“But Ellie…”

“Go, Regina.” Ellie made sure her tone was one that Regina understood. “Now.”

For a second, she thought her sister was going to argue, but instead, she stomped away. Ellie turned to Lady Catherine, who still looked smug.

“Your sister is very… fiery,” she said. “I thought she was going to attack me.”

“Shall we take this somewhere private, Lady Saxton?”

“It’s private enough here, isn’t it?”

“I prefer somewhere else.” Ellie gestured towards the garden door behind Lady Catherine. “Let’s go outside.”

They could stay there, but given the fact Regina would be returning to the ball with a face like a thundercloud, people might come to look for what upset her. Lady Catherine was up to something, and Ellie wanted to know what was going on. What affair was she talking about?

Following the graceful older woman, Ellie headed out onto the terrace. It was still light, although the sun was almost gone, so there were very long shadows across the lawn. Another few minutes, and it would be too dark for anyone to see properly. That was good enough.

Ellie moved off the terrace and onto the grass, heading towards a bench under a tree. The swishing of skirts behind her indicated that Lady Catherine was following her. At least she wasn’t causing a scene already. Ellie could only begin to imagine the things the other woman had been saying if Regina had overheard her say things she shouldn’t.

Reaching the bench, Ellie swung around on Lady Catherine.

“What are you doing? Why are you like this?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I don’t have time for games, Lady Catherine. I trust what my sister is saying. And given your remarks towards me despite my having not interacted with you beyond a superficial level, I believe you would say such horrible things.” Ellie folded her arms. “What is wrong with you? Why would you try to undermine my marriage?”

She thought Lady Catherine was going to deny it, but the other woman just tilted her head to one side and regarded her curiously.

“Do you seriously think that your marriage is solid? It was one of convenience, after all.”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Well, Derrick said he needed a wife to stop his mother from pestering him. You were desperate, so it looked like the perfect time to use you as a… prop.”

“Prop? What are you talking about?”

Lady Catherine sniggered. “You do know that Derrick wants children, don’t you?”

“And what’s that got to do with anything? It’s nothing to do with you.”

“Oh, but it is. Derrick needs heirs, which is where you come in. But the woman he loves is me.” She looked Ellie up and down. “As if he could love a woman like you. Penniless, unattractive, and pathetic. Who would want you as a mother to their children?”

Ellie felt like she had been slapped. How could she say something so cruel? And what did she mean that Derrick loved her instead?

“You told my sister you were having an affair with my husband.” Ellie hated that her voice wobbled. “Were you telling the truth or were you just getting under our skin?”

“You think I would lie about something like that?” Lady Catherine threw back her head and laughed. “Oh, Eleanora, dear, you really are naive. Do you honestly think I would lie about something like that?”

“But… you’re married! What about your husband?”

“I married him because he was wealthy and my parents wanted me to marry well.”

“Then why didn’t you marry Derrick?”

Lady Catherine sighed. “You should know by now that money and prestige mean everything. Derrick might have a title and his own wealth, but it’s nothing on my husband. Of course, it means that I’ve got to be around an old man, and…” She shuddered. “God, having his hands on me when he comes to do his duty… disgusting.”

Ellie snorted.