That felt like a bit of weight off his shoulders, but it still didn’t make Derrick feel any better.

“Will Ellie come to that same conclusion?”

“I don’t know. I hope she does. She might not have said it to us, but she loves you.”

“She what?”

Regina’s cheeks went a little red. “I shouldn’t be saying it, but I think that it’s warranted. Ellie loves you, and hearing this… it would have broken her heart.”

Ellie loved him. Derrick let those words sink in. It felt good to hear it. If only he could hear it from Ellie herself.

“I don’t want her going anywhere, Regina. I love her, and I would never hurt her like this.”

“Well, Ellie is hurt, and she’s angry. That woman has gotten under her skin. And if something isn’t done about her, she’s going to end up breaking up your marriage.”

“I know that much.”

“So?” Regina put her hands on her hips. “What are you going to do about it?”

Derrick wasn’t sure, but he would think of something. He just needed to talk to his mother to figure out his next step.

“Whatever I do, it’ll be for good. I won’t let Ellie get away.”

Regina pressed her lips together. “I hope that’s the case,” she said quietly. “Because we like you as well. We don’t want to hate you for something this serious.”

Derrick didn’t know how to respond to that.

Chapter 21

Ellie felt someone shaking her awake. Pulling herself out of the deep slumber that she had fallen into, Ellie opened her eyes and saw a familiar face leaning over her, watching her with bewilderment.

“Lady Eleanora?”

“Ronald?” Ellie sat up. “I’m home already?”

“You’re back at your father’s estate, yes.” Ronald peered at her. “What’s going on? We weren’t expecting you to visit.”

“It was sort of… spur of the moment,” Ellie mumbled. She tugged her cloak down, having used it as a blanket, and rubbed her eyes. “I thought I’d come back for a while to see how Father is. I was worried about him.”

“Lord Gillingham is fine. The doctor is optimistic about his recovery.”

“Really? That’s wonderful news!”

It was nice to have something to make her feel better. Not much, but a little bit. Her father’s valet sat across from her.

“Are you sure you’re alright, my lady? You look quite pale. Are you unwell?”

“I wouldn’t say I was unwell.”

Ellie didn’t want to go into it with one of the staff; Ronald was a nice young man, but he was a gossip. It would be all over the house by the evening. She shifted across her seat and tried to stand up, only to wobble as her legs threatened to give way.

“I’ve got you.” Ronald half-stood to grab her, moving around to get out of the carriage first. “Come along, Lady Eleanora. If you’ve been travelling a long time, it’s going to take a while for your legs to recover.”

“I noticed.” Ellie held onto him as she got out of the carriage, standing for a moment as her legs started getting stronger. She released herself from Ronald’s hold. “Thank you, Ronald. Would you tell Father that I’m here?”

“Of course. Shall I take your belongings to your room as well?”

“If you would? I have some more of my things coming on a later carriage. I’m not sure when.”