I gotta…”

“Go to your next class, I know. See you later.” He waves and I turn on my heel, jogging in the direction of my next class.

Chapter Sixteen


I’mwalkingdownthehallway towards my earth magic class when the hair on my arms stands on end. It has me pausing as I scan the space with my eyes. The hallway is empty because I’m running late, no students in sight, which isn’t exactly reassuring. Someone would be less likely to try something if there was a crowd of witnesses. The air to my right tingles before there’s a flash and Ghost Girl appears. My eyes narrow on her, taking in the neutrality of her expression. “What’s going on?” I murmur, talking out loud to myself as much as I’m asking her.

She doesn’t answer, just stares at me. I groan. “Never a clear answer, is there?”

Taking a deep breath, I sweep a tiny bit of my magic out to search for any magical residue in the hallway and it lights up on a trail. My jaw clenches as I scan the magic. Ethan.Why the hell would he just leave it here, out in the open where anyone could stumble upon it?I shake my head.There must be a reason.

I go to follow it, but Ghost Girl darts in front of me with a weird hiss and I flinch back, stumbling away from the magic. Good thing too because it flares to life before catching onfire. Blue fire. I suck in a breath. It’s fucking enchanted to cause me severe pain if I come into contact with it, but not leave a mark. A spell that’s usually reserved for torture. I’d be in a shit ton of pain right now if it weren’t for Ghost Girl. I swallow hard. My magic didn’t get a read on any rune or spell when I scanned the trail so I don’t know where the hell that came from.