It was not amusing. Derrick could lose his marriage if Catherine continued.

The carriage finally stopped outside the hotel Catherine was staying at. Derrick got out first and helped his mother down.

“Are you going to take the lead, or am I?” he asked.

“If your life she’s messing about with, shouldn't you do it?”

“Well, you’re just as incensed as I am, and you look ready for a fight.”

Lady Northampton sniffed and smoothed down her skirts. “A fight? Me? That’s not happening.”

Derrick couldn’t help but smile at that. With her demeanour right now, it would be no surprise if Lady Northampton started a physical altercation. She wouldn’t care about reputation if she was that angry.

He doubted he would be able to stop her.

Inside, it didn’t take long for the hotel staff to send for Catherine, who was in the breakfast room. Derrick and Lady Northampton were shown into an empty room, the sunlight streaming in from the small windows looking out onto the street. Lady Northampton sat on the settee, shifting about as she settled.

“These cushions are warm. Must be the sunlight.”

Derrick grunted and went to the window, going over things in his mind. He had to deal with Catherine, and then he was going after Ellie. He had to get her to realise that this was a lie, and that she needed to believe him. If he got her trust back, he would feel like the luckiest man alive.

“I’m still in shock over what that woman did,” Lady Northampton grumbled. “Honestly, I would have thought spreading rumours to split people apart for sport was something she had put behind her. Evidently not.”

“What would she gain?” Derrick asked. “I’ve struggled to understand why she would do it when we were meant to be friends.”

“Don’t you remember? It was your friends that ended up bearing the worst of it. She went after them the most, and they suffered more.”

Derrick had forgotten. But that was only because Catherine was indiscriminate. But to turn it on him? Derrick had thought she wouldn’t do that to him. Evidently, anyone was fair game.

Childish behaviour like this had to stop.

Footsteps had him turning towards the door, where Catherine was coming in. She did look splendid in a pale yellow gown, her hair pinned up in delicate curls. She momentarily faltered when she saw Lady Northampton, but then her surprise was gone and Catherine was smiling at Derrick.

“My lord.” She approached him, holding out her hands. “It’s a surprise to see you this morning.”

Derrick stepped back from Catherine, which made her stop. He moved to stand behind the settee, hoping that having something physical between them would help if Catherine lunged at him.

“This isn’t a social call, Catherine. I’ve come to you to say that you need to leave my family alone. I don’t want anything to do with you after this moment.”

Catherine’s smile faded. She blinked. “I beg your pardon? What are you saying?”

“I should have done this a long time ago. You had a childish attitude and liked to play with people’s emotions. True, I was infatuated with you, so I let it go on for far too long.” Derrick ignored the fact his mother was present with that last remark, focusing on Catherine. “But you’re stepping far out of line by going after my wife and telling her lies about us. You could ruin my marriage.”

Catherine snorted. “It’s a marriage of convenience, isn’t it? Why should you care?”

“I care that you’re making disparaging remarks about my wife to other people. I care that you’re telling her lies that we’ve had an affair.” Derrick bit back a snarl. “And I care that you’ve made my wife doubt me enough that my marriage is in jeopardy. Really, Catherine? Why go after me? What is wrong with you?”

Catherine folded her arms. “You and I were meant to be. That’s all.”

“But you’re married! And so am I! That’s not going to happen!”

“You think it won’t?” Catherine arched an eyebrow as she looked him over. “We might be married to other people, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care about each other. We can still have our… fun.”

Derrick couldn’t believe she was saying it in front of the dowager countess. As it was, his mother was staring at Catherine like she had never seen her before.

“Have you lost your mind?” he demanded.

“Not at all. I had to get married to my husband because I was told to, and I have to do what they tell me. Now I’m married, I have more freedom. And I get to choose what I want to do.”